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Monsterhearts: Ruse Cruise

Teh Frixz

That lady robot

In most horror stories, we find the introduction in a dire setting. The towering cracked halls of Usher, the deep interior of the Black continent, the harrowing winds of the frozen north and usually there is some sort of terrible weather to forewarn the individuals of their impending doom. Or on the other end we have some sort of idyllic beauty, designed to lull our characters into a sense of false security. But what happens when the weather seems to give a resounding meh to the intentions of mankind.

It wasn't too sunny out for Southern Florida, the midday rain coming in but not managing to produce anything more than a drizzle. It was warm but not too warm, the humidity clogging up the senses of the California student populace. They'd been bused and flown to the the Sunshine state, the departure point for the Cruise so there is a general sense of shock but little trouble adapting among the student body.

It didn't take long, the crew used to dealing with drunk adults more often than shell shocked High Schoolers so there boarding process was quick.

Before long, the majority of the student body was gathered in the 'Encanta' Hall. A massive auditorium, capable of holding well over the capacity of the rooms. An almost insurmountable din from the group.

WIth a perfect place for a zooming in camera shot, we focus on three rows in the front right, just a perfect angle to leave an uncomfortable crook in your neck. Here we have the players in our little saga.

Natalie Singh (@Mrs Hesperus ) sit in the first of the three rows, directly behind them is Victor LaStrange (@Captain Hesperus ) and his cronies, Jack, Luke, and Brent. The three entertain themselves by playing with Osthryd's hair and trying to throw bits of paper down Natalie's shirt. Directly behind them, the four musketeers themselves. Gabriel Knight (@Grey ) staring daggers at the trio, Robin Goodfellow (@DreamingofRoses ) with Jack chatting her ear off about a movie he snuck in to see, his cheeks flushed at being so close to you and Grant Shuul (@Ayl ) looking oddly detached from the crowd. He feels his stomach growl, a pair of girls behind him hearing it giggle.

There is supposed to be a speech by the captain but it hasn't even gotten dark in the auditorium yet...

What happens? What will you do?
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Natalie hunches into her seat.

She's not sure how she ended up with Osthryd as her roommate for the cruise, but she figures it can't affect the experience that much, right? She just has to change in the bathroom to keep her self-esteem from getting shot.

She already regrets changing up her usual wardrobe for a thin muslin shirt. It's the same navy black as her sports bra, but the problem is that the humid Florida weather has made it perfect for catching itchy bits of paper. She can't get them out without embarrassing herself at the front of the auditorium, and if she edges to the front of her seat, she's certain it'll give Victor's gang an opening for worse pranks.

She can't turn around for help. That'll just make it too easy for the bullies. Chewing her lip peevishly, Natalie looks to Osthryd and her eyebrows go up, seeing how they're also tugging on her hair.
Osthryd of Northumbria

Though her body might not be encased in the nun's habit, it nonetheless cloaked her heart, her mind, and her actions. She was normally quick to offer God her prayers of gratitude, for all things came from God. She had prayed diligently the entire time they had flown in the plane for she did not wish God to alter the laws of physics whilst she was cruising at 30,000'. You can take the girl out the 10th century, she thought, but you can't take the 10th century out of the girl.

They were escorted onto the boat even as she had a pretty human girl, Natalie, were escorted to a cabin. She had looked at the space and nodded. It would be a fitting cell in which to pray. And, she would have probably done her None prayers then and there if they hadn't needed to leave for their 'assembly'. And so, sitting next to the human girl, she had bowed her head, closed her eyes and prayed. It felt good to renew her contract with God. She had been told that her soul was no longer hers, that it was gone. She had worried about that for a while until she realized that she had already given her soul to God and none could wrest it from Him when it has been offered to none other. It had given her a great deal of relief when she had come to that realization.

