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    機 動 戦 士 ガ ン ダ ム:[ 復 元 ]
    ~ ~ ~

    THE YEAR IS AFTER UNITY 265, close to three centuries after the conclusion of the Three-Week War. Titan remains under the control of the Abram Dynasty, but the bold new era it promised upon its founding has long since run its course.

    Society has divided into an informal but persistent caste system that reserves privileges solely for the military elite. Self-serving politicians have woven a Gordian knot of micro-managerial restrictions and regulations. Social unrest prompts harsher crackdowns from the Ashura Corps and from local mobile infantry militias. Parties from more developed parts of the solar system seek to strongarm Titan's leading families into signing unequal treaties. Pirates and brigands strike repeatedly at orbital stations and production facilities.

    Pessimism and suspicion are the attitudes of the day, and many believe that Titan is on the verge of regressing completely into its wartime state.

    Much has changed for the worse.

    But much can still be changed for the better. All it will take are those with the willpower to make it so.

    IN KAMEYAMA TOWN, on the coast of Kraken Mare, shipbuilders are hard at work constructing the amphibious "land schooners" responsible for dispersing produce, livestock, textiles, and other goods to the rest of Titan's colonies.

    Roving merchants and scrappers gather here to hawk their salvage- chiefly wreckage from mobile infantry skirmishes; the most prized wreckage comes from the site where the Battle of Mayda Insula was fought long ago and not so far away- to fuel the shipbuilding industry, and to earn enough to keep starvation at bay for just a little longer.

    Life in Kameyama Town is difficult and free of many comforts; for many, it is the only life they have ever known or ever will know.

    But fate has its eye on a particular troupe who has made its home here. These hardworking young men and women will soon find their difficult lives upended in a way that none of them could ever expect...

    ON THE ORBITAL STATION NANTUCKET, high above Titan's atmosphere, administrators are monitoring the airspace for signs of approaching and departing craft.

    Nantucket is one of the most important orbital stations tethered to the spaceport colony of Dejima City down on the surface, acting as a screen for any parties who seek to visit Titan for business, alliance, or pleasure. In the event of hostile parties, it is equipped with a sizable cohort of space-bound Dagoo units that provide the first line of defense.

    Even though Titan has been reopened to the solar system for many years now, visitors remain few and far-between. The veterans of Nantucket now regard their positions with little of the esteem they once felt; to them, being assigned here is a punishment, a bloodless way for the upper crust to get you out of their hair for good.

    But these victims of bureaucracy will soon get a taste of the excitement that has been absent from their diets for so long. New visitors are on their way, and their business with Titan is of another sort entirely...

    IN IKEDAYA TOWN, in the heart of the western Senkyo region, strange rumblings are afoot.

    Decades of victimization by politicians and freshly minted military looking to throw their weight around have turned this lowly colony into a hotbed of anti-dynasty sentiment. Many of its citizens wish for a return to the relative prosperity and lack of looming outsider threats that accompanied Titan's period of isolation, and are unafraid to place the blame for the moon's decay at the feet of the now-impotent regime.

    Protests and petitions continue to fall on deaf ears. Rumors abound that a cell of radicals based in Ikedaya Town plans to resort to terrorist acts in a final, desperate bid to make their voices heard. Nothing has come of these rumors yet, so for the time being, they remain rumors.

    But for a particular police force, any rumors of threats against the glorious Abram Dynasty must be considered as facts and dealt with accordingly...

    AND SOMEWHERE BENEATH Titan's surface, sealed within an ancient crypt, a METAL-SKINNED GOD slumbers, waiting to be awoken...