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Moving On

"I don't think you have to. But you should try to look neat. Maybe jeans, and a shirt with a tie and jacket?" Ana suggested with a shrug. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
Jason nodded, "Yeah. I'll stop by the house later and see what I have. I won't go to mom's funeral looking like slob." he said with a small chuckle. He sighed, and stared at his plate for a moment, "Excuse me." he said and stood, heading back into the house.
Jason glanced over at Leah, and gave her a small smile. "Nothing. I just don't feel like crying at the dinner table." he said jokingly, trying to sound at least somewhat happy. He sighed, and squeezed her hand lightly. "Sorry. I don't mean to be so depressing." he said, moving back down to the basement and sitting down on the couch. He pulled Leah into his lap, wrapping his arms around her.
"Jason, don't apologise." Leah told him, resting her hands on his shoulders. "I love you. And sometimes we're going to go through stages where things hurt so bad that we need to cry. And it's okay. If it's okay for me, it is for you. Equal rights to cry, I say." She smirked.
Jason chuckled, and sighed, "I know, babe." he said with a smile, hugging her tightly. "I'm just about fed up with crying though. I'm a guy. Doesn't the stereotype say I'm not supposed to cry?" he asked jokingly.
"Stereotypes say a lot of things, most of them have never applied to us." She smirked. "And I'm okay with your tears. I'm glad you can cry in front of me."
Jason laughed softly, "That's an understatement." He scoffed over their short comments about stereotypes, and sighed. "Of course I can cry in front of you. I love you." He said with a smile, shifting so that he could kiss her lightly.
"Once the funeral is done, we can get on the road to our new home. Our first home as a married couple. And uh, maybe buy some furniture." She giggled. "There's none there and I'm not fond of sleeping on floors."
Jason blinked, "If we wait an extra day, we can rent a uhaul and probably take the furniture from home if we're gonna have it rented out to someone. I'd rather take it with us than have strangers using it and possibly damaging it." He sighed. "Then we can save our furniture fund for other stuff." He smiled.
Leah grinned down at him. "Perfect. Yeah." She nodded eagerly. "But can we uh, not use the bed? I still remember the time we made out in it and I can't deal with kissing in your mom's bed, Jay." She blushed.
Jason laughed and nodded, "We're not gonna take mom's bed. We'll take mine." He said with a grin, sighing. "It'd be weird taking mom's anyway." He smiled, shaking his head.
"Good." she held onto him a little tighter. "And about the suit thing? Don't wear one tomorrow. I like that your two memories of suits are prom and the wedding... Let's keep that, please." she kissed his forehead.
Jason nodded, "Okay. I won't then." He said gently and smiled at her. He sighed, and got comfortable, closing his eyes.

Samuel sighed, "Man, I feel horrid for Jason..." He said softly, flopping onto his bed in his room. He looked up at Alex and smiled slightly, "How are you doing though?" He asked.
Alex shrugged. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at Samuel. "I don't know. I hate it. I hate that he's hurting and how all this is going. I hate that their honeymoon ended like that..."
Samuel nodded, "Me too." He sighed, scooting over and rolling onto his side. "It's all been super sucky." He sighed, and reached over, grabbing Alex's hand and tugging her onto the bed beside him, his arm easily sliding over her waist. "But at least he seems to be cheering up a little bit." He shrugged, smiling at Alex.
"As are you." she smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "We have to head off after the funeral... We've got a house to set up and college to get ready for. I mean, I've done none of the pre-reading and I need to get it done and I'm quietly freaking out."
Samuel laughed, and nodded. "Me either. But even with leaving after the funeral, we'll still have some time to catch up before classes." He said with a slight shrug. "No need to freak. We'll study and do the prereading together." He said lightly.
"Oh, Sam..." Alex laughed, "You have no idea how good I am at freaking out. Seriously. You've seen me over break, but I am the queen of freaking out over study. You're probably going to dump me in a week."
Samuel chuckled, "You haven't seen my mom freak out have you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Soon as she stops thinking about Jason and realizes I'm leaving for college in a few days for real, you'll see a queen of Freaking Out." He laughed.
"Maybe we can have a competition." Alex smirked, laying on her back and looking up at the roof. "I'll win, I promise. Though I guess she's had more practice than I have, hey?"
Samuel grinned, "she does have experience on her side." He laughed, leaning over her slightly. "But she's always open for a challenge." He smirked and kissed her lightly.
Alex rolled her eyes and pulled him into a deeper kiss. The day had made her tired, but she wanted to be close to Samuel, and watching the way he was with his best friend showed her more of what she loved in him. She eventually fell asleep beside him, and in the morning, got up and dressed early to make breakfast for everyone. She chatted with Anastasia as they both cooked, talking and laughing.

Once the funeral was over, Alex sat down on the back porch of Jason's house, where the wake was being held. She opened her mouth to speak to Samuel, but was cut off by his mother's sudden appearance. "Hey." she greeted.

"Samuel... Sam..." she cooed, hugging her son. "You're leaving tonight, aren't you? I don't want you to go... You only just got back..."
Samuel sighed, a smile sliding onto his face as he hugged his mother. "No, mom. We aren't leaving until morning." He sighed, patting her back lightly. "I'll visit again soon. Holidays and all that." He chuckled.
"You say that now, but what if you get busy? What if you have work to do? What if you don't want to come home?" she asked, still holding onto him. "What if you don't want to leave the dogs, Sam? You can't leave. I won't let you, Samuel. I love you too much. You keep me sane."

Alex raised an eyebrow, holding back a laugh.

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