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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm


During their exploration of the school, Claire was growing accustomed to her and Leon's little group, enjoying catching up with the Cop all over again given his time-displaced status. Not that he had totally realized yet, as far as she knew. However, as much as she didn't want to upset this Leon, something much more important finally came through on her end. It wasn't even a direct message, just a Morse-code pattern that vibrated against the outside of her thigh, her PDA relaying a message from The Foundation to all field agents that they should be seeking immediate shelter. Seeing as the proper Leon wasn't present, and this other one was a result of some anomaly anyway, she excused herself for a moment, claiming she was doubling back to the restroom. Her excuse didn't need to occupy any nosy members of the group for that long anyway, and once she split off, she instead headed for a janitorial closet on the opposite end of the school, closing herself inside and fishing out her PDA once more. The message was looping, and for now it was locking her out of using the device otherwise. Though, this wouldn't be an issue for long, given that there was no mistaking the sound of artillery impact somewhere within the academy, meaning that the cavalry had arrived.

Giving a two minute window from the initial explosion for any other shells to fall, she exited the closet, heading for the nearest exit to the exterior of the building that she could find. She assumed that if they were following breach and entry tactics of such an extreme measure, that there would be operatives flooding the building in short order. They would recognize her on sight, and then she could really get some business done. It was time to get to the true bottom of what was happening here in Arcadia Bay, and she was going to be at the front of that effort alongside the foundation. On her way to find the soldiers, she would receive another message, this time one specifically calling her to action from Director Clef. "Excellent." Claire mentally rejoiced, feeling much more at ease now that she had official support on her side. ( Akibahara Akibahara )

Jack was trying to pull a sneaky one on the soldiers that were possibly surrounding Pan. He activated his invisibility watch that would keep him off the tracks for a few as he walked and pulled a bit of neck cracking on a few of the soldiers to which he said as he tried to leave one of the soldiers alive



The operative to the left of the squadron leader fell over, his neck a twisted ruin. Unfortunately, his buddy to the right snapped into action, hoisting his rifle at waist level before emptying half a clip into the invisible figure who killed his buddy.

"Sir, we got another one!"

The squad leader flipped around, just enough time for...

A.) Fuck Jack. Surrender?

B.) Attack


Rhysie Rhysie KandiPoP KandiPoP

Three Foundation operatives trained their M4 Carbines at Pandora. A trio of lasers illuminated by their assault rifles fixed on the succubus before they lowered their firearms slowly, "Ma'am, you're coming with us. You can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice." One of them, their squadron leader by the looks of it, pulled out a pair of handcuffs. You could sense radiant energy fluctuate within: A power nullifier.

What do you decide to do?

A.) Go in peace.

B.) Attack.

KandiPoP KandiPoP

Pandora Kokoro

Location: Up Shit Creek | With: out a paddle | Feeling: Resigned to her fate
Pandora looked around her at the men with the guns. "Listen, boys... Maybe we can...make a deal?" She backed up slowly, her back now against the wall. She attempted to stall for time while she weighed her options heavily. "Look I'm not a threat and I'm...not okay with all these guns.....If....If I go with you...you gotta do me a favor okay...? I'll....I'll tell you what you need to know about Cain....and Abel...and..." She stopped staring in horror as two of the men's heads wrenched to the side with a sickening CRACK. Now she was in real trouble. They were going to assume it was her oh sweet Beelzabub she was lost. Maybe they would kill her and she could just go home.....Maybe....By infernal intervention, it would be a quick end... She was cut off by the sudden unloading of a magazine into Jack's body. Her eyes widened. "No turning back now" While the operative was distracted she unhinged her jaw, her fangs protruded and she sunk them into the man's neck, straight through the armor. She released her anesthetic knocking him out and wiping up to three hours of his memory. She then rushed to the wounded Jack helping him up and rushed off with him. "God damn it, Jack! What are you, stupid!?" She roared in frustration sprouting wings and leaping into the air, hoping that the back up was far enough away she could at least get Jack to safety.
Master Shake

"Woah there, settle down cowgirl. I haven't killed anyone. Look at me, I'm God's little angel!"

I was well aware of the gun being pressed against me. I couldn't tell you where she got it, but I could tell you one thing. You could never trust a feminist lesbian to own a gun.

"Look, I've been in the theater this whole time watching the performance. Didn't you see me cheering you on back there! I gotta give credit when credit is due, you are a fine actor! It all seemed so real, especially when that girl's head came off! I only wish I could've been there to see the part when the military blows through the roof."

"Besides, you don't want to shoot me. I'm a freakin' cup for God's sake! Have you seen these little hands of mine?"

I wiggled my armless hands to gesticulate.

"I couldn't lift my own dick it's so big, let alone a person! Do you really think I could outdo anyone in a test of strength?"

I pointed at the Asian chick who had already been here before he showed up.

"Just ask her, she was already down here when I had just come down this hallway. That was when that girl's lifeless cadaver flew at the window! Scared the freakin' hell out of me!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Akibahara Akibahara


It had been quite a while since she had been awake, and with a grumble Celeste sat up in bed, her actions over the previous day filling back into her consciousnesses one at a time. It was nice to relive those multiple rounds of fun with the Jedi again, which lead to her realizing that she was still in her ship, the little note left behind for her helping to clear up the situation as well. Though, after recognizing just how hard she had slept in, she nearly slapped the shit out of herself, rushing to pull herself together and look for an exit to the ship so she could drive back into town. Even though it made sense for her body to take a while to recover after being active for more than twenty four hours, including her drive into the town the day prior, and all of the sex, she was no less pissed off that she had let so much time escape her. While there was ample opportunity to poke around the ship and learn more about Kinara, the mercenary knew better than to go poking around in another Freelancer's stuff, she was sure the woman would be willing to show her on her own later.

