
Great Maiden's Blush
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HELLO HELLO? HELLO. Hi. Is anyone there? It matNOTtersNOTNOTNOTATALL, I would like to inforrrfSFSdsGSDBvVNnmMG=== I would like to tell you a story. A not so happy story. Would you like to listenNnnn? It doesn't matter, you're intrigued already if you opened thisbV9FRVNTQUdF. Anyway, are you somewhat intrigued at least? Well if so... once upon a time, there was a magical girl. She was young, naive and kind in a stupid way. She fought against REFFTU9T created from the fears of others and hAtred of the wwworld. Though, as she grew into her adolescence, she had to fight more and more. Since it was only her of course, and she was the chosen one. With her ZGl2aW5lIG1vbnN0ZXI companion by her side, she could do anything. Or so she thought. She thought she could forget about reality while fighting. LeaVing in the middlE of classes, missing out on big events, losing time to rest, skipping her exams, forgetting to hand in projects, angry classMates, disappointed tEachers... but she had to do this, otherwise, she wouldn't get to see anyone anyway.
And once she finally had saved the world... she had to go away for a long while. A long long long long while. Her parents had grown old, given up on finding their missing daughter and died together, still hoping she'd come back one day. Her classmates had all gone on with their lives, the boy she loved had gotten married and had a happy family now. She asked "Why? Why did this happen? Shouldn't the world have been stopped in time? Why is no one helping me..." The magical girl, who was no longer the magical girl had expected a happy life, she had saved the world for nothing in return. Yet even the RVZJTEdBUkJBR0VCQVNUQVJE was gone. "I saved the world. I saved the world for nothing in return, I risked my life for this, and yet I don't even get the tiniest bit of help." The magical girl hadn't grown a bit, yet her physical appearance was that of a young adult now, she was only still a child with no one to teach her. And how would a lost child, who had achieved something big, yet no one cares nor notices their great achievement feel? "I saved the world and all you dare to treat me with such disdain? I'm a hero, where's my happy ending" she shouted to herself in her empty room.
The magical girl who was no longer a magical girl thought, "If I can't be happy, that must mean, my job is not done right? The world is still going to be destroyed, the world... who will destroy the world? Who is the new villain... The almighty powerful villain..." She thought, and she finally came up with an Idea. "The villain, no villains... Yes, I've got it. I am the magical girl of Peace and Love, with my gaze of Hopes and Dreams, I shall cleanse the world of evil and sinfulness. I'll create a perfect world. A perfect world for me, and everyone of good nature, but first, I must cleanse it of all these horrible creatures. All the dark... all the sinful demons amongst the normal crowd." VGhlIG1hZ2ljYWwgZ2lybCB3YXMgc3RpbGwgYSBtYWdpY2FsIGdpcmwu. So she had decided to fulfil her job and create a utopia where no one gets hurt and everyone is happy.

She decided. She will create a utopia where no one gets hurt. And everyone is happy.
Feel free to reply. S28gSSBTaGkgVGUgUnU=
First Chapter - An Ordinary Day

"Miss Hoshikirara Momokou, stop sleeping during the morning, and indicate that you're here or you're marked absent, again!" The teacher loudly exclaims from the pedestal in front of the classroom, while hitting her iron ruler against the chalkboard. Poor chalkboard, I don't even have the time to worry about my probably deaf ears now. As she continues calling out the other names, I start drifting back between falling asleep and trying to stay awake.

The first thought that comes to mind... What am I going to eat during lunch? why is the sun so bright... I want to go back to sleep so badly. The teachers were going to give out the exam results today, but I already knew that I did poorly. Some kids in the back snickered about my rude awakening, but I didn't care much. The somewhat cold air and hueless atmosphere almost made me want to button my cardigan, but I was too lazy.

Doesn't it make you feel safer to wear some warm and comfy clothing to hide from the cruel and boring world? Reality is such a bore. The boy three seats away from me, and one row in front of me glanced my way. I pretended like I didn't notice and let him look at me for a bit longer, then I quickly glanced at him, and he hastily looks back at his book in embarrassment. This is fun. Have my cute charms enchanted him so much that he would glance at me from time to time? I mean, I am an ordinary high school girl. He wasn't as ordinary though. No one in the whole school was. Everyone was subtly different with their own unique charms. The boy who longing gazed at me was one the top students, coming at 2nd last year. Not only that, he was handsome for today's beauty standards. He would soon lose interest in me because of how ordinary I was, why would someone even dare to fall for me?

Everyone in the class had a nickname. His was of course Smart Prince, what a fitting name wouldn't you agree? Some girl in class was called Little One because she was shorter than most, but suddenly she had a growth spurt and became a lot taller than most boys in school. Her name was now Big Girl. She was really cute, I wonder if she felt more inclined to be a bit more tomboyish with the sudden growth spurt? I hope not.

