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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

He walked up to Wolfe. "no one can hear us in here." He said. "it's time to burn in hell."

He got changed. He looked at the cybernetic arm.
"Help!" He shouted and struggled knowing it was no use since Sans held his soul. He was done for. He knew it.

Margo waited outside.
"Help!" He shouted and struggled knowing it was no use since Sans held his soul. He was done for. He knew it.

Margo waited outside.
"I won't kill you. you have a purpose not serve." He said. He took him and started walking through the ship. A stormtrooper ran to Jaden's room. Sir. There's someone in a rampage." Stormtroopers couldn't stop Sans. All of them were thrown against the wall as he dragged Wolfe. He went up to the top of the shio. "listen up you empire cronies. this here is your top scientist. see how he's all bloodied up? let this be a warning to you. you cannot control me by threatening my family. you can do what you want to me. or my friends fine. but if any of you even thinks about hurting my father, or my bother, i will kill you all."

He came out wearing his brown thieves armor. But the left sleeve was gone replaced with the robotic arm.
"I won't kill you. you have a purpose not serve." He said. He took him and started walking through the ship. A stormtrooper ran to Jaden's room. Sir. There's someone in a rampage." Stormtroopers couldn't stop Sans. All of them were thrown against the wall as he dragged Wolfe. He went up to the top of the shio. "listen up you empire cronies. this here is your top scientist. see how he's all bloodied up? let this be a warning to you. you cannot control me by threatening my family. you can do what you want to me. or my friends fine. but if any of you even thinks about hurting my father, or my bother, i will kill you all."

He came out wearing his brown thieves armor. But the left sleeve was gone replaced with the robotic arm.
Jaden went to see the commotion. "Hmm..Wolfe seems to have messed with the wrong person. "

"Ready?" She asked.
Jaden went to see the commotion. "Hmm..Wolfe seems to have messed with the wrong person. "

"Ready?" She asked.
He flipped Wolfe over the railing and let him fall 80 foot drop before teleporting onto Dabria's ship.

"Ready. Just one more thing." He kissed her on the lips and pulled away before she could give any response. "For luck." He walked into the ship. He knew at this point she wouldn't have kissed back. But he had managed to find a crack in that cold exterior. And he was going to break through and get her to love him back.
He flipped Wolfe over the railing and let him fall 80 foot drop before teleporting onto Dabria's ship.

"Ready. Just one more thing." He kissed her on the lips and pulled away before she could give any response. "For luck." He walked into the ship. He knew at this point she wouldn't have kissed back. But he had managed to find a crack in that cold exterior. And he was going to break through and get her to love him back.
Dabria had just tekeported to the nearest land. She didn't even know where she was. They could be stowaway on a ship for all that she knew. She was laying down on the ground barely awake, she remade her halo appear with she held onto incase anyone tried to attack them. She was going to protect Latina while Sans wasn't here. Occasionally she was mumbling to the figure she saw but Latina couldn't hear what she was saying.

Margo blushed. "Hey!" She shouted. "I didn't say you could do that! Just because you almost die does not mean you can kiss me"
Dabria had just tekeported to the nearest land. She didn't even know where she was. They could be stowaway on a ship for all that she knew. She was laying down on the ground barely awake, she remade her halo appear with she held onto incase anyone tried to attack them. She was going to protect Latina while Sans wasn't here. Occasionally she was mumbling to the figure she saw but Latina couldn't hear what she was saying.

Margo blushed. "Hey!" She shouted. "I didn't say you could do that! Just because you almost die does not mean you can kiss me"
Sans appeared next to her.

He just laughed as he got on the ship.
Sans appeared next to her.

He just laughed as he got on the ship.
"Done beating up wolfe?" She asked, the halo vanishing from her hand. The figure chuckled. "Well he is back isn't he dear?" The reaper mumbled. "Yes I know mother.."

She followed him on the ship.
"Done beating up wolfe?" She asked, the halo vanishing from her hand. The figure chuckled. "Well he is back isn't he dear?" The reaper mumbled. "Yes I know mother.."

