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Moving On

"You do have an awesome wife." Leah agreed. "Not that I have any bias at all." she shrugged. "I saw your mother rush out to you, Sam. Did she finally realise that her favourite son is leaving her?"
Jason laughed, "No bias at all." he said, rolling his eyes.

Samuel chuckled, and nodded, "Yeah. She thought I was leaving tonight, but I told her it won't be until morning. She's probably going to want to have some huge breakfast for the family." he laughed, smiling. "I reminded here that I'd be here on holiday, and she could call me anytime she wanted." he chuckled.
"Oh, but she can't hug you anytime." Leah grinned, squeezing Jason's hands. "And you know that woman loves her hugs. Seriously. I remember the first time I cried in front of her. There was no choice in those hugs. And they lasted a long time. Are you excited, though? Ready for the move?"
Samuel shrugged, "It'll be different. I know I'll miss them." he chuckled, smiling as he leaned back in the chair. "But yeah, I'm pretty excited. I mean, I'm taking my awesome dog, and even more awesome girlfriend." he grinned at Alex. "I think I can manage." he said warmly.
Alex rolled her eyes at him, "don't lie. The dogs are more important." She scoffed jokingly. "But I understand completely."
Samuel took on a look of mock offense, "Excuse me, the dogs are clearly more import- I mean, less important." he joked, and grinned, shaking his head. "Nah, I'd rather cuddle with you than a fur ball any day." he chuckled.
Samuel shrugged, "You won't get anywhere near as fuzzy as Wildfire. Just you wait." he laughed, and shook his head. "I'm not picky, Alex." he chuckled.
"Yeah, I mean, your choice in girlfriend makes that obvious." She smirked and kissed his hand. "But I'm excited for our road trip with the dogs."
Samuel rolled his eyes, reaching over and pulling Alex from where she sat and into his lap. "Don't go turning my words around on me." he stated, tickling her.
Alex giggled and squirmed, eventually settling and looking over at Jason and Leah. "You two seem in better spirits than I'd expect. I'm really glad."
Samuel laughed and contented with holding Alex there in his lap as he peered over at his two friends. Jason smiled, nodding, "Yeah. It's just one of those... I figure mom wouldn't want me to be sad. I did just get married to my dream girl after all. I miss her, but my life still needs to move forward." he said with a shrug.
Leah smiled at him, "she would want you to be happy." She kissed his cheek, "and I'll be half naked as long as it takes for you to be happy."
Jason looked at Leah and smirked, "Do I have to be sad for you to be half naked? What do I need to be to have you completely naked?" he asked, and chuckled, "Cause I can seriously start practicing my acting skills." he teased.
"Crying. Lots of crying." Leah laughed. "Get to work on those skills because if I catch you faking it, I'll just put more and more clothes on. How do you feel about oversized trench coats? I feel good about them."
Jason laughed, and shook his head, "No. Do not want! I like you like this." he chuckled, tightening his arms around her as he hugged himself to her. "No more clothing than necessary." he stated, playfully pouting.
"Fine." Leah giggled, pleased with his reaction and happy that he seemed to be cheering up a little. "You have yourself a deal." She smiled over at Samuel, "How's the new house looking?"
Samuel grinned, "Amazing. I've had some of our stuff delivered out there already. It's gonna be amazing. We should totally skype and kind of have a house warming party once both our places are completely put together." he said with a laugh.
"That would be fun." She agreed. "Our place is not as great as yours but it's got character. It's this old brick townhouse with high ceilings and a fireplace in the bedroom and I adore it from what I've seen. Jason will love it too, especially once some particular photos from the honeymoon go up above the fireplace."
Samuel chuckled, "I bet." he said with a smirk, shaking his head. "At least you got a place. How close to campus did you manage?" he asked lightly.
"Really close. It used to be for a professor, right? But now that it's older they can't use it for that and offered it to us cheaper." Leah smiled proudly. "I like it a lot. I'm excited."
Jason grinned, nodding, "Yeah. An old professor used it while they worked at the university. They've retired since, and the building is older and doesn't belong to the campus technically. So we got it for pretty cheap." he said lightly.

Samuel nodded, "That's a great deal. It's always good to live on, if not close to campus." he said with a smile.
"And better than a small dorm. That was the other option but I guess I like the idea of living in a real place." She admitted, "otherwise people would be hearing more than they'd want." She laughed.
"Your would win." Alex grinned at him. "We've heard you, and it's hard to ignore it." She teased. "You're sort of shameless."

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