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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Emery grinned as him before pulling away, "Maybe if we are lucky I won't get a position and I can bug you all day and night." She teased.

Kenzi looked at her curiously, "Really? I thought packs were supposed to take care of their own?"
Zeke chuckled. "I don't think I'd mind that one bit." He says with a smirk. 

Abigail's gaze seemed to drift a little. "They are." She says quietly. Niklaus looked between them and then stepped over. 

"Mom why don't you go have a seat, I'll bring you some food." He says. He gently took Kenzie's hand so she would come with him and he could explain
Emery smirked, "You know, you might. I mean I can be a little crazy sometimes." She teased.

Kenzi watched her looking back at her as she followed Niklaus, "We were talking."
Ha laughed and kissed her again. "I know." He teases, playfully splashing her. 

"I know, and you can again when we come back. When she starts to drift like that you have to give her a moment." He says. Then he sighed. "Packs take care of eachother, but as children our father was busy being Beta and our mother was not...sane. After our siblings died it was like she forgot anyone existed." He says. 
Emery giggled as she started to slash him back, "Yeah, that is my think." she teased as she kept splashing him.

Kenzi frowned as she followed him and looked back, "Well, maybe you should find someone that would make her feel better." she looked around before going to get something small, from the meat, she offered him some, "with a smile. "You might be happy to know that she is in there."
Zeke grinned andkissedger again before playfully dunking her under the water. 

Niklaus smiled.  "I know. We've been working on it with Kal." He says. 
Emery yelped as she went down, quickly grabbing his shirt to pull him down with her. It was an automatic reflex for her. Her training preparing her for the worse, if ever if happened.

Kenzi nodded, "Kal is a good wolf. He doesn't talk much and he stays out if the way in the shadows, but he is nice." She giggled.
Zeke laughed as he went under with her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her lips deeply when they came back up. 

Niklaus smiled as he led her back to hos mother once they had food. "He is a good wolf. He has done a lot of good for our pack."
Emery grinned kissing him back before pulling away. She took a deep breath, "You know, one of us is going to have to be the mature one." She giggled, "But I refuse to be the one."

Kenzi smiled, nodding, "I expect nothing less with Zyana as your Luna. He is very protective of his own."
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Zeke laughed. "I suppose I can give in and be the mature one." He says with a smile. "But I expect lots of kisses as payment." He adds teasingly. 

"He is." Niklaus agrees as they reached his mother. "Will you two be alright talking? I haven't even congratulated my own sister yet." He says with a smile. 
Emery giggled, kissing him as she moved closer, "I wouldn't be able to be childish without kisses either." She teased back.

Kenzi smirked, "Of course we will. What are we going to do, get lost?" She giggled.
Zeke chuckled and kissed her again. "Good." He says. He smiled at her, he still couldn't quite believe he'd found her still. 

Niklaus chuckled. "You might, I'm worried now." He teases. "Try not to get lost okay?" He says with a grin. 
Emery grinned up at him happily,before kissing him again. "You know, you might have to be mature forever."

Kenzi eyed him, "I can figure out which was is north if I really need to.i won't get lost."
Zeke grinned. "I'm used to it, I think I can manage." He says with a smile. 

Niklaus grinned. "I know. Just...stay here and eat your food with my mother." He says with a smile before moving to go find Hailey and Mike. 
Emery smirked, curiously as she looked at him, "How so?" She asked. They had never actually talked about their past, more teasing because she always wanted to play or train.

Kenzi stuck her tongue out at him as he left before she smirked. She turned to his mother, "Are you hungry?"
Zeke smiled a little as he looked down slightly and to the side then back to her, running his fingers through her hair. "My sisters and I didn't have a true family or pack until we came to this one. I have been their parent and older brother for as long as I can remember." He says gently. He shrugged and smiled again. He couldn't remember anything else. 

Abigail looked to her and smiled some. "Perhaps a little. Thank you dear." She says. 
Emery smirked sadly, as she brushed her hand against his cheek, "Maybe I can be mature for a little while too, then. I never had to be mature." She shrugged, "I was the youngest of twins. But when I was born my parents were attacked, a rogue wolf name Karla. My brother and mother were killed, but my father ended up chasing after me, since I kind of rolled off and when he caught me, he already knew they were gone. So he ran to save me. I never had to be mature, even after my father died and I took over his position."

Kenzi smirked as she moved and grabbed a small piece as she handed it to her. "Here you go."
Zeke listened sadly. He didn't allow himself to feel sad for what had happened to him. But he did feel sad for her. He gently ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. 

Abigail smiled at her as she took the piece of meat. "Thank you. You know, you remind me so much of Faith." She says without thinking. 
Emery smiled at him, kissing the corner of his lips, "You had a family and I had a home." She said, "Now we both have both."

Kenzi tilted her head, "I do?" She smiled, "Who is Faith? Another daughter?" She asked curiously.
Zeke smiled and kissed her again. "You are very right. You are my home and my family now Emery." He says gently. 

Abigail shook her head a little. "His mate...she died with my other children." She says as if everyone knew. In her world they did, it didn't occur to her that an outsider may not know. 
Emery smiled proud and happy, she liked how he spoke to her, it made her lost in his voice, his words, she couldn't help how head heart pounded and flipped around in her chest, "Does that mean you are happy with that? Because you know I can get a little crazy when I feel trapped." she teased.

Kenzi looked at her curiously, "What was she like? And your children, what were they like?"
Zeke chuckled. "How can I not be happy about it? You may feel trapped, so I will help you to feel free." He says. 

Abigail thought for a few moments. Kendra and Brody, my children, were twins. They...they were special and I think they could have been very important. They loved everyone and treated everyone like they were the most important person. They helped raise Hailey, I see that now. They were protective too and best friends with the original Alpha born, he was killed too. Faith was friends with them, she was happy and energetic. She could have a temper but she was a special girl. She was sweet too. Like I said, you remind me of her." He says. 
Emery smirked, shrugging, "To be fair, not many people are happy with me running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Although, it did save me and my father, so I guess it's not that bad." she teased.

Kenzi looked at her and smiled, "Well, I am very energetic. I have to be. I'm an orphan. Plus, me and Zyana used to jump around like rabbits before we could hunt."
Zeke smirked. "There's nothing wrong with how you are...though I'd rather you keep this pretty little head of yours intact." He teases gently. 

Abigail smiled and let out a quiet laugh. "You know...just because you don't have blood relatives doesn't mean you're an orphan. You have Zy and her family. I'd think they're like your family too." She says. 
Emery blushed, giggling, "So I'm pretty?" She teased, "Does that make me cute too?"

Kenzi smirked,nodding, "Orphans are usually handed off until they find a family they can stay with. Or they get old enough they don't want to anymore." She shrugged, "The way you say it, I had a lot of families." She smiled at her, "Now I'm by myself." She shrugged, "But I just still have no drive to find my mate, if I have him."

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