After finally finding out how to lower the exit ramp, she sprinted down it before it even opened fully, leaping from the edge and using the same, spare remote to set it to close behind her. Making sure not to knock herself out after practically diving into her car, she got that going, burning out the rear tires of the Honda before pulling onto the road, heading for Arcadia Bay in short order. Though, she would have to abandon her vehicle quite a ways ahead of the town after seeing that a perimeter was being established on the main road, the very presence of such making a pit in her stomach. Celeste wasn't a people person, and cared little for most of them, but she wasn't above feeling shitty about possibly causing an entire lock-down on a town because she was being tracked. With a slam of her fists against the dashboard, she pulled off to the side of the road and killed the vehicle's engine, popping the trunk before exiting it. She didn't have her full set of combat gear with her, but she did have a bulletproof vest, helmet, and face mask, leaving her a few sets of padding short of looking like a juggernaut. With those on, she slipped on a grey duster over the rest of her body, and placed her hands into a set of knuckle-studded gauntlets, continuing towards the city on foot afterwards.

Celeste would avoid conflict wherever she could, trying to gain access to the city as quietly as someone her size could feasibly do, looking for any parts of the perimeter that haven't been established yet. Seeing as only the main roads were currently being focused on, she went about finding a path to the beach from the outside, heading further into the bay from there before cutting back towards the Diner, retracing the route she took with Kinara towards that hideaway. This process gave her some time to mull over what information she did have, being that some PMC or Security Force that she had never seen was currently holding some sort of raid on the city, which could possibly be at her expense. Though, as she got closer to the town from the beach, she could hear artillery fire in the distance, which means that this was way beyond her. Maybe something had happened with that storm last night? Many more questions were flooding her head that she had to drown out for now, especially considering that the diner she had met her partner at yesterday was completely leveled, and the streets appeared to be empty. Corpses of soldiers littered the street outside it too, meaning that someone or something was fighting back, not that she had a lot of time to process it before instinctively ducking at the sound of sniper fire. With what little cover she could gain from a vehicle nearby, she peaked through it's windows and around the sides to try and see what was going on, finally noticing a form in the distance dancing between cover ahead of her, with a glowing, green blade extended from it. "Kinara...?" She wondered, starting to proceed ahead under cover herself, hoping that her duster would help her blend in to the road as she moved along it.

During their exploration of the school, Claire was growing accustomed to her and Leon's little group, enjoying catching up with the Cop all over again given his time-displaced status. Not that he had totally realized yet, as far as she knew. However, as much as she didn't want to upset this Leon, something much more important finally came through on her end. It wasn't even a direct message, just a Morse-code pattern that vibrated against the outside of her thigh, her PDA relaying a message from The Foundation to all field agents that they should be seeking immediate shelter. Seeing as the proper Leon wasn't present, and this other one was a result of some anomaly anyway, she excused herself for a moment, claiming she was doubling back to the restroom. Her excuse didn't need to occupy any nosy members of the group for that long anyway, and once she split off, she instead headed for a janitorial closet on the opposite end of the school, closing herself inside and fishing out her PDA once more. The message was looping, and for now it was locking her out of using the device otherwise. Though, this wouldn't be an issue for long, given that there was no mistaking the sound of artillery impact somewhere within the academy, meaning that the cavalry had arrived.

Giving a two minute window from the initial explosion for any other shells to fall, she exited the closet, heading for the nearest exit to the exterior of the building that she could find. She assumed that if they were following breach and entry tactics of such an extreme measure, that there would be operatives flooding the building in short order. They would recognize her on sight, and then she could really get some business done. It was time to get to the true bottom of what was happening here in Arcadia Bay, and she was going to be at the front of that effort alongside the foundation. On her way to find the soldiers, she would receive another message, this time one specifically calling her to action from Director Clef. "Excellent." Claire mentally rejoiced, feeling much more at ease now that she had official support on her side. ( Akibahara Akibahara )


"Agent Red, status report."

An SCP Operative met Claire Redfield aka "Agent Red" outside, an MTF Commander judging by his appearance, hands pressed behind his back. He had white hair, a serious, give-no-shits demeanor, as he walked with the senior agent. Four MTF soldiers trailed to the left and right of her, "Ma'am." They greeted, nodding as they positioned their M4 Carbines at ground level. Outside, Claire was stationed next to a humvee with the word 'US Army' labeled on it's side. The trunk was opened, revealing:

A.) C4 Explosives

B.) A grenade launcher

C.) A tranqulizer rifle

D.) A Steyr AUG w/ 5 fully loaded clips.

E.) Tear gas

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord



Claire strode with confidence and determination towards her fellow operatives, giving the grunts a nod in return as they greeted her, moving over with them to the humvee where her supplies and the MTF Commander stood. After scanning over her supplies, she began the process of equipping them, sliding a harness over her TerraSave coat for the explosives, spare clips, and tear gas grenades, sliding the grenade launcher into a holster on her back before picking up the AUG, keeping the barrel perpendicular to the ground as she moved over to the officer. "Status report, please. I have quite a bit of information I need fed up the chain afterwards, and I'll need a personal communicator if I'm to be moving back into the hot-zone by myself. To avoid any friendly fire on my account or that of our soldiers."


It had been quite a while since she had been awake, and with a grumble Celeste sat up in bed, her actions over the previous day filling back into her consciousnesses one at a time. It was nice to relive those multiple rounds of fun with the Jedi again, which lead to her realizing that she was still in her ship, the little note left behind for her helping to clear up the situation as well. Though, after recognizing just how hard she had slept in, she nearly slapped the shit out of herself, rushing to pull herself together and look for an exit to the ship so she could drive back into town. Even though it made sense for her body to take a while to recover after being active for more than twenty four hours, including her drive into the town the day prior, and all of the sex, she was no less pissed off that she had let so much time escape her. While there was ample opportunity to poke around the ship and learn more about Kinara, the mercenary knew better than to go poking around in another Freelancer's stuff, she was sure the woman would be willing to show her on her own later.

After finally finding out how to lower the exit ramp, she sprinted down it before it even opened fully, leaping from the edge and using the same, spare remote to set it to close behind her. Making sure not to knock herself out after practically diving into her car, she got that going, burning out the rear tires of the Honda before pulling onto the road, heading for Arcadia Bay in short order. Though, she would have to abandon her vehicle quite a ways ahead of the town after seeing that a perimeter was being established on the main road, the very presence of such making a pit in her stomach. Celeste wasn't a people person, and cared little for most of them, but she wasn't above feeling shitty about possibly causing an entire lock-down on a town because she was being tracked. With a slam of her fists against the dashboard, she pulled off to the side of the road and killed the vehicle's engine, popping the trunk before exiting it. She didn't have her full set of combat gear with her, but she did have a bulletproof vest, helmet, and face mask, leaving her a few sets of padding short of looking like a juggernaut. With those on, she slipped on a grey duster over the rest of her body, and placed her hands into a set of knuckle-studded gauntlets, continuing towards the city on foot afterwards.

