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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"Yeah I'm trying." She said jumping to a bench. She kept going, doing her best to get closer to the finish. She used her magic every once in awhile to help her along.
As she went the lava began to rise steadily. "Time is running out. You must be being faster no?"
She was close to the end. "You are being at the final stretch. Now you must pick one. Add more people that you must be saving. Or add something to make things harder for you."
"So sounds like either option means I have to save people. I think I'll pick the add something if it means less people are in danger " she said
"Really you are the other option." Sage frowned. Red looked around. "Hmm this is unexpected but in fine with that."
Red. She's got traces of another symbiote in her. I think there's enough genetic material to spawn a new one. Sludge said. If you can get me close... I think we can take control of it. Get a new one on our side.
Red. She's got traces of another symbiote in her. I think there's enough genetic material to spawn a new one. Sludge said. If you can get me close... I think we can take control of it. Get a new one on our side.
Red smirked. oo that sounds fun. She goes toward Sage and kicks her, stumbles back almost off what she was standing on. Sage frowned. "To think the toy maker knew about you." Red laughed. "Hmm maybe I should meet him sometime".
Red smirked. oo that sounds fun. She goes toward Sage and kicks her, stumbles back almost off what she was standing on. Sage frowned. "To think the toy maker knew about you." Red laughed. "Hmm maybe I should meet him sometime".
"Fight!" The Toymaker said. "Red should you win this game of vs. You win a magnificent prize. I will reassurect your master demon. Prince he was being called."

Meanwhile Ben had returned to Tamriel this time in Cyriodiil. (Pick anyone to be with him or je could meet someone new)
"Fight!" The Toymaker said. "Red should you win this game of vs. You win a magnificent prize. I will reassurect your master demon. Prince he was being called."

Meanwhile Ben had returned to Tamriel this time in Cyriodiil. (Pick anyone to be with him or je could meet someone new)
"You can bring him back?" Red smiled. Sage looked around. "No. Toy maker that is someone who doesnt deserve to be back. " Red sent a fire ball at her. "Scared to see him? " sage crossed her arms and made a shield blocking it. "Just enough. His time ran out he shouldnt come back." Sage thought about all the stuff she seen her Prince do. She ran at Red and punched her in the face hard. There was alot of anger in that punch, there was the sound of bone crunching. "Ah.." red said and chuckled slightly. "Rage... you have alot of it Sage. " Red's more demonic appearance came forth. Horns growing out of her head. "If you had a chance to bring your pathetic master back would you? Or even your parents? I'm doing what I have to. " her hands were now claws as she scratched Sage's face. Sludge do it. Let's see a new symbiote.

(Hmm I think I'll go with Prym. Been awhile since I used her) Prym was walking around. She had gotten a vision to come here. She was unsure why.
"You can bring him back?" Red smiled. Sage looked around. "No. Toy maker that is someone who doesnt deserve to be back. " Red sent a fire ball at her. "Scared to see him? " sage crossed her arms and made a shield blocking it. "Just enough. His time ran out he shouldnt come back." Sage thought about all the stuff she seen her Prince do. She ran at Red and punched her in the face hard. There was alot of anger in that punch, there was the sound of bone crunching. "Ah.." red said and chuckled slightly. "Rage... you have alot of it Sage. " Red's more demonic appearance came forth. Horns growing out of her head. "If you had a chance to bring your pathetic master back would you? Or even your parents? I'm doing what I have to. " her hands were now claws as she scratched Sage's face. Sludge do it. Let's see a new symbiote.

(Hmm I think I'll go with Prym. Been awhile since I used her) Prym was walking around. She had gotten a vision to come here. She was unsure why.
Sludge left a little of himself in her. It will take time. But I should have a link with it when it js ready

Last time she was here was she had met Rin the first time. Now she was sent to the Imperial City. It was a huge vustling city with a huge tower in the middle
Sludge left a little of himself in her. It will take time. But I should have a link with it when it js ready

Last time she was here was she had met Rin the first time. Now she was sent to the Imperial City. It was a huge vustling city with a huge tower in the middle
Nice to get a new ally on our side Red smirked. Sage steps back. "I'm not having you win. I've learned some tricks of my own" Her fist covered in stone like Mudd's and she went to punch her again. Red blocked by grabbing it. "Nice but your still no master." She tossed Sage onto another near by platform.

"Hmm it's been a long time since I been here. Things have changed alot." Prym smiled. She got to the large tower and looked up at it
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Nice to get a new ally on our side Red smirked. Sage steps back. "I'm not having you win. I've learned some tricks of my own" Her fist covered in stone like Mudd's and she went to punch her again. Red blocked by grabbing it. "Nice but your still no master." She tossed Sage onto another near by platform.

"Hmm it's been a long time since I been here. Things have changed alot." Prym smiled. She got to the large tower and looked up at it
(I don't think she's ever been Cyriodiil. Rin found her in Skyrim)
There was a young man fiddling with something on his wrist. He was leaned up against a wooden stand where someone was seeling clothes.

