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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Fqith bowed with respect befire motioning Gabriel to leave with her. She wanted yo be with her mother, the threat was subsided but the second it was the option Faith feared what it could do to her father, the fact that she wouldn't exist, the lose of not having Gabriel or their unborn pup. She felt the fear of never knowing her mother and knowing how amazing she could be. She had never shown the love for her mother as she did for her father, but the ache of losing her mother made her understand how much she just needed her.
Faith glanced at him and smiled, "Can we see my mother?" She half asked and then smirked sadly, "I think i just need to be with her for a little while."
Gabriel nodded. "Of course. We'll go find them...if I remember right they don't conceive you until tomorrow? So we shouldn't have a problem with that." He says, trying to make her smile.
Faith looked at him confused and the smirk, "In my time, i was conceived today. So I very much hope my parents aren't in the middle of that." She teased.
Gabriel looked up a moment as if thinking and then smirked. "Oh yes...that's right..." he chuckled some and looked back to her. "They should be getting ready for their ritual then." He says. He hoped she got to spend time with them, but he also knew that putting off their ritual could result in her not being here.
Faith smirked, "If they are going to have it tonight." She pointed out before looking to Gabriel, "Let's go find her."
Faith smirked before she sighed, smelling the air, as he led her to the house. She frowned, "My mother isn't here? Where could she be?" she asked as they reached the door, but didn't go inside.
Gabriel stopped at her words, looking up at the house and then to her, shrugging some. "Are you able to link with her? Or your brother? He might know where they are." He suggests.
Faith smirked at him, "My mother isn't linked with the pack yet,but I will as Ward." she giggled, "You know, he makes us sound terrible together."
Faith chuckled, "I think he likes you best without me." She teased, "But we both know that is just silly."
Faith grinned at him, "I know we are best together, aren't we?" She paused, slightly confused, "Ward said that my mother is with her parents. "

Ward jumped up when he was done, "I'll do the wishes." He volunteered.
Gabriel tilted his head to the side in a little confusion. "She is supposed to gen with your father..." he says quietly. He just hoped they stuck to their timeline. He couldn't lose his mate.
Faith nodded, "Yeah. I guess it's good that we are going to check on her." She pointed out a little serious then what the words would suggest.
Faith walked with him, guiding him, since she knew their scents a lot better. She also knew Ward's power a lot better, so she knew what he could do to keep himself and his family hidden. "You know, we are going to have to explain you." She chuckled, "And why you are here. "
Gabriel groaned dramatically. "Again?" He asks, then he gave her a playful smile. "Alright, I suppose I can mangage that." He adds, kissing her cheek.
Faith giggled, "I hope so. My grandfather doesn't trust the pack at the moment, like while we were growing up. He is more....cautious. "
Faith smirked, "In our time, he was there while we were growing up. We haven't been born yet, here. "
Gabriel smirked and rolled his eyes a little. "I would rather just have good approval from him." He says playfully, kissing her cheek as they reached the area where her mother was supposed to be with her grandparents.
Faith smirked, "Well, at some point we know he will love you." she teased as they got closer, but she couldn't smell her grandfather, just her mother and grandmother.

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