Chitchat Mother at 16?


Gamer Girl
Before I say anything, if you're going to read this with a closed mind and have nothing but hate to spill - don't bother reading at all. I don't want to hear it and neither do others.

Moving on, to begin, I want to state that I am not pregnant. I found out today that my step-sister, however, is. She's currently 15 and will be turning 16 next month. Her baby is due in March and the father is a 21-year-old man. Obviously, I have no say in what she does. It's really none of my business. I want to know what you guys think about it though. Personally, if I were to be pregnant right now I would have an abortion. I know that can be hard for many women but I believe it's better in the long run for you, your child, and your family rather than having a child as a teenager. I could understand how you'd be able to handle yourself once you complete HS [if you do] and are able to get a job which could support you and your baby. Another problem for my sweet sister is that she doesn't attend school and doesn't care about her education.

So if you were 16, didn't have an education, and were having a baby what would you do? Would you get an abortion or would you give birth?
I would Have the child if she's really committed to it. If not, i would suggest she Deliver the child and put the baby up for adoption
If I was her, I'd have an abortion. Delivering the baby and putting it up for adoption carries a risk of "what if it isn't adopted?". Then the problem becomes bigger. But if she believes she can handle it, then by all means have the child.
I have to agree with TracerBae TracerBae , in the context of my own beliefs. I simply don't believe an abortion is the right thing to do unless your own life is at risk.
Thanks Idea Idea And Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr Here's the reasoning why i say what i'm saying. Even if it's not born yet, the kid's still alive in there. It's a life regardless and having an abortion should be an absolute My-Life_is-in-danger last ditch effort. If i were pregnant, i'd have the baby. and if i can't deal with raising it, I'd still have the baby and put it up for adoption if for nothing else but to give it a shot at living
I agree... despite still being in the womb, it is still a living thing and I believe it is cruel to kill the poor thing before it even has a chance at living, My opinion is that if she can handle it, go ahead and take care of the child, and if she cannot, give the baby up for adoption, that way the baby has a shot at living, and maybe even finding a better home. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had gotten pregnant and ended up getting an abortion unless my life was at stake, like in the case of my mothers last child before me, she had to get the child aborted or my mom would have died. even then she told me that she felt extremely guilty afterwards, even though it had to be done.

that's just my two cents though~ she needs to decide whats best for her, I can only give my opinion ^_^ I wish you, her, and the child good luck!
I'm on the "Never abort" side of things. It's a bit cruel to take the gift of life away from someone that never got the chance to choose in the first place.
Depends on how far into the pregnancy she is. Is the fetus viable? Could it survive on its own given an incubator and proper medical care? Then yeah, abortion's probably not an option there.

How much support is the father willing to give? Does she have safety nets she can fall back on if he chickens out? Government programmes for people in her situation, for example. What about her/your parents? There's too many variables at play, I think, and with questions like these context makes a world of a difference.

For what it's worth, I think it's her decision to make, and if she wants to keep it, then she should. The typical 16 year old may still have a lot of growing up to do, but at that age you're already a fully functioning adult with your own agency. Let's just not get into the legal aspects of it. Probably merits a whole other discussion entirely ...
I'm less concerned about her being pregnant and more concerned that the father is 21 and your step-sister in under aged. That is a huge red flag in my book.

But women under the age of 18 having children poses a lot of health risks. I know many people in this thread will disagree, but for the sake of the mother carrying the child I wouldn't go through with the rest of the pregnancy if it was possible.
Honestly, it's her choice.

If it were me? And I were 16 and pregnant? In my situation, my state of mind at that age, I'd probably have gotten an abortion without telling my mom.
I mean at that age, I didn't want kids (and still don't). My mom had me at 18 and her life was hell. Imagine me speeding myself up for that 2 years earlier?
At 16, I was also really selfish. I wouldn't even think about the life I gave up until later in life. Never had a concern for anyone but myself.

As I am now? I don't know. It would take a lot more thinking, for sure. I believe in abortion, personally. Our adoption system sucks, so many kids go into the system that we all seem to know is bad. Then there's the thought of keeping the child with no education and no means of providing for myself and the child. I want to know when I bring a child into the world, I bring them in by choice. That I know I have done all I can to ensure this child has the best life it can. If I bring them into a world where they'll suffer and live in poverty and not get the nutrients or the education they need, I'm not doing them any favors. I'm not giving the innocent soul the life they deserve. Taking a life should never be done lightly, but neither should creating one. Both need to be conscious decisions, thought through completely.

But I have no judgement to this girl, it's her body, her situation, her choice. Whatever she chooses to do should be the best for herself and the life she may be bringing in. I'm pro choice, and believe no one else is entitled to judge her choice for herself and this child.
I became a mother at 17. While, I personally wouldn't get an abortion, I don't look down upon those that choose to.
It was a very hard decision for me to keep my child. It was hard being pregnant so young and raising a child so young.
I know personally that accidents happen. It will be a scary time in her life.
As for that man being 21, that's not a very good thing. Yes, age can be just a number, ONCE YOU'RE OF AGE. I hope he will stick around for that baby's sake. She may just need this pregnancy to push her in the proper direction, getting her education and maybe gaining employment.
If she thinks she's ready then i guess she is... Then again, most of the time this is actually the opposite case, but they're them. Who knows... most likely you do
I wouldn't honestly know what to do. I've never been in such a situation, nor has anybody my age that I know of. I find it quite sad that people my age are faced with such a dilemma, I know that I wouldn't know what to do.

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