Celeste would avoid conflict wherever she could, trying to gain access to the city as quietly as someone her size could feasibly do, looking for any parts of the perimeter that haven't been established yet. Seeing as only the main roads were currently being focused on, she went about finding a path to the beach from the outside, heading further into the bay from there before cutting back towards the Diner, retracing the route she took with Kinara towards that hideaway. This process gave her some time to mull over what information she did have, being that some PMC or Security Force that she had never seen was currently holding some sort of raid on the city, which could possibly be at her expense. Though, as she got closer to the town from the beach, she could hear artillery fire in the distance, which means that this was way beyond her. Maybe something had happened with that storm last night? Many more questions were flooding her head that she had to drown out for now, especially considering that the diner she had met her partner at yesterday was completely leveled, and the streets appeared to be empty. Corpses of soldiers littered the street outside it too, meaning that someone or something was fighting back, not that she had a lot of time to process it before instinctively ducking at the sound of sniper fire. With what little cover she could gain from a vehicle nearby, she peaked through it's windows and around the sides to try and see what was going on, finally noticing a form in the distance dancing between cover ahead of her, with a glowing, green blade extended from it. "Kinara...?" She wondered, starting to proceed ahead under cover herself, hoping that her duster would help her blend in to the road as she moved along it.

The Car dropped, the SCP Foundation Operative was crushed, and Kinara was knocked off her feet, landing back on them before stumbling back a few steps, and leaning against a car, her breathing sharp and strained. Her eyes watered and her hand went to the bullet wound in her belly. There was a massive exit wound, maybe the size of an apple, in her back just below her ribcage on her left side. She was lucky it missed her lungs or heart, or even her stomach. Blood poured from the wound and from her mouth as she hurled, and the tears poured down her face. She couldn't feel the pain just yet - her body was still in shock.

But it was a wonder she was still standing.

The .308 round would finally impact a brick wall some ten yards further behind her on the other side of the street, and as it did, Kinara looked to the blood soaked hand, her other hand dropping the blaster pistol, and also moving to the wound in a vain attempt to try and stop the bleeding. Another mouthful of blood as she coughed, and Kinara's breathing began to speed up as she couldn't stop the bleeding. Years of Jedi Training and Meditation flew out the window as she'd never been shot with a physical projectile before. She didn't know how to react to this... so she did as any girl would. Except scream. She couldn't scream, the pain flooding her mind was too great, and she stood there in agony, hyperventilating as she tried to reach out to the Force to try and stop the bleeding.

Cars and other rubble began to rise from the ground with her Force Power as it flared itself, an artillery shell that was about to hit the road ten feet in front of her stopped in mid air, suspended there as if frozen. Living beings and anything they held would be unaffected, but everything else around her, save the car she leaned on for support, was at least ten feet in the air by now. Another cough, another mouth-ful of blood, and a pleading look came to those fear-filled, emerald eyes.

"P-please... help me...."

Akibahara Akibahara LunarDiscord LunarDiscord
Pandora Kokoro

Location: Up Shit Creek | With: out a paddle | Feeling: Resigned to her fate
View attachment 488641
Pandora looked around her at the men with the guns. "Listen, boys... Maybe we can...make a deal?" She backed up slowly, her back now against the wall. She attempted to stall for time while she weighed her options heavily. "Look I'm not a threat and I'm...not okay with all these guns.....If....If I go with you...you gotta do me a favor okay...? I'll....I'll tell you what you need to know about Cain....and Abel...and..." She stopped staring in horror as two of the men's heads wrenched to the side with a sickening CRACK. Now she was in real trouble. They were going to assume it was her oh sweet Beelzabub she was lost. Maybe they would kill her and she could just go home.....Maybe....By infernal intervention, it would be a quick end... She was cut off by the sudden unloading of a magazine into Jack's body. Her eyes widened. "No turning back now" While the operative was distracted she unhinged her jaw, her fangs protruded and she sunk them into the man's neck, straight through the armor. She released her anesthetic knocking him out and wiping up to three hours of his memory. She then rushed to the wounded Jack helping him up and rushed off with him. "God damn it, Jack! What are you, stupid!?" She roared in frustration sprouting wings and leaping into the air, hoping that the back up was far enough away she could at least get Jack to safety.


The MTF Squad Leader goes down without a fight, "Wha--" He tumbles over, unconscious, as the last remaining soldier's eyes widened. "Shit! Command, Marco and Wilson are down, over! I need reinforcements!" He screamed into his comm-link, sweat dribbling down his face as we await Jack's response. However, there was someone watching the scene descend into chaos. You couldn't see them. You couldn't hear them, but someone... or something... was watching.



"Dude, dude look!"

A few miles out of town, two brothers and a strange man in a brown trench coat comfortably watched Blackwell Academy through a pair of binoculars.

"That... doesn't look good. Should we step in?"

The man in the brown trench coat responded:


"No, we're not 'cool' enough for that."


The older brother, Dean, looked into the camera:

"Damn, we can't stand here, I wished we could do something about it.

Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel KandiPoP KandiPoP Rhysie Rhysie


As she got closer, she realized that one of the cars on the street had been levitating above some building nearby before dropping onto it with the force of a mortar, crushing what she assumed to be the sniper she had heard earlier, if the spray of gore that spattered off the edge of the roof was anything to go by. Though, much more pressing than that was the sight of the other figure on the road dropping her weapons and stumbling towards another car for support, figuring that they must have been hit by something during the confrontation. With no further reason to hesitate, given that sniper was nothing more than a stain by now, she broke from her current cover into as much of a sprint as she could muster. Though she couldn't see how bad things were yet, she was able to confirm that it was Kinara that she was running up on, as she had figured before, which only served to deepen the pit in her gut that had formed earlier, which only meant she had more worry to cover up with anger. Even though they had only met, Celeste was quick to form strong connections with people, and she cared a hell of a lot for them, seeing as she felt she could always protect them with her strength. So something like this was really hitting her in one of the only weak spots that she had.