But for all that her eyes were closed and her focus on her prayer, she was not deaf to the chortles behind her, nor was she oblivious to those who tugged on her hair, nor was she unable to sense the flying pieces of paper being tossed at Natalie. But she ignored it, for, when one spoke to God, one should give Him all of her attention. Prayers, however, did not last forever and when she was finished, she looked over at Natalie. "In a thousand generations, it would seem as if those of the male sex have not yet understood that it is against the desires of God for His sons to treat His daughters with cruelty and ignorance. Surely, it was always His intent for His children to love each other, and to uplift each other." She then reached out and gently picked a wadded up sheet of paper from her hair. "Ah, I see that they have decided to add their own spittle to this. I must admit, Natalie, that I have grown in frustration over their continued attacks upon my hair. Were that I a man, I would demand they give me satisfaction. I am, however, vexed."

She then turned so her knees were on the seat and she looked at Victor and his friends. She smiled sweetly, almost too sweetly. "Good Nonce, friends," she said, the word 'friends' coming out with a low growl, "mayhap that you were unaware that your actions cause us discomfort and aggravation. Mayhap you thought that pulling on my hair and tossing projectiles of paper and spittle were the offerings of friends who doth tease each other in easy comradeship. I will inform you that this is not so. Neither the maiden Natalie nor I care for such amusements and we do offer the request that you cease your actions immediately."

It never occurred to her that most modern humans would simply turn around in their seat and tell the boys to stop it. Of course, Osthryd always felt that if you could say something in three words, then ten must be even better.
Victor LaStrange

Victor was busy enough that his minions' antics did not immediately draw his attention. He was far more absorbed by the device in his hand. A rectangular plastic device, with a small rubbery aerial poking out of the top on the right side. Top to bottom it was about five inches long and about an inch and a half thick. It's front had a small green screen and a wide variety of buttons with numbers from 1 to 9 with 0 at the bottom and others with cryptic symbols on them. A fragile device, he'd already broken one in the tantrum he'd had when he learned that he would be sharing his stateroom with Luke, Jack and Brent, but yet it represented something special and unique in his experience. A cell phone. It didn't need a cable or a wall plug to be able to make or receive calls. The only cable it needed was the one that he had plugged into the outlet that recharged the battery of the phone. His father had said that the phone could make calls as long as it was close to the shore. But in truth, Victor wasn't greatly bothered about making calls, or even answering them.

The prestige of owning a cell phone was enough. Here he sat, in a new pair of Levi's, expensive Nikes and one of his new thermal color-changing t-shirts, a living advertisement of consumerist excess, not to mention the closet full of similarly expensive clothes back in his stateroom. For Victor, the goal was to be seen to be as rich as Croesus without having to throw wads of cash everywhere. He reveled in the looks he'd gotten as he'd boarded the ship, the avaricious glares and awed stares were worth a million pairs of new sneakers.

A voice distinctly different from the general hubbub of a thousand or so kids nearby drew his attention away from his new toy of the day and he looked up. His eyes fell upon the face of the odd British kid, Ostrich or some other weird name. She was pretty, in a classically clean fashion, like the model of some Old Master stepped out of the canvas and walking amongst modern people. She had been at Baybreak High only a short time, various rumors had it she was an exchange student or that one or other of her parents was someone big in the British Embassy or that she was secretly a member of the royal family incognito. Victor thought the rumors were a pile of crap and that she was just some chick who read some Jane Seymour books and could pull off a convincing foreign accent.

"Oh, well geez,", he replied to her verbose exhortation, "I'm sorry about my friends and their immature behavior, Miss. Please forgive us for our boisterousness."

He looked over at his minions and quirked an eyebrow at them as a smirk crossed his face.

"Or better yet? Why don't you and your girlfriend shut up and get bent? Christ, but I can't stand pretty chicks who think they're better than everyone else. Now shut up, before I throw you over the side of the boat and make you swim back to Brit-land.", he growled at her, his eyes narrowed and his lips dangerously thin.
Osthryd of Northumbria

She turned her cool gaze upon the one who had spoken. Her eyes were the color of ice and they were just as friendly. It was a look she had seen on the Viking Shield-Maidens who had been no less fierce and murderous than their male counterparts. It was also a look that she had worn to make generals learn respect. It would work on most humans, but she was sure that this one, with his scent, would not be so easily cowed.