I pushed my hand against my cheek and gazed outside of the window. I saw nothing of interest and only the colours of the morning. I then saw a woman with two young boys walking into the school grounds. Her grey jacket was tightly closed with a scarf tied around her neck, as her two children eagerly looked around and pointed at the windows of the school, admiring how big the building was. That's really cute, one day I'll get married too, have a nice family and live happily... Walking down the wedding aisle in a beautiful silken gown, almost like a fairytale. The chiming bells announcing the ceremony's beginning, as the scent of plum blossoms and lilies fill the air. Then I- "MISS HOSHIKIRARA. Stop daydreaming and go stand in the hall if you're not gonna pay attention in class!" The teacher shouts at me, with a threatening look on her face, wrinkles curling around her eyes. "Fine..." I sigh, as I begin heading outside, as soon as I get to the doors of the classroom, she sighs and mutters under her breath; "Children these days... this is what happens d2hlbiAySElMRFJFTidTUDBSRU5UU0RPTlRQQVkwVFRFTlRJT05UT1RIRU1PUlRFMDJIVEhFTQ=="

... How rude. I stood outside of the classroom and tried to stay awake. But- Suddenly, the school siren rang loudly, as I heard from the intercom inside the class, "ALL STUDENTS PLEASE STAY IN CLASS, A QUdIYj5fLTsnW1xCTkpIT1JSSUI7JzIxM0hTR0hTU2xqZHNvRVJTSE9PVEVSREFFTU9TLg==" How... How perfect! Absolutely amazing! I thought it's been so peaceful around here, I couldn't stand it! It was my time to shine, the world still needs me! This is absolutely the work of the Daemuka, I knew they were planning something. My teacher rushes outside yelling at me to get in, but with excitement running through my veins, I hold my special item against my chest. The world around me was suddenly much more vibrant. The walls of the school couldn't stop the shining sky above. I took out a broach. It was a gilded elegantly designed broach adorned with a slightly muted pink jewel. I held it high and recited the incantation:

"O'er the sky, bluer than azure justice. O'er our gleaming hearts, more crimson than love. Align my stars with thine, so I may slay all o' vile and vindictive creatures!"

Gleaming lights form around the jewel's surface, a circle shining with light particoats the world around me. A single dew trickles down my cheeks, as the pain from the skin of my palm ripping through itself to create brilliant silk ribbons wrapping around my wrists, and forming a laced frill around it. Glittering ribbons rip through my spine and wrap around my torso, coalescing to create a bodice, as fluorescent ruffles fall, lining my waist, creating a skirt to cover the painful mess beneath it. Rubbing the rose paint from my hand onto my charred-black hair, turning into a bright pink, as threads of hair lengthen into two long ponytails. Every moment was beautiful, though agonizing, the pain left quickly. I was now me. The hero justice, guardian of the 4 wheeled throne. It's so wonderful, yet the pain... I had to go through it every time, is this what metamorphosis is supposed to be like? A caterpillar has to become a disgusting goop before transforming into a butterfly. So to go through the burden of pain to become strong is a small price to pay, I just have to get used to it. I'm just amazing like that, aren't I? A perfect heroine, that's who I am.

The glistering lights of villainy are just around the corner. Hastily, I rushed towards the noises. Hm, what's this I see? A creature with one eye, and a tentacle keeping it on the ground. Slightly hovering above the ground, the eye is covered in a transparent sheen. Most likely to protect it. Huh? It's trembling? The Daemuka must be scared of the great magical warrior of Justice after! I must be getting quite popular in the inferno. On closer inspection... It's also protecting... it's children? two of them? Now now, we can't have them reproducing.

"I see you're trembling, are you scared of the great magical girl before you? We can't have that can we, I'm just an ordinary high school student y'know." I hold my arm out beside me, as shimmering lusters form around my fingers, creating a wand. The wand had a longish stick with an alice-hook at the end, the jewel opposite the hook was cut in the shape of a heart, glittering with exuberance. The jewel's sides were decorated with delicate pale feathers.

"I'll purify you all, cleanse thy of sin!" I held it up, in a swinging motion, the monster shrieked, "QUdIYj5fLTsnW1xCTkpIT1JSSUI7JzIxM0hTR0hTU2xqZHNvRVJTSE9PVEVSREFFTU9TLg==" Kirakira~! Swiftly like autumn winds, gone, as only star glitter remained. The children trembling, looking down toward their gAURDTHESSTARGLITTER. Let's be fast now, or they'll duplicate. Again, up in the air and with a faithful swing, take them both out instantly! Sparkle shimmer and shine, cleanse! ahhhhhh. So pretty! Nothing but- "tsgwugyaohiogldnnayoni" something screeched loudly. Ah, another. "Is this an ambush from behind? how surprising!" It stopped in its tracks. It was dull. It was... I'd rather not describe... "Kira☆Kira Kirakiraru!" And gone in a flash, cleansed like an airy breeze. I'm in love with this job. The hero of love and justice, guardian of the 4 wheeled throne is victorious once again.

