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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

Sage silently looks around to see who could be whistling
There was a man sitting at a picnic table having tea while whistling wonderful world. "Ah." He said in a German accent. "The Doctor and his friends are getting in here in this place... Hallo Hallo."
"I see hmmm. I'm sure none of your games are good" she said
"I play ze games. I live for ze games. It is being you and other mortals what are making of ze games." He said. "Herr Doctor I do not want to play with you right now. I am wanting to play with those two."
"Slime!" She shouted. "Dont worry I'll finish this quick."
"So what is the first game that we will be playing?" He asked. "I know. A favorite of children in ze home. Let us play that the Floor is "Lava" no?" Suddenly she was all alone in a huge city. And the ground was starting to get incredibly hot
"So what is the first game that we will be playing?" He asked. "I know. A favorite of children in ze home. Let us play that the Floor is "Lava" no?" Suddenly she was all alone in a huge city. And the ground was starting to get incredibly hot
Sage looks around. "Floor is lava? " she didnt know that one. She felt the ground beneath her feet get hot. "Ow.." she used her magic to make a bean stalk she climbed up and stood on a large leaf. "Okay so I think I get the name now." She looked around for the toy maker. "Where are you Toymaker."
Sage looks around. "Floor is lava? " she didnt know that one. She felt the ground beneath her feet get hot. "Ow.." she used her magic to make a bean stalk she climbed up and stood on a large leaf. "Okay so I think I get the name now." She looked around for the toy maker. "Where are you Toymaker."
"Get to the other side and maybe you will find me." He said
"Fine" she said jumping off the leaf to a table that was outside a cafe. She made her bean stalk vanish. She kept going, using whatever objects she could find to cross.
As she did something appeared in yhe corner of her eye. "Magical Platform Used, cooldown 40 seconds." It read

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