Oh, aye, indeed she had heard of the name LaStrange. Pathetic French.

She regarded him, taking in his shoes, his cell, and his clothing. He wanted people to be awed by his wealth. She had no need of such base things. "Brit-Land," she sneered insultingly, her voice taking on the tones of the higher classes, "is this yet more examples of this vaunted American humour or has your father's purse bought you an education that you have not earned that you would suggest that I come from some place you refer to as 'Brit-land." She looked at him and sniffed disdainfully. "But then, you are American so your education is wanting and you are French so obviously your intelligence is lacking. It is not your fault you are not English so I shall forgive you." She raised her hands and moved them as she spoke. "In nomie Patris, et Filius, et Spiritus Sancti."

Natalie felt her face go warm as Osthryd leaned over to extricate a piece of paper from her hair. But did she say spit? Oh grOoss. She's going to go straight back to their room to shower and change.

She wasn't sure if the goons would understand Shakespearian, but apparently their leader did.

She turned red with embarrassment, very aware that Robin and Gabe were within earshot. And then Osthryd chanted some spell in Latin and made signs in the air and Natalie almost wished she was back in class. Here, there was no teacher to protect you when you sat in front.

Seeing the adults were busy with other things, Natalie pressed close to Osthryd. "Let's go sit somewhere else," she pleaded, too high-pitched to whisper properly. The lights hadn't dimmed yet. They still had time.

Nat wants to run away, but she doesn't want to leave Osthryd behind. Up @Mrs Hesperus what they do. Nat will try to show solidarity with Osthryd's actions unless Nat's shrugged off.
Victor LaStrange

Victor's sneer hardened and his lips curled back into a snarl as his eyes blazed with barely suppressed rage.

"Latin, a dead language endlessly revived by empty-headed sheep to try and coax a shriveled dead god into action. It's almost as much a waste of air as you are, Ostrich. And I'll have you know the LaStrange family has been at the right hand of royalty, while yours were, no doubt, toiling in the dirt in that rain-swept misbegotten crapbucket you call a country.", he responded, before rounding on Natalie, "And as for you, Craterface, you'd better rein in your girlfriend before she gets herself hurt. Herself or someone else."

The implicit threat of violence was as blatant as a baseball bat to the face as Victor reached out and grabbed the back of Natalie's chair, shaking it roughly enough to set it rattling against its neighbors, despite Natalie still being sat in it.
Osthryd of Northumbria

Faster than a striking snake, she shot out her hand and grabbed his wrist. "Is that the best that you can do? Are you so lacking in any social graces that the only way to ameliorate yourself in your own eyes is to mock others, to mock God, and to make lesser beings feel as if there is ought wrong with them? Are you so petulant and so low that your only vice is the destruction of others? I can forgive your lack of understanding of the world, I can even forgive you your patrimony for no one can be blamed for his heritage. But the manner in which you mistreat others is sickening and does you no credit. What will you do, Son of the House of LaStrange, when there are no others about for your to mistreat and you are alone in the hollow recess of your own mind?"

She let go of his hand and stood, drawing her power about her like a cloak. Her gums hurt, and she realized she wants to feed upon this creature, though she feared to do so for the blood in his veins would cause her own to cry out in pain. "Let us depart indeed, Natalie. Let us leave this putrid air that reeks of the droppings of an impotent godling. Bluster all that it pleases you, LaStrange for though you refuse to understand me, I know well who your people are. Or rather, what your people are."

She then smiled and it was like the sun coming up, the beauty it blinding. "May God's truth, and love shine upon thee and fill thy days with His eternal Joy."


not 100% positive if this is what right or not
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Natalie, Ostryd, Victor

@Mrs Hesperus

Your hand makes sudden contact but you instantly regret it. Severely regret it.