The mountain of a woman faltered for a moment as just about everything around her that wasn't grounded started to lift into the air, assuming that this was the Jedi's doing before picking her pace back up, cursing aloud when she could finally see Kinara in detail, and just how much blood that was covering just about every surface around her. "FUCK! HOLD ON!" While her voice was muffled some by the face mask, the other woman would be able to tell who it belonged to, though she had yet to hear it so full of anger and worry. Celeste would tear apart that duster like it was paper, making as long of a strip of leather as she could out of it while tossing the excess away. Despite what her voice had already betrayed, she was glad Kinara couldn't see her face, because the woman could easily see just how bad that bullet wound was. Whatever caliber of rifle that that scumbag was using was at least capable of punching through light armor, and it had made full contact with her body, meaning that she had little time to act if she was to even stablize her partner. "Kinny, don't move your hands until I push them out of the way!" she shouted, giving the command to further occupy herself from letting any further worry set in. Using the strip of leather she tore away from her coat, she set about tightly wrapping it around Kinara's midsection, having just enough fabric to cover the wound twice over before tying it in a makeshift knot, applying extra pressure with her arm as she hooked that around the woman, lifting her up from the car and moving back in the direction she came from. "I've got you! Just... just try to focus on something, don't you go fading on me!" Celeste knew she would have to look for other soldiers, and pray that she could at least use her PMC history to talk her way into a medical tent, they would have to have one for their own wounded, and her partner wasn't going to make it without one.
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Pandora Kokoro

Location: Up Shit Creek | With: out a paddle with Akibahara Akibahara | Feeling: Resigned to her fate

Pandora landed by the Medic truck doing her best to stop the bleeding she knew she didn't have long before they saw her, if she left him there they'd take care of him. She hurried away knowing that best case, she'd escape. Worst case....well....Maybe an eternity in testing wouldn't be so bad.


Claire strode with confidence and determination towards her fellow operatives, giving the grunts a nod in return as they greeted her, moving over with them to the humvee where her supplies and the MTF Commander stood. After scanning over her supplies, she began the process of equipping them, sliding a harness over her TerraSave coat for the explosives, spare clips, and tear gas grenades, sliding the grenade launcher into a holster on her back before picking up the AUG, keeping the barrel perpendicular to the ground as she moved over to the officer. "Status report, please. I have quite a bit of information I need fed up the chain afterwards, and I'll need a personal communicator if I'm to be moving back into the hot-zone by myself. To avoid any friendly fire on my account or that of our soldiers."


The MTF Commander nodded, "Roger that, Agent Red. Your objectives are as follows: There's a sewer directly beneath Blackwell Academy, you will be given the option to flush your targets underground. From there, our ground units will capture the instances accordingly. Alternatively, force your targets outdoors. O5 Command has granted us enough firepower to level Arcadia Bay to the ground; and therefore, they shouldn't serve as a threat. The choice is yours."

Before stepping away, he faced Agent Red, a small smile equipped on his face before nodding,

"Ah yes, I nearly forgot. MTF Lambda-5 is at your disposal."

The Commander turned toward the four operatives, "Apologies gentlemen, I'm afraid your vacation requests to SCP-3651 has been denied. You're under the command of Agent Red."

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord
Forgotten Portrait

chrome_2017-07-21_02-32-14.png chrome_2017-07-20_19-55-38.png chrome_2017-07-21_01-08-00.png

Location- Somewhere over the goddamn rainbow || Interacting with who the fuck knows || Status: He Doesn't Even Fucking Know Anymore

Garry doesn't know what the fuck is going on, trying so so hard to stay calm. Now he's stumbling out of wherever he'd ended up after shit started happening and... trying to find a place to hide? He knows this school isn't the place to be, the poor dude doesn't even remember how he got here. His best hope is to avoid all these fucking soldiers everywhere, just avoid everyone, and get the fuck out of dodge. Hanging onto his bag of things like a lifeline, Garry tried to slip through the building quietly, looking for an exit that wasn't crawling with people that would make his continued existence a tad bit more difficult and painful. "Oh dear... What in the name of peppermints is going on? This is so very dangerous..." He muttered quietly, hoping nobody heard his slip of the tongue- it was much safer to be silent in these sorts of scenarios after all. When was he going to reach an exit? If he can't find one on the ground floor, he'd head up higher and jump to the ground- his limbs wouldn't stay broken but for a few moments and it couldn't kill him. Then he'd make an escape, because this was way too stressful for the artist, he still can't entirely recall the circumstances that led him to this particular position. Where even WAS he?! Was that a science classroom he just passed?! Poor Garry is so fucking lost.
The officer was disappointed that the soldier didn’t give them much leeway, but what can she expect, she is with a guy dressed in some old time germany uniform, “N-no objection here.” She flicked her badge back into her pocket as she got down onto the floor, quickly placing her hands behind her back just like the soldiers ordered. She wanted to ask the soldiers questions, get a feel of what truly is going down but she strongly believed any attempt to communicate would get shut down so she get complietly quiet.

Akibahara Akibahara Username Username
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Blackwell Academy | With - Chloe, Shake, and Touka | Condition - Cracked ribs

Of course, before the proposed – and rather one-sided – duel between the two heroes could get underway, a hail of bullets pierced the air between them. Toshinori didn’t know whether to be relieved or… Honestly, he didn’t have time to work out how he felt about the situation. All he knew was that this was his chance to escape from the speedster.

With a burst of adrenaline, the retired hero jumped to his feet and sprinted as fast as he could back towards the school. If he was being frank, he never wanted to see this damnable school again for as long as he lived – however long or short that may be – but it was the only place in the vicinity he could take cover. The path he ran was an erratic one, changing direction at unpredictable intervals to keep the shooters from getting a bead on him. Even so, he heard as bullets went screaming past his head, missing him by mere inches. Finally, he burst through the door and took refuge inside.

Once inside, Toshinori took a moment to rest his shoulder against the wall and catch his breath, his arms wrapping tight around his ribs as the stabbing pain in his side returned in full force. Shit, this was bad… As if the cultists and that crazed director weren’t bad enough, now the town seemed to be overrun with some sort of military force. Any one of them would have been a disaster on their own, but all at once? What the hell was going on here?

