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Multiple Settings Murderhobo: The RP (Official)

The armored enemy, in retaliation for a near decapitation, countered with a chainsaw sword attack, slashing across Reaper's abdomen. The Ear of Horror empowerment allowed Reaper to survive the attack. While it would normally cleave a human in twain, Reaper experienced a deep gash from where the weapon hit. If he had an accelerated healing factor, Reaper would have recovered in no time. However, without one, he would have to be more careful. Another serious blow can result in unconsciousness or death. Fortunately, it wasn't killing and he was still able to fight back. Ranged weaponry seemed to be a risk-free method to finish off the enemy and heal up using the remains. To facilitate the finishing moves, Ronan and Krieg arrived, distracting the enemy.


A) Finish off the bleeder with a thrown scythe move

B) Get into melee once more for the finisher

C) Soften up with the shard launcher, then gut with the scythe

D) Just retreat and recover

Ronan and Krieg:

A) Rescue Reaper against his wishes

B) Help finish off the bleeding enemy

C) Pass the popcorn

D) Invite friends to join the fray
Try and mash popcorn fruitlessly into his mask.
The enemy was finished off completely. Ronan noticed Reaper's wound looked pretty bad. "We don't have the firepower to defeat all the fights in one go. I suggest we come back to get the big guns out. Also, our old friends are here. Let's help them out." All murderhobos were united for the meantime.


A) Help the treasure hunters out

B) Get bigger weapons

C) Make stuff up on the fly (write in)
(Write in)
Loot the enemies for armor, weapons, and supplies. Maybe find a dead medic for his stuff.
I hope they understand Murderhobo
Reaper was able to find a med-kit. He could heal himself and get back into the fight in a better condition. The treasure hunters understood the message and took it as a cue to get out of the fray. Ronan gathered up the gang to go back into the normal world. Suddenly, treasures flew to the murderhobos and their friends via colorful balloons. "A gift from the Trickster God."

A) Take it

B) Leave it

C) Run away in terror from the clowns
The gifts turned out to be pure precious metals and jewels with bonuses. This meant sweet loot to sell! The murderhobos bonus gifts turned out to be weapons and armor. Needless to say, the Ear of Horror wasn't fruitless entirely. Surprisingly, Reaper was healed instantly as soon as he opened up his gift. The group was entirely free to leave the Ear of Horror to store the goodies.


A) Take the bonus gifts

B) Leave the bonus gifts
Ronan too accepted the bonuses. "At least this trip wasn't fruitless. Let's go home to store them. Lest we be targets for thieves." The weapons included a molecular-sharpened disk launcher and a psychic glaive that resembled a scythe. Armor included was tough yet flexible. Twenty times tougher than titanium yet as light as a feather.

The group ran back to the starting point, rescuing the treasure hunters with them. "By the way, who sent you all?" Ronan was still suspicious of their motives. Red replied, "I think you know her from some time ago." It finally hit Ronan. "Aw shit..." Hopefully she just wanted to hire the murderhobos for a contract.

Some time later, they arrived back at the safe house. The treasure hunters officially became their crew , securing the place and acting as a source of support/cannon fodder. Occasionally, they would receive hints via colorful balloons regarding the next target. Apparently the Jesters were in the real world too. This merry bunch of murderhobos were deemed entertaining enough to the point they were indirectly assisted by Saigoroth and his merry bunch.

"You aren't alone on this Reaper." Ronan was quite uneasy as they all went home. The treasure hunters now were full fledged allies. "Now let's see what's going on this time?"

A familiar face showed herself. "Oh hello Patricia." "Call me Patty, Ronan." Things were starting to be interesting to say the least. Whether it's good or bad, time will well.

For now though, it seems that Patricia Armitage has a contract for the murderhobos. "While it may not seem much for one of your talents, I will compensate you for it. You may even find some objects you consider worth looting. Here are the coordinates. You'll love it." Where she wanted the murderhobos to raid was none other than Hallion Peaks. Rumored to have supernatural entities that guard treasures, those that come out alive report vast amount of treasure and danger. "While risk and reward are hand-in-hand, it's not entirely up to me to decide. Though I have my doubts that this place would hold a candle to the Ear of Horror."

Group choices:

A) Accept the contract and head to the armory

B) Deny the contract

(Let me know if you want to make up names for our rainbow friends)
More moneys are always great, no master the journey. I'm in.
A unanimous vote pleased Patty. "Feel free to bring your best weapons. I imagine your types looking for a good fight too." Ronan chuckled, "That too." Dual wielding with tomahawk and heavy pistol, Ronan was ready. Everyone else was free to help themselves in the arsenal before the journey to Hallion Peaks.

Reaper and Krieg:

A) Change loadout (write in)

B) Keep things the same

C) Purchase weapons of choice before the journey on the way
The murderhobos journeyed on to Hallion Peaks. The treasure hunters were drafted to the trip with bribes. Along the way, they found a most peculiar object. It seemed to be a coin of sorts. The murderhobos can investigate it or move on. Rumor has it that there was a missing key to Hallion Peaks.

A) Investigate the coin

B) Continue on

C) Make the treasurer hunters do the deed.

(Yes, they're our cannon fodder)
Fuck coins, fuck keys, fuck any of that. If it can't be solved with explosions, it really isn't worth it.

But mostly fuck coins.

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