As a creature of the night, the darkest rooms and coldest chambers never bothered you. Far less than forcefully bathing in the light of God but this...

Your hand almost feels frozen but with a burning hellfire under your skin. Pain floods your senses like you haven't felt since you were mortal and the scent of brimstone is under your nose. You break away but gain 1 Harm and the condition Stunned but gain another string on Victor

What do you do?

Victor @Captain Hesperus

The grasp is something that suddenly consumes you. An infernal hunger in your soul, attempting to ravish something pure. But in that purity, you sense a coldness. A defiance. The beast sears under the flesh, a pleasurable burning under your chest. As you look down you can see the Thermal shirt making the shape of a lower case T. Upside down and above your heart.

You both break off, a wash of something amazing flowing into Victor with an understanding. +1 String on Osthryd and the condition MARKED

Natalie @Cirno

You look away just in time to see an opening in the aisle and the chaperone looking away. There is the glowing green exit sign if you go down the aisle and a door open if you go up. You look back to see the brief exchange between the two players of note and something inside you just screams GET AWAY. +1 to volatility for the scene from the condition SPURRED ON
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Scene Condition: Spurred On (+1 to Volatility)

They would be dealing with worse than some spit-honed scraps of paper and tugging at their hair soon. She had hung around Gabriel long enough to sense that.

And Gabriel and Robin couldn't do anything here. Rather, it'd be bad if any of the four musketeers tried to do anything. Victor had too many protections afforded to him by money if even half the rumours were to be believed.

Then she looked up. A chance to skip this out on this grade A embarrassment and all the crazy? She was more than happy to take it. "Come on," she begged, eyes wide. She was too frightened to touch Osthryd again, but her desire to bolt warred with leaving her room mate--not girlfriend!--here.

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Osthryd of Northumbria

Pain, it burned her. Not since she had died and returned to the land of the un-living had she felt such pain. Shock coursed through her and, she felt her soul cry out in despair. The stories were true. She could hear the human girl call to her. Her hand continued to burn even as she turned and followed Natalie. Such evil she had not seen in... has she seen such evil? She felt terror in the depths of her soul. She had not been prepared for this, had not been prepared for the evil such as he.

She needed to pray, needed to find consecrated ground and pray. But where could one find such a place? She blindly followed the human girl.
Victor LaStrange

Well, that was totally not expected. The flash of realization about Osthryd's nature made Victor grin vindictively. Well worth the unwanted contact. He'd not felt something that pure, yet utterly debased, before and something in him growled like a caged beast. He found he had to rein himself in. And he did it in his own style. He crossed his as over his chest, artfully covering and obliterating the upturned crucifix beneath the heat impression of his arms.

"Yeah, run away, you lesbo freaks. Go hide in the bathroom so you can suck face away from us normal people.", he laughed, goading his lackeys into catcalling and laughing along with him. As the others took up jeering on their own, Victor settled back into his chair and watched the retreating back of the girl who'd grabbed him. He would remember her face and later there would be another reckoning between them. Somewhere more private.
Natalie & Osthryd (@Mrs Hesperus )

Dancing Demons Batman! Time to go! The pair sit up, a small avalanche of balled up paper falling into the cracks of the seat, never to be seen again until the ship would be decontaminated in 2015. Both of you scoot your way down the aisle, a few teens there becoming instantly uncomfortable as you brush past their laps in brusque fashion. Slipping into the aisle, fate seems to deem you head up and out the main doors.

The foggy humidity greets you like a wet handshake. You take three steps and instantly feel sweat on your body...except Osthryd who miraculously maintains a pale, liquid free appearance. You look around, the ship mostly quiet as the population is inside the main auditorium. You do spot a student couple sneaking off behind a row of plastic palm trees as well as a group of three adults (chaperones by the look of it) just barely missing the pair in their quest to maintain order. One, a large man in a Hawaiian shirt, panama hat, and velcro laced sandals spots you and starts up towards you.

