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Fantasy Mitheria: The Call

To be fair, I think only Jin and Noble aren't giving some facet of their real name. Most of the rest are giving nicknames- like Yuni is just shortening "Yoon Hee" to a cute nickname.
Liars!! All liars!! *mumblemumblegrumblegrumble*
I like how Jin calls Noble's long hair "feminine" but he has long hair in his picture. If this was historical Europe or Asia, I just want to note it'd be totally normal. It's just maybe prettier than usual since it's a nice light golden color. =)

I was able to link a ton of proof that this was totally normal back in the day, and then I ended up looking at pictures from Interview with a Vampire. I forgot how yummy those guys looked back in the day when it was filmed. Even Tom Cruise with his freakin' huge nose looks pretty handsome!

Noble post!
I thought she just went... I am so confused, lol. I know it's not my turn, I can't keep track of the other groups though! I know I need Elle for Asha before Noble post.
My notifications definitely died. I... am going to do a bit of catching up. But first, sleep!
*LOL* Hey! Mags didn't ignore her. She just never actually introduced herself to the group!

Don't wanna jump the gun, myself, but if no one else replies by tomorrow, I'll at least have a post for Asha :)
*LoL* He was indicating how she never actually said -who- she was though. She mentioned what she did, but she doesn't say her name. ;-)
Sorry guys - Got smacked in the face with Joey's cold >_< Gonna do my best to post today. So long as I remember how to type Enlgish.

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