She followed him on the ship.
He just walked past her over to Latina.

They took off once more.
"thanks for watching her." He said

They landed back at the leave village. Hiro had used his chakra to activate the scroll. He looked like himself again.
"No problem. Thanks for freeing me." She said.

"Guess the scroll does work." Margo said. Upon seeing Hiro. Sakura ran over and hugged him.
He teleported back to the monsters with Latina.

He hugged her back. "Alright. Time for our pay."
She sighed. "Well at least she's safe..." she wondered about Sam and Vita. She hoped they were still alive. She laid back down on the ground and fell asleep. She would need to regain some of her strength to find out and to fight Conquest, knowing he would try to come after her again..hell he might even try while she was sleeping.

She handed the thieves their payment.
She sighed. "Well at least she's safe..." she wondered about Sam and Vita. She hoped they were still alive. She laid back down on the ground and fell asleep. She would need to regain some of her strength to find out and to fight Conquest, knowing he would try to come after her again..hell he might even try while she was sleeping.

She handed the thieves their payment.
She heard a voice in her head. Sam's voice. "Dabria? Dabria?!"

"Awesome. Now to enjoy our spoils. I hear this place has a pretty rocking ramen shop. We should check it out."
"I can't find anyone else."

He ordered a pork broth.
"My brothers are dead..I don't know about Vita..." She thought. The figure was still around"he probably is still alive." She said. Dabria sighed and thought. "And I'm still seeing things.. I'll be there in a minute" she focused on Sam's soul and appeared next to him. She stumbled and Sam could see she was in a prison uniform.

Margo ordered the same. "Hmm..Corrin I want to get stronger..we only got out of the gods because of some luck. This world is more crazier than what I grew up in."
"My brothers are dead..I don't know about Vita..." She thought. The figure was still around"he probably is still alive." She said. Dabria sighed and thought. "And I'm still seeing things.. I'll be there in a minute" she focused on Sam's soul and appeared next to him. She stumbled and Sam could see she was in a prison uniform.

Margo ordered the same. "Hmm..Corrin I want to get stronger..we only got out of the gods because of some luck. This world is more crazier than what I grew up in."
Sam looked at her. "You okay?"

"I know." He said. "And I have an idea." He saodm
Sam looked at her. "You okay?"

"I know." He said. "And I have an idea." He saodm
"Mostly I'm tired.." she answered. "My body is healing itself still so nothing really hurts right now or I at least don't really feel it..it's been a long few weeks." The figure looked at Sam and smiled. "Your friend seems nice." The reaper rubbed her eyes. "He is mother." She muttered. The figure nods. "That's good. You'll need your friends now more than ever since.." before the figure could finish Dabria just seemed to snap, looking furious. "Since their dead! War, famine, Pestilence and Death are dead. I couldn't save them! They are the ones who should be here! Now Conquest is more powerful than ever and he just kept me alive to suffer in more ways than he could imagine.."

"You do what is it?" She asked.
"Mostly I'm tired.." she answered. "My body is healing itself still so nothing really hurts right now or I at least don't really feel it..it's been a long few weeks." The figure looked at Sam and smiled. "Your friend seems nice." The reaper rubbed her eyes. "He is mother." She muttered. The figure nods. "That's good. You'll need your friends now more than ever since.." before the figure could finish Dabria just seemed to snap, looking furious. "Since their dead! War, famine, Pestilence and Death are dead. I couldn't save them! They are the ones who should be here! Now Conquest is more powerful than ever and he just kept me alive to suffer in more ways than he could imagine.."

"You do what is it?" She asked.
"Dabria?" He asked.

"Well... There's supposed to be an item that can... Make us stronger. Allow us to learn practically anything.," He said.
"Dabria?" He asked.

"Well... There's supposed to be an item that can... Make us stronger. Allow us to learn practically anything.," He said.
She frowned and held her head. "Sorry..I didn't mean to yell..not at you Sam..I'm seeing Mother.." the figure walked closer to her. ",Sorry dear. Im not trying to get you upset. "

"And what is it? Sounds like it's an object that comes at a price" she nods listening.

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