Natalie recognizes him as Becca's dad, the girl that was rumored to have gotten off at Liza's seventeenth with that weirdo Dan Halverford during a long seven minutes. You can almost smell the booze on him.

Osthryd can smell the booze and manages to catch the pinch he gives to your Homeroom teacher, Miss Collins.

Victor (@Captain Hesperus )

The group catcalls the pair all the way out before Luke and Jack look back at you for approval, Brent however looks upset and doesn't make eye contact. Shadows start to fall as the room dims.

Gabriel, Robin, Grant (@Grey ,@DreamingofRoses ,@Ayl )

You watch the interaction with the others with half interest, this sort of stuff with Victor is commonplace and nobody seems impressed except him and his lackey's. You all lean back in your seats as the lights begin to dim, limiting vision for most of you to the stage where a microphone stand is brought out. Robin is suddenly alerted by Jack yawning loudly and sliding an arm around your chair. You can hear the thumping in his chest as his clear arm hair starts to gently brush against the back of your neck.

What do you all do?
Osthryd of Northumbria

She had never before been able to describe what her sense were like, at least, not until that clever author wrote his book about called The Hobbit. it was great relief now to be able to liken her speed, strength, stamina, and senses to that of an elf. Not the Fair Folk for they were different than Tolkien's elves. And, if she had to pick the two, she preferred Tolkien's. Normally she found her superior senses a gift that could only have come from God, but other times, the blessing behind the curse seemed more like a curse than a blessing. And, when her exalted sense of smell only heightened the putrid odor of the habitual drunk, it was definitely one of those 'curse' moments.

"This man who is on the approach," she said softly, as if her words were whispered in Natalie's ears, 'reeks of one who has spent his formative years engrossed in the lover-like embrace of a bottle of that overly foul concoction of cheap beer. Even this day he has imbibed heavily and upon his breath I would give witness that he has consumed more than what a normal man ought in a single day, yet alone in the span of a few hours. I like him not for he touches others inappropriately. Let us be rid of him and return tot he hall, I sense that they are about to begin beyond the doors from which we have just left." The lights had dimmed and the change in light, even through the doors, was noticeable. That, she could hear the noise of people dim.
Robin Goodfellow

Victor and his goons were beginning to annoy her, especially since they were bugging her dear Natalie, who had been paler than a sheet when she and Osthryd (what a weird name). She was going to have to deal with him soon. Of course, he did owe her a favor... But what fun would it be if he could see it coming?

She gently leans into Jack's tentative embrace and turns her face towards his, brushing the long strands of blonde that had escaped from her pony tail out of her eyes. Her lips come up to his ear, almost brushing them with every word. Robin presses a little bit of her shoulder into his chest, blue eyes gazing earnestly at the side of his face, her left hand coming across her body to sit lightly on his chest, every movement a posture to turn him on.

"You really like me, huh, Jack?"

Robin Goodfellow

Uh oh...

Heart pounding down to his silvertabs, Jack quite nearly gulps. An awkward flop sweat forms on his forehead. Clearly he didn't plan on making it this far with you. His eyes dart rapidly around, gauging perception of those nearby without meeting yours.

"I...yeah...um... Bye.."

Nearly throwing you off him, Jack jumps to his feet and scurries down the row out the same way Natalie and Osthryd left. This time the aisle far less pleased.

For a moment, all you can do is think back to your Fae courts...

Name someone in your court that made you feel like Jack does now.

Gabe ignores Robin's antics at his back, with Jack, watching the stage. Victor is an ill-omen, as usual.

Better to remain alert. And not get caught sneaking glances at Nat.

Ugh, Alfinn, He had been one of the Queen's new toys when I had been introduced to the Court and he just seemed so lost in the fae around him. So mewling, pitiful, and scary.

She nudges Gabe's shoe with one of her sneaks, pouting slightly at the abrupt exit of her prey.