He pushed himself off the wall with a pained grunt, staggering slowly down the hall now that the adrenaline from earlier had fully worn off. He couldn’t stay here, and certainly not alone. He had to find someone, perhaps one of the others from out of town. They at least had seemed more or less unaffected by the madness of the town. That Jester, though... He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something distinctly off about them.

His travels through the school unfortunately led him back towards the art department, a location he certainly had no love for, but it would serve some purpose. He made his way into the room the director had brought them before, making a beeline for where they’d tossed his clothes. Alas, there was no time to change out of those damnable Regency clothes, but he grabbed his phone from where it was left in his pants pocket. Perhaps he could use it to contact someone on the outside. The Pro Heroes he’d worked with in Japan may not be able to help, but if he could get help from one of the American Pros… Just as long as they didn’t send their #1 guy.

Before leaving, Toshinori managed to find the director’s stun gun left in the room. The cartridge was spent, but he knew enough that it could still function at point-blank range. He then found himself wandering through the halls until he heard the sound of not-so-distant voices arguing with one another. He recognized them both; one belonged to the poor blue-haired girl that had been forced into that depraved play, the other belonging to that strange cup creature from the diner. He rounded the next corner to find that he’d been correct in his assessment, but also that there seemed to be another young woman with them. Alright, that was a sizeable enough group to stick with.

“Y-you there, young miss…” he called out to Chloe as he approached the lot of them, his voiced clearly strained from his injuries. “Were you injured by that blast at all..?”

( GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak )​
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The MTF Commander nodded, "Roger that, Agent Red. Your objectives are as follows: There's a sewer directly beneath Blackwell Academy, you will be given the option to flush your targets underground. From there, our ground units will capture the instances accordingly. Alternatively, force your targets outdoors. O5 Command has granted us enough firepower to level Arcadia Bay to the ground; and therefore, they shouldn't serve as a threat. The choice is yours."

Before stepping away, he faced Agent Red, a small smile equipped on his face before nodding,

"Ah yes, I nearly forgot. MTF Lambda-5 is at your disposal."

The Commander turned toward the four operatives, "Apologies gentlemen, I'm afraid your vacation requests to SCP-3651 has been denied. You're under the command of Agent Red."

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord



"Perfect, that should be easy enough. Though, before you leave, I'd like you to pass this information along. The cause of this situation as far as I am aware is a Keter-Class meteorological SCP. Which made landfall on Arcadia Bay as of 2000 hours the day prior to this one. Anomalous effects of the SCP are widespread throughout of the town, manifesting in a majority of civilians. A particularly high concentration of these anomalies have taken place at the academy, though that is due to a civilian known as Kate Marsh, who has become a Euclid-Class humanoid SCP herself. I have yet to see the full range of abilities that she is capable of, so take extreme caution when engaging her, it is not likely that she will surrender. She is also in possession of a Euclid-Class bio-hazard SCP, which has been distributed to a high percentage of the student population, with symptoms including increased aggression and occasionally glowing eyes. Infected students are expendable, unless they can be incapacitated and restrained for study. There are also a number of other, possible Euclid-Class humanoid SCPs located in the town as of now, based on other anomalies I have witnessed. Keep an eye out for them." With her report made, she gives the MTF officer a short nod before turning to the others, addressing them as a whole. "Don't worry boys, if we finish this quickly enough, I'll personally see that your vacation requests are granted, and extended. Now, get me a communicator, I need to be able to stay in touch with the lot of you" She orders, adjusting settings and sending out another message on her PDA, figuring that it should work now that The Foundation was present.
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The Car dropped, the SCP Foundation Operative was crushed, and Kinara was knocked off her feet, landing back on them before stumbling back a few steps, and leaning against a car, her breathing sharp and strained. Her eyes watered and her hand went to the bullet wound in her belly. There was a massive exit wound, maybe the size of an apple, in her back just below her ribcage on her left side. She was lucky it missed her lungs or heart, or even her stomach. Blood poured from the wound and from her mouth as she hurled, and the tears poured down her face. She couldn't feel the pain just yet - her body was still in shock.

But it was a wonder she was still standing.

The .308 round would finally impact a brick wall some ten yards further behind her on the other side of the street, and as it did, Kinara looked to the blood soaked hand, her other hand dropping the blaster pistol, and also moving to the wound in a vain attempt to try and stop the bleeding. Another mouthful of blood as she coughed, and Kinara's breathing began to speed up as she couldn't stop the bleeding. Years of Jedi Training and Meditation flew out the window as she'd never been shot with a physical projectile before. She didn't know how to react to this... so she did as any girl would. Except scream. She couldn't scream, the pain flooding her mind was too great, and she stood there in agony, hyperventilating as she tried to reach out to the Force to try and stop the bleeding.

Cars and other rubble began to rise from the ground with her Force Power as it flared itself, an artillery shell that was about to hit the road ten feet in front of her stopped in mid air, suspended there as if frozen. Living beings and anything they held would be unaffected, but everything else around her, save the car she leaned on for support, was at least ten feet in the air by now. Another cough, another mouth-ful of blood, and a pleading look came to those fear-filled, emerald eyes.

"P-please... help me...."

Akibahara Akibahara LunarDiscord LunarDiscord



As she got closer, she realized that one of the cars on the street had been levitating above some building nearby before dropping onto it with the force of a mortar, crushing what she assumed to be the sniper she had heard earlier, if the spray of gore that spattered off the edge of the roof was anything to go by. Though, much more pressing than that was the sight of the other figure on the road dropping her weapons and stumbling towards another car for support, figuring that they must have been hit by something during the confrontation. With no further reason to hesitate, given that sniper was nothing more than a stain by now, she broke from her current cover into as much of a sprint as she could muster. Though she couldn't see how bad things were yet, she was able to confirm that it was Kinara that she was running up on, as she had figured before, which only served to deepen the pit in her gut that had formed earlier, which only meant she had more worry to cover up with anger. Even though they had only met, Celeste was quick to form strong connections with people, and she cared a hell of a lot for them, seeing as she felt she could always protect them with her strength. So something like this was really hitting her in one of the only weak spots that she had.

