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Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED

I most definitely do not mind! I'd like to see how Yuzuru-san will interact with the patrons of the Moonshine. :D

Then again, Graham would probably avoid him like the plague. (*^*)
www probably insouciant depending on the patron.

PanPan said:
O dear things are happening. I need to jump in soon. :) ) I'll get a post up in a bit. HAHAHAHA @FirePolaris I love that he thought cute little Graham was a dealer hahaha REALLY not good at reading people
LOL. But Tony is so normal. It doesn't ring any bells for Sebastian to look at him and scream drug dealer. Roflllss. Maybe if he starts messing with Haze's drink or something. Ahem. Not giving out any suggestions here. xD

Oh my gosh. Lol everyone gets on around 3-4 am my time. xD
@Aster, Hello newcomer! I have yet to read your CS, but I shall soon. ♥

@YumenoTsukishiro, I shall indeed edit the post. :) ) I'm so sorry, chronology really isn't my strong point, so thank you for pointing it out :) )

@FirePolaris, don't worry, I'll make it interesting soon. He'll see a regular client after the whole shot lineup. ♥ And it will be buddy buddy, so it shall be a test of his observational skills. That is if they haven't been numbed yet by the alcohol. ♥
@FirePolaris Eyyy bby~ I feel comforted knowing that there's someone I know here ;; aaa

yes everyone shares the cute cracker. & thanks Pan for the welcome but I'm not accepted in yet lololol


Now, we have so many males! To the new members of Moonshine, thank you for submitting male Character Sheets. You came at our time of need, and now that need has been satisfied. The male-preferential bylaw for the Character Sign-Up has been lifted! Female and male CS submissions will now be given equal scrutiny, neither sex having the higher chance of being accepted. Acceptance will be based on literacy, character development, and alignment with the original direction and intention for this RP as seen in the Overview section.

Moonshine RPers. The total number right now is 8, including Johnny.

  1. Jonathan "Johnny" Walker @Chibii
  2. Arabella Rose Mendez @QueenOfDisaster
  3. Sebastian Victor Allen @FirePolaris
  4. Graham Park @YumenoTsukishiro
  5. Yuzuru Nui @Aster

Thank you for keeping Moonshine alive!
Aster said:
@FirePolaris LOL Pola plz if there's one thing Nui's good at it's dealing with harassment
Come at me

-cackles maniacally- Just wait for it, Sebastian is coming.

Rofl, omg :< I'm turning my poor cop into a creep. Sorry guys. LOL He's pretty sane, I swear.

The Asians are such stark contrasts, btw—I love it. A cute little virgin cracker (@YumenoTsukishiro), and a promiscuous, liquor-loving cancer patient (@Aster). Who is pansexual!!! Wootwoot! Just so you know, I'm pansexual IRL. So, that truly spoke to my biases. Also poor Johnny (who is bisexual) keeps falling for heteros. :) ) So it's nice to have another non-hetero around. Doesn't help that that jackass Tony (@PanPan) loves to toy with Johnny's affections. Haha!

You guys are awesome.
@PaulTercen, Tony truly is a jackass. LOL and he will continue to be throughout the remainder of the RP. ♥ I'm so excited for an opportunity to cause mayhem.
LOL yes. I didn't really make Nui out with the intention of being Gramham's yang but eyyy looks like they are practically night and day.

Pans for the win, though I hope things end up well. I don't see my son getting along with Tony at all ;;; two positives repel and two jackasses may be a combination of water and oil.

Let's just hope nothing
violent happens. (Haha who am I kidding)
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PaulTercen said:


24-Hour Autopilot

Hey, everyone! Today is going to be quite a busy day for me. But since the RP has been picking up, and there are more of us now, I've decided to put Johnny on Autopilot so that everyone can keep going. In the next 24 hours, or until I post another response to the RP thread, consider all your interactions with Johnny as successful. That is, if your character orders something (Tequila for Sebastian, @Chibii; If Haze decides to Order, @tsukikokimiko), rest assured, Johnny will serve it to you soon (with your bill, of course, as this one-man bar is Pay As You Order). Because of this, everyone is allowed to bunny Johnny a little bit. But again, please bunny him conservatively. Nothing unnecessary like making him suddenly dance on the bar and make a fool of himself. Unnecessary bunnying will be sanctioned.

Commendable RP

I believe we become better RPers and better writers through two things (1) Practice, and (2) Exposure. Without exposure to better writers, we limit ourselves to what we know, and only what we know. So, I'd like to acknowledge two RPers who have been consistently displaying amazing writing skill (good grammar, correct spelling, dynamic sentence structure), depth of story, integrated character development, while also reflecting the original direction intended for
Moonshine. They are:

The reason why I am highlighting these two isn't to spark competition or bring anyone else down. Please don't get me wrong—everyone's participation ensures a successful RP. For the names I did not mention or give special attention to, please don't feel bad. Again, I don't mean to exclude or discourage anyone. But like it says in the overview, this RP will allow you to exercise those creative muscles where literacy and ease-of-reading is prized. And these two aforementioned RPers have displayed just that. :) Let us all learn from them.

Congratulations, you two! I too am learning from you, so thank you.
@Aster, Paul asked me to copy-paste this for you. ♥ Also, why Joseph? :) ) He's Johnny. :) )
@PanPan Gd fuck. Too many RPs and too many names. I got things mixed up aaaa. I'll do a brief time skip (fast forward to when drinks are passed) after the next post. Thanks for quoting that for me. I didn't get the notification. (under all that spam)
@Aster Suddenly, Graham ends up as Nui's underling. How would that pan out, I wonder?

@PanPan *gasp* M-Matchmaker? >///<

@FirePolaris So... Sebastian like Asians? Maybe I'll go ask a friend to make a lady Asian character? Just kidding. xD
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well even if it was unintentional, it was pan-tastic.

It really hit me off the grill.
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