Scene Condition: Spurred On (+1 to Volatility)

Natalie's eyes widen. What? What touching? That's a pretty serious accusation of someone's father. And so what if his eyes looked bloodshot. That could be said of a lot of people after their exhausting travel schedule.

"Let us be rid of him and return to the hall, I sense that they are about to begin beyond the doors from which we have just left."

Woh no. No way. It did not matter how big the room was. She did not want to be anywhere near Victor after that embarrassing scene. "Can't we ask for the nurse's office or something?" Suggesting truancy makes her feel almost as sick as the idea of being back in the front row.
Osthryd of Northumbria

She looked at the human girl critically. She took in the girl's scent, her expression, and even her heart beat. All signs point to fear. Fear can be smelled, fear can be sensed and worse, fear can be manipulated. She sighed and smiled at Natalie. "I forget that one must learn certain truths about oneself in this journey all call life. And one of those truths is that fear is just a way for the primeval aspect of your brain to alert you to danger. I too, sometimes fall prey to such failings for there are a great many things I fear. I do not desire my death and so I fear those instruments that have the power to destroy me. Aye, indeed, fear can overcome us, cause us to fight or flee and this once we have chosen flight. Let us now instead return so that we might not be driven by fear. This Victor, oh, aye, I know of him now. Let us return, let us face this fear. But, we can come in through the back."

She looked up to the roof of the auditorium and judged it was about fifteen feet high. She then looked at Natalie and realized that the girl would be unable to make such a leap. And that would mean, of course, that they would have to walk past the inebriated man with the wandering fingers. Her eyes narrowed, she would allow him not to molest her person nor that of the mortal child. "Come, Natalie, let us return and concur our fears, let us not let them consume us for in being slaves of our passions, we lose mastery of our own selves and all Man ought to be his own master. Let none but God Himself claim mastery of your mind, heart, and soul."
Victor LaStrange

Victor grinned in self-satisfied success as his victims very publicly fled his presence. Luke and Jack did their duties well, some of the things they shouted were pretty inventive. But Brent.... Brent was beginning to become a problem. Did he have... feelings... for one of those freaky chicks? Victor's smile collapsed into a sneer of disgust. If that were the case, Brent was very rapidly going to be finding himself seeking alternate accommodation on this cruise.


The old story was repeating itself. Even now, worthlessly, Grant tried covering his stomach, maybe, just maybe the growls would stop. He knew he needed to get to his cabin fast and take a "snack" before something bad would happen. Yet, that damned captain wouldn't start his damn speech. The giggling behind him made him turn around and shoot lightning through his eyes at the pair of girls.

Just then, the light dimmed, and Grant's attention was drawn towards the stage. He couldn't care less for the petty interactions between the school's prince, Victor and that puritanian girl, Osthryd.
Natalie and Osthryd

Unexpectedly, you see the married Mrs. Collins stare at Becca's dad's rear while he walked up to you. The pinch Osthryd noticed may not have been as one sided as initially thought. He walks up close. Becca's dad must have been an athlete at some point, his body not truly degrading from disuse as much as misuse. A gut sits underneath once washboard abs, giving the oafish appearance of a silverback. A sort of rough elder male. To Natalie he might just be a dad bod but Osthryd knows what Mrs. Collins might have been risking her marriage for.

The can he holds sloshes slightly as he comes to a halt. "What're you two doing out of the assembly? Especially you....Natalie. Singh's daughter right? Shame she couldn't make it." His mind drifts for a moment before coming back down to sea. "March your butts right back in there and listen to what the captain saying. Don't want a mutiny now huh?" He takes a drink and steps past to open the door for you two.

Right as a couple holding hands sneaking off to your left giggles a little too loud. Boy and a girl. Ire is roused within Becca's dad. "Get in there" He stomps off after the pair, leaving you with a choice.