The mountain of a woman faltered for a moment as just about everything around her that wasn't grounded started to lift into the air, assuming that this was the Jedi's doing before picking her pace back up, cursing aloud when she could finally see Kinara in detail, and just how much blood that was covering just about every surface around her. "FUCK! HOLD ON!" While her voice was muffled some by the face mask, the other woman would be able to tell who it belonged to, though she had yet to hear it so full of anger and worry. Celeste would tear apart that duster like it was paper, making as long of a strip of leather as she could out of it while tossing the excess away. Despite what her voice had already betrayed, she was glad Kinara couldn't see her face, because the woman could easily see just how bad that bullet wound was. Whatever caliber of rifle that that scumbag was using was at least capable of punching through light armor, and it had made full contact with her body, meaning that she had little time to act if she was to even stablize her partner. "Kinny, don't move your hands until I push them out of the way!" she shouted, giving the command to further occupy herself from letting any further worry set in. Using the strip of leather she tore away from her coat, she set about tightly wrapping it around Kinara's midsection, having just enough fabric to cover the wound twice over before tying it in a makeshift knot, applying extra pressure with her arm as she hooked that around the woman, lifting her up from the car and moving back in the direction she came from. "I've got you! Just... just try to focus on something, don't you go fading on me!" Celeste knew she would have to look for other soldiers, and pray that she could at least use her PMC history to talk her way into a medical tent, they would have to have one for their own wounded, and her partner wasn't going to make it without one.


"Don't move."

A squadron of eight MTF operatives moved in minutes after their sniper was crushed under the weight of a car. You could hear their boots stomping in rapidly, their M4 Carbines trained on the romantic duo, eyes pressed against their ACOG sights, "I repeat, don't move," a man stepped out, their fire team leader, lowering his rifle, "I see you're hurt. Look, shit happens. I understand you're worried a bunch of no name guys are out to kill you. We aren't. But if you don't surrender to us now, you're going to bleed out and you will die. As I see it, sweetheart, you only have one option. So what will it be?"

He reached into his pocket, unsheathing a pair of handcuffs. Through the force, you could feel energy radiating through it's metal shackles. Yet somehow, you knew, if they captured you and your lover with these restraints, you'd be rendered utterly powerless.

So, what will you do?

A.) Surrender.

B.) Fuck the Foundation. Kill. Them. ALL.

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14
Pandora Kokoro

Location: Up Shit Creek | With: out a paddle with Akibahara Akibahara | Feeling: Resigned to her fate

Pandora landed by the Medic truck doing her best to stop the bleeding she knew she didn't have long before they saw her, if she left him there they'd take care of him. She hurried away knowing that best case, she'd escape. Worst case....well....Maybe an eternity in testing wouldn't be so bad.

You and Handsome Jack fled the scene immediately. Blood trickled down Jack's abdomen as you rested his body against a medical truck. A Foundation officer immediately spots you two, nodding at the doctor in charge, "Doc, we got a live one! We need assistance, STAT!" Within a moment's notice, a group of Foundation medical staff whisk the two away into an emergency medical truck: IVs are inserted into Jack's veins, while a Foundation Doctor glances at a nurse, "Put pressure on the wound, Nurse."


"And you."

He shifts his focus in Pandora's direction.

"What's his name?"

Rhysie Rhysie KandiPoP KandiPoP
Pandora Kokoro

Location: Just around the river bend | With: Akibahara Akibahara | Feeling: Nervous

She looked at him complacently, deathly afraid of what was to come. "Jack..."


As she got closer, she realized that one of the cars on the street had been levitating above some building nearby before dropping onto it with the force of a mortar, crushing what she assumed to be the sniper she had heard earlier, if the spray of gore that spattered off the edge of the roof was anything to go by. Though, much more pressing than that was the sight of the other figure on the road dropping her weapons and stumbling towards another car for support, figuring that they must have been hit by something during the confrontation. With no further reason to hesitate, given that sniper was nothing more than a stain by now, she broke from her current cover into as much of a sprint as she could muster. Though she couldn't see how bad things were yet, she was able to confirm that it was Kinara that she was running up on, as she had figured before, which only served to deepen the pit in her gut that had formed earlier, which only meant she had more worry to cover up with anger. Even though they had only met, Celeste was quick to form strong connections with people, and she cared a hell of a lot for them, seeing as she felt she could always protect them with her strength. So something like this was really hitting her in one of the only weak spots that she had.

The mountain of a woman faltered for a moment as just about everything around her that wasn't grounded started to lift into the air, assuming that this was the Jedi's doing before picking her pace back up, cursing aloud when she could finally see Kinara in detail, and just how much blood that was covering just about every surface around her. "FUCK! HOLD ON!" While her voice was muffled some by the face mask, the other woman would be able to tell who it belonged to, though she had yet to hear it so full of anger and worry. Celeste would tear apart that duster like it was paper, making as long of a strip of leather as she could out of it while tossing the excess away. Despite what her voice had already betrayed, she was glad Kinara couldn't see her face, because the woman could easily see just how bad that bullet wound was. Whatever caliber of rifle that that scumbag was using was at least capable of punching through light armor, and it had made full contact with her body, meaning that she had little time to act if she was to even stablize her partner. "Kinny, don't move your hands until I push them out of the way!" she shouted, giving the command to further occupy herself from letting any further worry set in. Using the strip of leather she tore away from her coat, she set about tightly wrapping it around Kinara's midsection, having just enough fabric to cover the wound twice over before tying it in a makeshift knot, applying extra pressure with her arm as she hooked that around the woman, lifting her up from the car and moving back in the direction she came from. "I've got you! Just... just try to focus on something, don't you go fading on me!" Celeste knew she would have to look for other soldiers, and pray that she could at least use her PMC history to talk her way into a medical tent, they would have to have one for their own wounded, and her partner wasn't going to make it without one.

"Don't move."

A squadron of eight MTF operatives moved in minutes after their sniper was crushed under the weight of a car. You could hear their boots stomping in rapidly, their M4 Carbines trained on the romantic duo, eyes pressed against their ACOG sights, "I repeat, don't move," a man stepped out, their fire team leader, lowering his rifle, "I see you're hurt. Look, shit happens. I understand you're worried a bunch of no name guys are out to kill you. We aren't. But if you don't surrender to us now, you're going to bleed out and you will die. As I see it, sweetheart, you only have one option. So what will it be?"