Sludge made himself known now. Becoming Ree's exterior suit and powering her up
(I don't think she's ever been Cyriodiil. Rin found her in Skyrim)
There was a young man fiddling with something on his wrist. He was leaned up against a wooden stand where someone was seeling clothes.

Sludge made himself known now. Becoming Ree's exterior suit and powering her up
(Oh my bad) prym looked over wondering what he was fiddling with.

"Really I couldnt have slime but you get sludge. So unfair." Sage got up and tossed a fire ball at her. Red dodged it. "Its just how the cards were dealt. " she ran at her and kicked her.
(Oh my bad) prym looked over wondering what he was fiddling with.

"Really I couldnt have slime but you get sludge. So unfair." Sage got up and tossed a fire ball at her. Red dodged it. "Its just how the cards were dealt. " she ran at her and kicked her.
He looked up as someone approached him. They started talking she heard words like charity and fights.

"Would you like to be summoning a friend?" The Toymaker asked.
He looked up as someone approached him. They started talking she heard words like charity and fights.

"Would you like to be summoning a friend?" The Toymaker asked.
Prym got closer to listen better. Her curiosity a bit peaked.

"Yes if that would make things fair." Sage said before punching red. Red took the hit. Any idea how long till the new symbiote? She asked trying to keep distracting Sage.
Prym got closer to listen better. Her curiosity a bit peaked.

"Yes if that would make things fair." Sage said before punching red. Red took the hit. Any idea how long till the new symbiote? She asked trying to keep distracting Sage.
"And just to be clear. I'm not killing anyone in these fights." The man said. "The arena is usually to the death." The other person said. "I'm not doing death matches." He said firmly.

"Now." Sage froze. She could no longer move. She could no longer talk. We are new. We have a host. Father wants us to listen
"And just to be clear. I'm not killing anyone in these fights." The man said. "The arena is usually to the death." The other person said. "I'm not doing death matches." He said firmly.

"Now." Sage froze. She could no longer move. She could no longer talk. We are new. We have a host. Father wants us to listen
"You cant make him fight to the death."Prym said jumping into the conversation.

Sage tried to speak but she couldnt, she tries to move and nothing happened. Hearing that new voice she felt a bit scared. I will not be your host. Let me go. She though. Red smirked. "Welcome to the world. We are going to have some fun together. Cant wait to see all of what you can do " she looked around. "Toy maker I won. I want my master back."
"You cant make him fight to the death."Prym said jumping into the conversation.

Sage tried to speak but she couldnt, she tries to move and nothing happened. Hearing that new voice she felt a bit scared. I will not be your host. Let me go. She though. Red smirked. "Welcome to the world. We are going to have some fun together. Cant wait to see all of what you can do " she looked around. "Toy maker I won. I want my master back."
The young man looked at her. His eyes immediately flicked to her lightsaber and then back. "A jedi." He said. He turned back to the man. "I'll fight whoever you want, but this is a charity event. No death matches." The man grumbled and walked off. Ben turned to her. Although they hadn't met he was well known. Now that she got a good look she recognized him.

The symbiote didn't respond. "The winner is being Red." He said as her Prince began to reform.
The young man looked at her. His eyes immediately flicked to her lightsaber and then back. "A jedi." He said. He turned back to the man. "I'll fight whoever you want, but this is a charity event. No death matches." The man grumbled and walked off. Ben turned to her. Although they hadn't met he was well known. Now that she got a good look she recognized him.

The symbiote didn't respond. "The winner is being Red." He said as her Prince began to reform.
"Yes that is what I am. I am Prym and if what I've heard is correct you must be Ben Tennyson " she said. "So a charity fight?"

"Yes!" Red cheered seeing Prince reform. Sage's fear grew. No no... I got to stop this. She kept trying to move but couldnt. Even though it wasnt her Prince, still seeing prince made her afraid. Afraid of what evil he would cause and what tricks or deals he might make. Look I dont know how you got here but you need to let me go. I will not be your host you cant make me. Red looked at Sage. "You lost Sage. No use trying anything."
"Yes that is what I am. I am Prym and if what I've heard is correct you must be Ben Tennyson " she said. "So a charity fight?"

"Yes!" Red cheered seeing Prince reform. Sage's fear grew. No no... I got to stop this. She kept trying to move but couldnt. Even though it wasnt her Prince, still seeing prince made her afraid. Afraid of what evil he would cause and what tricks or deals he might make. Look I dont know how you got here but you need to let me go. I will not be your host you cant make me. Red looked at Sage. "You lost Sage. No use trying anything."
"A series of them. This is late third era Cyriodiil. They had an arena that people generally bet on. But today all the fights bets amd proceeds go to helping the imperial cities less fortunate" he said

Not want you just hold you. It said

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