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Realistic or Modern Moonshine (Bar & Restaurant) — CLOSED


I'm horrid at this. ROFL. I can't be punny. //shot

Anyways, ahem. @YumenoTsukishiro LOLLL. Oh no, ;c Sebastian's too attached to his wicked witch of the west girlfriend. He needs to detach from her first before he pines after Asians anyone.
Plot twist, his girlfriend is an Asian. That would explain the bruises.

Asian women are brutal. (well actually all of them are. feaaar)
Aster said:
Plot twist, his girlfriend is an Asian. That would explain the bruises.
Asian women are brutal. (well actually all of them are. feaaar)
It pains for me to say it but from experience, this is accurate. >~<
@YumenoTsukishiro, @FirePolaris, @Aster: I would agree, but only for Chinese women. :) )) All the rest are cinnamon bun buns. Never seen a Japanese or Korean woman that fiery :) ))

@YumenoTsukishiro, yes. Matchmaker. LOL Tony just wants to see how it pans out. (Pardon the unintentional pun.) It's exciting, especially since the girl is drunk as fuck and this kid is expecting her to be this nice, demure woman.


as for Japanese, my friend's Japanese parents are all little cupcakes so yeah. I agree.
Ommgoshh. Rofllls. Dude I second the Korean ajummas statement. Give them a broom and you can see the magic they'll do with it. ;c I think all Asian women, in general, can be intimidating when provoked.

My Japanese's friend mom never really yelled at her. LOL She just refused to give her food or dinner instead. It's like, no, words are not needed here. No dinner for you. Find your own food.
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Sorry I was waiting on others before I posted so we don't get too far ahead but I'll get one up once I'm home. C:
@Oapboap, welcome to Moonshine and thank you for applying! ♥ @PaulTercen can't check the thread yet because of lack of internet, but she can probably check by Monday-Tuesday. ♥ Until then, please feel free to hang out here on the OOC thread until the verdict! (Sidenote: Kyle seems like a nice guy :) )
@PanPan, thank you for the warm welcome. I can totally lurk the thread until either being approved or rejected. Either way, this is a good and cool idea for a thread and I will continue to watch it. (It was good and cool enough for me to register and make the app my first post!) (Kyle totally is a nice guy, and trying to not be a "nice guy".)
Oapboap said:
@PanPan, thank you for the warm welcome. I can totally lurk the thread until either being approved or rejected. Either way, this is a good and cool idea for a thread and I will continue to watch it. (It was good and cool enough for me to register and make the app my first post!) (Kyle totally is a nice guy, and trying to not be a "nice guy".)
Graham has found a comrade!!! Welcome to the Moonshine~ :D

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