He reached into his pocket, unsheathing a pair of handcuffs. Through the force, you could feel energy radiating through it's metal shackles. Yet somehow, you knew, if they captured you and your lover with these restraints, you'd be rendered utterly powerless.

So, what will you do?

A.) Surrender.

B.) Fuck the Foundation. Kill. Them. ALL.

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14

As the Handcuffs were brought out, Kinara's last bit of energy kicked in through the Force, and sent all the objects she'd been levitating flying in every direction, landing too far away to be of any threat to the Foundation operatives. Despite being tended to by Celeste, Kinara was still so lost in the pain that she had very little idea of what was going on around her. Once the knot was tied, Kinara fell to the ground and coughed up another mouthful of blood, slipping out of Celeste's grip as she did so, landing on her good side as her Emerald green eyes began to glaze over, and she faded in and out of consciousness.

"He-help... me" she managed to squeak out, reaching out to the air between the MTF Operatives and Celeste. At this care she didn't care who saved her, she just didn't want to die. Her breathing slowed down again, and her body began to shake as the blood loss made her extraordinarily cold, and her skin began to pale. "Please... someone....I don't... want... to...die" she spat another mouthful of blood and continued to shake, interrupted by periods of going limp as she lost consciousness. When she was conscious, she was terrified and sobbing silently, tears streaking down her cheeks from her now bloodshot eyes.

By default, Kinara chose option A. There wasn't much else she could do in that situation. And since one of the objects she flung away with her Force Repulse was one of the Artillery Rounds, she also saved the Foundation squad. In a way. She hoped they would return the favor.

Akibahara Akibahara LunarDiscord LunarDiscord
Forgotten Portrait

View attachment 488655View attachment 488658View attachment 488657

Location- Somewhere over the goddamn rainbow || Interacting with who the fuck knows || Status: He Doesn't Even Fucking Know Anymore

Garry doesn't know what the fuck is going on, trying so so hard to stay calm. Now he's stumbling out of wherever he'd ended up after shit started happening and... trying to find a place to hide? He knows this school isn't the place to be, the poor dude doesn't even remember how he got here. His best hope is to avoid all these fucking soldiers everywhere, just avoid everyone, and get the fuck out of dodge. Hanging onto his bag of things like a lifeline, Garry tried to slip through the building quietly, looking for an exit that wasn't crawling with people that would make his continued existence a tad bit more difficult and painful. "Oh dear... What in the name of peppermints is going on? This is so very dangerous..." He muttered quietly, hoping nobody heard his slip of the tongue- it was much safer to be silent in these sorts of scenarios after all. When was he going to reach an exit? If he can't find one on the ground floor, he'd head up higher and jump to the ground- his limbs wouldn't stay broken but for a few moments and it couldn't kill him. Then he'd make an escape, because this was way too stressful for the artist, he still can't entirely recall the circumstances that led him to this particular position. Where even WAS he?! Was that a science classroom he just passed?! Poor Garry is so fucking lost.

Garry walked for seemingly an eternity through Blackwell Academy. He dodged through bits of flames that threatened to swallow him up, many corpses, and... who was that? In the distance, you could see a dark silhouette. It's eyes glowed a malevolent orange. You could hear a 'tap', 'tap', 'tap' as it slowly walked toward you. Oh shit, oh fuck. Oh goodness. If you haven't met her yet, you felt relief... or utter terror as a girl sporting a white-on-black outfit stepped up and looked down at you.

The Jester
At: Blackwell Academy Campus//Disposition: Smug/Sorrowful/Afraid

Everything was shit. The show turned into shit as the very scenery was torn apart by massive payloads of metal and mayhem. Wood was upturned from the ground it was so rooted in, and everyone had became a red mist where they once stood. There was no audience to entertain, and with the last shreds of courtesy before his survival took full control, he bowed to the corpses, then ran off backstage. Only a few actors were still left conscious, or even alive. He found one gasping heap of a woman struggling to find her feet. He grimaced under his mask, but got to his knees and took her to his shoulder, both walking together. She was barely aware, but did her best to walk with Jester, putting one foot in front of the other, toes barely touching the ground.

The two barely made it to an overturned tree before they heard the shouts. Commands being distributed to peons. The blank mask of the Jester slowly faced the smoothed face of the dryad, as if to ask what they were to do. She shook her head, and the boots only got closer and closer to their tree-trunk refuge. "What are we going to do?" "That's a good question dear." The Jester slung his lute from behind him and plucked a single string. A small purple glow emitted from his hands before a rock appeared on his lap. "So, I've got this noiserock. It'll distract the fools long enough for us to get away. It'll be perfect."He hissed. "I can't walk. Anything else?" The finger went to strum again, but stopped, defeated. "We'll get through this. I promise. I'll find some way to distract the whole of them, and then you'll be able to hide long enough until I... Break free! Of course! It'll be difficult for them to catch me once we're on the carriages, I'm a natural charioteer myself-" "Please. We don't have much time for games! We could both die to whatever those soldiers are holding!" "Dart throwers? That does put a chink into my impeccable plans. I know! We'll-" The dryad interrupted him. "Look. You run that way. I'll run this way." "But you just said-"

Cim forced all of her willpower to stand. Stand for her morals. For what her people have taught her for her entire life. For the strength in unity, and in self sacrifice. She was whispered that into her mind when she was connected with Mat'Selesnya, and she would always live by those principles. With one foot after the other, she broke into a run for the first time in her life. The Jester had barely time to think when she pushed him out into the open, and his instincts for escape took over, sprinting as he heard the pop of gunfire behind him engulf the strange wood person entirely. By the time it had stopped, he was back inside Blackwell, having hopped through a narrow window once more. Glass adorned him with fresh rips in his costume, and a few cuts that weren't too deep.

At least, he lived. He lived, and that's what was important. He scrabbled to his feet, and took a quick intake of his surroundings. Lab equipment strewn on the floor, with funky chemicals wafting about the air. Students and their blood littered the floor, and with the addition of glass, it became a rather hostile place for bare feet. Lucky for him, he was wearing shoes. It was more than time to leave. He took each of his steps carefully to try and leave the room, each misplaced step crunching across the ground as he snuck to the door.

He heard something, no, someone else. A few someones, no bigger than 5 but no smaller than 3. Maybe, 4. His outfit was in shreds, his only good deed in the day was left most likely full of various holes, or worse, and now he had to figure out how he was going to escape this mess. He kept himself hidden by hugging the wall from whomever might be there, taking long steps before inching forwards with the rest of his body.