Suddenly, the magic is starting to wear off... I'd better get to class!...

School ended early today, but I arrived home before sunset. When I got home I prepared a cup of ramen. I turned on the news and- "A mass homicide has occurred at Majokkun High School, during a school lockdown. The incident had occurred while a burglar of some kinda had broken into the school. The victims were a mother, her two sons, and a female staff member. The mother and two sons' heads were completely mutilated and violently smashed onto the wall..." Huh? That was at my school?.. I failed to protect 4 people... I feel so bad... At least the Daekuma were dealt with! A lot more people would've died if not for me...

The heroine of this completely ordinary life.
Saturday Breakfast

The alarm's annoyingly loud noise incessantly continued on. Almost like a clock being continuously smashed against the wall. I wake up uncomfortably sitting in my chair trying to figure out where the alarm is, with my head still somewhat wrapped around one of my arms. I give up quickly, sitting straight up, stretching out my arms. My back hurts as if it's been split open from the inside out. That's fine, it's probably cause I slept on my stiff birch-wood chair. Wiping off the drool under my lips, as I turned off the alarm that'd been chiming since I awoke. The light coming from the window blinded me for a moment, as I realized.

"It's morning. A Saturday morning... I'm hungry." I mumbled to no one, not realizing the mess of drool all over my theses. "SSBzb3VuZCB0b28gZ2xvb215LiBJIG5lZWQgdG8gcGVwIHVwLiA6KQ==," I say to no one, as I'd excited go outside my room into my living room kitchen. The one-story build with an open floor containing a living room and kitchen, with two doors into a bathroom and bedroom. Quite a small house, but I mean it did have a master bedroom once... Well anyway, It's time to head out to the store! I'm going to make something special tonight! A specially made box full of chakin sushi! The colours of the morning almost caught me off guard, but I'd better keep up my act. I can't get all sentimental, you know~ Anyway, I'm heading out to the convenience store!

. . . It's kind of peaceful today. Will I be able to make my breakfast in time?

I started walking down the street, as I saw a group of girls walk by talking about things that don't make sense to me as of late. I wonder what they're doing today? Has morning always been this bright?. . I thought the kogaru trend fell out. I think they looked cute though. One of them had a really cute my melody keychain. Looking at my list, all I need are... A dozen eggs, some green onions, katakuriko potato starch... I thought I had enough at home? Did I really run out that quickly? I don't think I ate much last week. I hop over a crack in the ground where a dandelion was growing, as a cat runs across the road and jumps over the fence into someone's garden. Oh, I'm here. The convenience store's blue roof stood out amongst all the town's small houses. The sun's gleam reflected in the clean windows of the clear windows.

I head in, as my ears welcome the soft and peaceful music, this melody is quite different from how I remember. I head down into the isles, I already have enough eggs at home, so why's it on my list? I'll skip that. Looking through the section, I see a new kind of rice. Yumenishiki? I've never seen that before, I'll try it out, as I add two bags into my basket. I take three bags of the starch I need. I add a dozen of green onions into my basket, and I might as well treat myself, so I'll treat myself to my favorite candy... Huh. They don't have it? How strange, they sold it last week, I think. Whatever, I'll just check out.

The girl at the counter had a blank expression. Her nails were painted sky blue and decorated cutely. Each nail had a different kind of decoration, how cute. I'm kind of jealous. "Your nails are really cute, where'd you get them manicured?" I said.

"I hate cute things." She said nonchalantly with a blank expression. "Oh... I see, well it's a nice day today, where are you going with your nails all decorated like tha-" "I hate blue skies. And I hate going outside." she said bitterly. Her fringed covered her amber eyes. Her hate of going outside must be the reason why she's so pale. The group of girls I saw on my way here came in, giggling about something I have no interest in. She finishes checking out all my items and I give in my money, "Thanks, keep the changes, by the way, your hair is really pret-" "Shut the hell up, I hate people, I hate loud noises, and I hate people who smile so fakely. You're clearly trying to hide something. Also, what's up with your hair? You'd look cuter if you cut it short are you an anime pretty girl or something? And why the hell is your hands covered in bandages, go to a doctor you idiot. I'd hate getting hurt. Also, your bamboo basket is outdated, get a shopping bag or something. Take your changes, leave, and enjoy your stupid day you superficial protagonist complex probably a delinquent old woman." She exclaimed rudely, still with that blank expression, though now it was slightly enraged.

The next thing I knew I was already on my home. The same cat that ran over the road was sleeping on the tree.

I'm hungry.
dudududu la la dulaladu dududu lalaladududu laduduladu laduduladu dudu duladuladula dudu lala laladu dudula duladu duladuladula laduladu lalala lala laduduladu ladula dudula lala du dudulalala dulala laladudu duladuladula dulalala dulaladu laladu . . . Lines and Dots.

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