Gabriel, Grant, Robin, Victor

With your fourth horseman soon returning, sitting beside Grant at the end of the row, the Auditorium starts to quiet down. Victor's entourage satisfy themselves with resting their feet on the now vacant seats. A light comes on the stage with a somber figure walking out. With the rest of the room nearly pitch black, it is slightly strange. He wears a dark blue uniform without a cap, though you can see it being held at his side by some sort of clip on his belt. He seems to give off an air of dryness and authority. His hair is a dirty blonde with a well manicured beard. Eyes bright blue, bright enough for people in the crowd to notice.

"Welcome, one and all, aboard the Nova Paradiso. I'm your captain, Captain Jonsdotter, As you are all aware- *Reverb* -eh em. As you are all aware, we've cast off in the last half hour for our cruise. What we will be doing now for the next hour or so is going over rules, regulations and generally getting you all ready...."

He pauses.

The curtain pulls back to show a large big screen and positively massive sound system.


"Ready for fun!" He shouts into the microphone as music kicks in and a combination of lasers, strobes, and fog assault the crowd. Students stand up, starting to cheer and holler as the captain speaks over.

"Here on Paradiso cruise lines, we emphasize fun and freedom. It's your vacation! We don't tell you how to run it." A few dancers come out, helping emphasize the point. "Just a few rules we all must follow, no underage drinking, just say no to drugs, obey both crew and chaperone, and stay out of crew only areas. Other than that, the most important rule is have fun!!!"

The music kicks back into full swing, a slide show starting up of various activities available on the ship. The captain gives a wave and smile before exiting slowly, in his place a woman comes up. Her hair a bleached platinum blonde, she looks like the love child of Anna Nicole Smith and Michelle Pfeiffer. She wears this tight pink dress that doesn't hold any secrets.

"Hey y'all! We all ready for this cruise to start off?! Tell me about it! I'm Ms. Daughters and as you should already know, our crew is doing their very best to keep you safe and happy for this trip. So if you see anyone dressed like me, you'll know that those are your very special cruise Reps and you can get help on any questions y'all might have. Now! Other than that, our little show is gonna wrap up in about fifteen but feel free to leave, dinner will be served in all dining halls in an hour, from there our cruise reps will have a couple more announcements. Enjoy y'all and again! Welcome to the Nova Paradiso!!"

Osthryd of Northumbria

Modern marriages are those made on mutual love and with the understanding, faith, and trust that one's spouse would not only remain loyal due to the vows that bind, but also due to the desire to do so. Shame on one to forsake marriage vows, and shame to be a happy partner to one who commits adultery. Osthryd is not impressed with Becca's father.

There are, however, a few advantages to being to being her and one of them was knowing her affect on members of the opposite sex. So subtle was her change in posture that only the most discerning eye could tell. The dilation of the man's pupils and the increased rhythm of his hear rate suggested that the primative part of the male brain recognized those signs. She had cocked her hips just so, and had pushed out her breasts just a fraction, even as she lowered the hoods of her eyelashes. "Surely," she spoke, her voice lower, fuller, as if she were out of breath with latent desire, "you do not expect poor Natalie to go back inside until she is feeling better? Not everyone finds sea voyage an engaging and enthralling affair that leaves one feeling youthful and energized. For some of us, it make us feel as if the world won't stop moving. As soon as Natalie is feeling better, I'll get her back inside. I think you'll find that you'll have to drag those two off back into the auditorium. I wonder what they could be doing there, hiding like they are. I'm sure they're only wanting to play a game of paddy-cake. Too bad they're only kids and bound by the rules of the adults in charge of their care. Maybe when they're older they can take another voyage and play all kinds of games."
Victor LaStrange

As the captain came out, Victor's eyes rolled back in his head and he mimed dying expressions to his minions, much to their mutual amusement but, as the curtains rolled back and the music and dancing kicked off, he perked up and bounded to his feet, whooping and cheering with the rest. His eyebrows shot to the upper extent of his brow as the ravishing Ms. Daughters took the stage and his teenage heart rapidly accelerated, even beyond its current excited state.

My, my, perhaps this voyage will be great fun!

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