It was time to make his grand getaway from much greater forces than him.

( Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak )

(My vote is... Undecided as of yet. My next post will include my final vote.)
The officer was disappointed that the soldier didn’t give them much leeway, but what can she expect, she is with a guy dressed in some old time germany uniform, “N-no objection here.” She flicked her badge back into her pocket as she got down onto the floor, quickly placing her hands behind her back just like the soldiers ordered. She wanted to ask the soldiers questions, get a feel of what truly is going down but she strongly believed any attempt to communicate would get shut down so she get complietly quiet.

Akibahara Akibahara Username Username

You are indeed correct. The Foundation agents immediately haul off Elise and Max without second thoughts. On the plus side, due to your compliance with the SCP Foundation, you'll be given ample free time and privileges for good behavior as D-Class!

Zerulu Zerulu Username Username
As the Handcuffs were brought out, Kinara's last bit of energy kicked in through the Force, and sent all the objects she'd been levitating flying in every direction, landing too far away to be of any threat to the Foundation operatives. Despite being tended to by Celeste, Kinara was still so lost in the pain that she had very little idea of what was going on around her. Once the knot was tied, Kinara fell to the ground and coughed up another mouthful of blood, slipping out of Celeste's grip as she did so, landing on her good side as her Emerald green eyes began to glaze over, and she faded in and out of consciousness.

"He-help... me" she managed to squeak out, reaching out to the air between the MTF Operatives and Celeste. At this care she didn't care who saved her, she just didn't want to die. Her breathing slowed down again, and her body began to shake as the blood loss made her extraordinarily cold, and her skin began to pale. "Please... someone....I don't... want... to...die" she spat another mouthful of blood and continued to shake, interrupted by periods of going limp as she lost consciousness. When she was conscious, she was terrified and sobbing silently, tears streaking down her cheeks from her now bloodshot eyes.

By default, Kinara chose option A. There wasn't much else she could do in that situation. And since one of the objects she flung away with her Force Repulse was one of the Artillery Rounds, she also saved the Foundation squad. In a way. She hoped they would return the favor.

Akibahara Akibahara LunarDiscord LunarDiscord



Celeste cursed again as the two found themselves surrounded by just about an entire unit of whoever these fuckers were, knowing that even she could only take about a handful of them before she was pumped with enough lead to put her down. That wasn't even considering that she was carrying a casualty with her either, raising her free arm as a sign of her standing down, trying to keep pressure on Kinara as she listened to the head-honcho of the group speak, her face scrunching up in disgust as he addresses her with that filthy name. God if she wasn't carrying someone she had feelings for in her arm she would have risked death to detach his jaw from his head. Though her attention was brought back to the dying Jedi in her arms as all of the floating objects started to move again, was she really going to try and pull something when there were standing right there!? Turns out she used the last of her energy to send every suspended object in her grasp flying as far away as possible from the operatives that were gathered around, slipping out of her grasp unexpectedly as she trembled and continued to bleed out on the concrete beside her. The woman wanted so badly to scoop her right back up, but didn't want to risk being put down for "sudden movements", feeling her heart ache for the first time in a while as Kinara lay on ground and begged for someone to keep her alive.

Taking a moment to steady the whirlwind of emotions tearing apart her brain and her heart as best she could, Celeste addressed the soldiers. "Just get her medical attention please, she just saved all of us, even while on the brink of death herself. Though, don't fucking touch me, I've done PMC work before and I know how to handle myself, I'm not going to try anything stupid..." She desperatley wanted to add on "If you call me something like that again I'll turn you into a fucking modern art piece", but she forcibly bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood to stop herself from doing so, lowering her hands slowly as she finally made a slow, steady effort to pick Kinara off of the ground, hugging the dying woman against her body, using it and her arms to try and lay pressure down on the wound once more, squeezing as hard as she could without causing further damage. "I'll carry her, lead the way."


"Perfect, that should be easy enough. Though, before you leave, I'd like you to pass this information along. The cause of this situation as far as I am aware is a Keter-Class meteorological SCP. Which made landfall on Arcadia Bay as of 2000 hours the day prior to this one. Anomalous effects of the SCP are widespread throughout of the town, manifesting in a majority of civilians. A particularly high concentration of these anomalies have taken place at the academy, though that is due to a civilian known as Kate Marsh, who has become a Euclid-Class humanoid SCP herself. I have yet to see the full range of abilities that she is capable of, so take extreme caution when engaging her, it is not likely that she will surrender. She is also in possession of a Euclid-Class bio-hazard SCP, which has been distributed to a high percentage of the student population, with symptoms including increased aggression and occasionally glowing eyes. Infected students are expendable, unless they can be incapacitated and restrained for study. There are also a number of other, possible Euclid-Class humanoid SCPs located in the town as of now, based on other anomalies I have witnessed. Keep an eye out for them." With her report made, she gives the MTF officer a short nod before turning to the others, addressing them as a whole. "Don't worry boys, if we finish this quickly enough, I'll personally see that your vacation requests are granted, and extended. Now, get me a communicator, I need to get in touch with MTF Lambda-5" She orders, adjusting settings and sending out another message on her PDA, figuring that it should work now that The Foundation was present.

The MTF Commander nods, "As you wish, Agent Red." He extends a hand, revealing a metallic comm-link which seems to fit your ear. It's tuned to the Foundation's frequency. If you put it on, you could hear commotion and relayed commands to focus on Blackwell Academy. Arcadia Bay, for all intents and purposes, was contained by the Foundation with minimal causalities: A dead Foundation sniper, crushed by a car, some guy got his neck snapped, while his buddy remained unconscious, but injected with some sort of amnestic by an -1 instance. Other than that, not much else.

You could hear footsteps run toward your location:

and [IMG='width:212px;']https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/life-is-strange/images/5/59/Warren_.png/revision/latest?cb=20170925004423[/IMG]

"Oh. My. God."

Victoria Chase and Warren Graham bumped into Agent Red, the MTF Commander, and your Lambda-5 squadron.

The Commander, expressionless, looked at Agent Red.


A.) Capture them.

B.) Kill them.

C.) Something else.

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord


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