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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"Sorry..just haven't felt right." She frowned. "I ran after a shadow while you were in hiro's memories "

"Nice" she nods
He put an arm around her. "We'll focus on that later. I can sense you're emotions." He said.

Shadowstalker's eyes glowed yellow. "This is the stalker part. I can see tracks and make out little details.
He put an arm around her. "We'll focus on that later. I can sense you're emotions." He said.

Shadowstalker's eyes glowed yellow. "This is the stalker part. I can see tracks and make out little details.
Prym sighs. "Alright"

Sage nods. "That's perfect"
"Okay let's go" she said

Sage follows
They went to a meat barbecue and ordered a sample platter. A little of everything.

"This is weird." Shadowstalker said running his fingers across some tracks."If I didn't know better I'd say the cause of this was... Giant molerats."
They went to a meat barbecue and ordered a sample platter. A little of everything.

"This is weird." Shadowstalker said running his fingers across some tracks."If I didn't know better I'd say the cause of this was... Giant molerats."
Prym looked at the food. "Looks good"

"They look like mole tracks" she said
It was very good food. Eating made her feel a little better.

"Guys... We're not alone." Peter said looking around. "All around us. I can sense it."
"It's good." She said with a small smile.

Sage nods and stands ready. "Okay I'm ready for them."
"It's good." She said with a small smile.

Sage nods and stands ready. "Okay I'm ready for them."
Rin smiled. "It is." He scooted closer.

Peter turned and grabbed a giant molerats as it nawed and bit at him trying to reach him.

Each bite made her feel a little better. Whatever this power was it wasn't nearly as bad as the sleep.

"And strong." Peter said throwing it to the side.
"this was a good idea Rin. I feel a bit better" she said

Sage nods making several light orbs surround them. She figured that maybe they would have bad eyesight like normal moles.
"this was a good idea Rin. I feel a bit better" she said

Sage nods making several light orbs surround them. She figured that maybe they would have bad eyesight like normal moles.
"Good because first chance we get we're going after that shadow."

These irradiated molerats had grey eyes. They were already blind. They must have been using other senses. Shadowstalker becamce visible and slashed one with his claws.
"Good because first chance we get we're going after that shadow."

These irradiated molerats had grey eyes. They were already blind. They must have been using other senses. Shadowstalker becamce visible and slashed one with his claws.
"Yeah " she nods. "It must have some kind of motive."

Sage made vines to wrap around a mole.
"Yeah.. it looked like a person. He had black hair and black eyes." She said

Sage kept tying them up
Rin wrote that down.

A little while later Kakashi called team 7 to the forest. Hiro showed up decked out in New gear.


"I need a blood sample." Peter said.

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