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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Gabriel looked to Faith and then to Zy. "We don't know them well. After you were killed they didn't come around as much. But I think the help would be much appreciated if he is willing." Gabriel says.
Zy smirked, "I'll let him know." She glanced at Jason, linking with him, Do you think i should ask my uncle as well? I dont know if he is still here after the witvh attack, I didnt feel him. I know you don't like how i find him, but it has to be serious if your daughter keeps sending wolves. She teased him.
Jason could at least offer her a smirk. I don't like it. But if it isn't one more way to help keep you and the rest of the pack safe, then it might be worth a try. And only if it won't hurt our pup. He says with a slight sigh.
"Thank you." Gabriel says. At a loss for what to call her. Luna seemed natural but he'd never really known her.
Zy looked at Gabriel with a smile, "Your mother is teaching me to be pack. She used to have to babysit me. I can at least use everything i know to keep you safe." She glanced to Jason befire she sighed, "Excuse me, I have something to do, hopefully it will help."
Gabriel smiled some. "she told me about that, it just made me wish I could have met you even more. I am glad I can meet you now. Thank you." He says. Jason looked to her as she started to go, stopping her and kissing her cheek tenderly before she left. He looked back to Faith and Gabriel. "is there more I need to know?" he asks
Zy stopped and smiled at Jason before smiling at the others and going to their room to look for Kal. Lee grinned in Jason's arms, "I want pup to sleep with us tonight." She announced, "I can start showing him of yo play and show him how to hunt now. He is already big, just like dad said he had to be. "
Jason smiled and gently brushed back her hair. "Lee, Gabriel can play and learn while he is here. He needs to help you protect his mother." He says gently.
Lee looked at Jason, "Okay, but i want him with me then. I can tell him all the things i will teavh him later and then he can help me reach the tall places when we take care of Brianna and little him. I can even help them talk to each other." She smiled.
Jason sighed quietly to himself. "Lee only when he is able. Just remember that his priority while he is here is his mother." He says gently. Glancing to Gabriel who was just smiling a little. He wouldn't interrupt, he knew the alpha needed to do as he needed.
Lee pouted, "But I want him with me." she protested as she bad a face and then lowered her head onto Jason's shoulder, "I want my pup with me. I'm his big sister, I have to teach him and protect him."
Jason smiled a little, gently rubbing her back. "Lee this pup has already been taught by you." He says. "He needs to protect Brianna and himself so that when the time comes you can teach the pup everything." He says.
Lee looked at Jason and then Gabriel, then back at Jason and smiled, "Okay, let's go protect my pup." She stated. She paused and looked confused, "Who wants to hurt my pup?"
Jason smiled, chuckling a little. "Remember earlier when you protected the pup, when the pack was being attacked? The same ones, witches, are probably going to keep attacking." He says gently.
Lee made a mad face, "Then I will kill them all." She said, squirming to get out of Jason's arms, "I'll go find them and kill them all for trying to hurt my pack."
Jason smirked, setting her down but keeping a hold on her wrist. "Not so fast sweetheart. There is no need to get ahead of ourselves." He says.
Lee looked at him confused, "But my pack, our pack. That's what we do, we kill anyone in our way." She assured him
Lee frowned, "Then i will kill Makenzi. Then we can use her body to scar them off." She decided, as she started towards the door. Faith froze, wide eyed as she looked at Lee then in a panic to Gabriel, knowing even this small, Lee was probably powerful enough to do it.
"Lee no." Jason says sternly. ANd then calmed his tone. "Kenzi is soon to be Niklais's mate. And together they have Faith...who is you're pup's mate. Killing her will only do Moreno harm than good." He says gently.
Lee looked at Jason, pouting with a frown, "But how do i protect my pup is they are after him." She started to cry, "How are we going to keep everyone safe?"
Jason glanced to Gabriel and Faith and then to Lee. "We will protect them and your mom. That's why Gabriel is here and why Faith is here." He reminds her.
Lee just held Jason as she cried. Faith looked at Gabriel befire looking to Jason, "We will leave you two."

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