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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Zeke grinned. "Pretty, cute, gorgeous. None do you justice." He says. 

Abigail nodded. "I'm sure something is planned for you. And you have a family here if you want." She says.  
Emery smirked as she looked at him, "Really? Because I would be happy with cute." Sh grinned.

Kenzi smiled, hugging her, "Thank you, I hope I do. I hear it feels amazing. But I don't have the same drive for it that everyonr else."
He chucked. "Well you're certainly cute." He agrees, kissing her. 

Abigsil was surprised at first, but then hugged her back. 
Emery smirked as she kissed him, happily.

Kenzi smiled as she pulled away, "You know, I think he is doing pretty good for someone that lost his mate. But he would probably do better if he found some balance in his life. How about I help you with something, to help him relax? He is going to be my babysitter while I am here, I could at least do that for him?"
Abigail looked to her curiously. "It's taken him some time to get to where he is. What do you have in mind?" She asks gently. 
Kenzi shrugged, "Something to make him smile, or something." she smiled looking around, taking her hand, "Come, I know what used to make me happy when I found out I was alone."
Abigail slowly got to her feet to follow her. Curious and happy that this girl had come into her son's life. She rarely saw Niklaus smile anymore. 
Kenzi smiled as she lead her out of the cave and towards the night sky, she stopped as a thick tree, looking up, "Stay right here." she told her, "I think he might like this." she stated before she started to climb.
Kenzi moved up to teh top before she moved to stand on a branch and smirked as she reached over towards the nearest branch and picking flowers to drop. "Catch them." she called back down, as she dropped flower after flower
kenzi sighed as she looked down with a smile, "Almost done, I'll be down soon." she assured her as she jumped over to another branch.
Kenzi grinned as she dropped a few more flowers before grabbing some vines. She looked for anything else before moving to climb down, she was trying to be careful. But she took a wrong step before she slipped, she yelped as she started to fall down, not sure how to catch herself just yet.
Abigail's eyes widened. "Kenzie...!" She says, in surprise. 

"I've got you." Niklaus says, running quick over to her. He had been looking for them and when he found them he just watched for a little bit in amusement. But seeing Kenzie slip he rushed to them. 
Kenzi yelped, holding onto him and smirked innocently, like a child, "Hi, Niklaus. How are Mike and Hailey?" she said, as if he hadn't just saved her again.
Niklaus smirked a little, though he didn't put her down. "Happy, as mates are." He says. He was sure they were also trying to figure everything out. "What have you two been up to?" He asks, glancing to his mother and then back to her. 
Kenzi smiled innocently, "Getting some air, that place is really crowded." she nodded, "We didn't get lost, if that is what you are getting at." she assured him.
Kenzi smirked, "That makes it sound like you were afraid of something else." she shrugged, "I think you should probably have worded that differently."
Niklaus smirked. "Well currently I was concerned about not getting to you before you fell." He says. "But I did get to you. Now I'm just curious about what you were doing in the tree." He adds. 
Kenzi smirked, "Well, that would be telling and I don't tell secrets." she stuck her tongue out at him, "I will thank you for catching me again. Seems like it's turning into habit, if you weren't my babysitter." she giggled. "Can I be put down now?"
Niklaus smirked. "Mm...I could, but it makes it easier to just hold you. You might fall somewhere else if I'm not here." He teases. 
Kenzi smirked, sighing, "I wouldn't fall off the ground. I'm only clumsy when I'm hyper." She protested.
Niklaus smirked as he set her down. "From what I've seen, you're always hyper." He points out. He hadn't fully smiled around her, but he was amused. 

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