Mission Files - OOC Talk

In town, there should be some kind of vehicle that Ozug can borrow - if the Stonewell's don't have a motorbike or something similar, someone else will. So that'd probably be the first thing we should take care of, since you have to search the largest area.
That would work. Someone just needs to make an IC post about that, and we can make some progress.
Might be able to get a post up this evening if noone beats me to it - I'll see.
That sounds like a workable plan to me. +1 on Alley quickly running to support anyone who needs it. That said, Alley lacks awesome disguise powers and should probably keep low around the Coalition. Unless someone wants to make her invisible or something.
Did all those TW weapons from the Alroc (hydra) fight get allocated? I know the sword and the staff did. Just curious. Wasn't in the loot list category either.
Don't think they were - at least, I can't really recall that someone claimed them. Might just have been too hyped about the staff to notice, though...
I'll check the past posts and see what was recovered from the hydra, and add it to the loot list tomorrow.
Just letting you know I'm spending all day flying from the west coast to the east coast so my schedule's tanked. I should be up for posting from tomorrow evening, though.
I updated the Loot List with the guns you snagged from the Hydra.
Just to give everyone a heads up, next Wednesday I'll be leaving town for a week to go to Indianapolis to attend GenCon. I'll be bringing my tablet with me, so I should have some posting time, but I won't be online as much as I am now.

PS Psychie Psychie , I am hoping to get a copy of the new Atlantian book that is supposed to be shipping on the 9th of this month, so they should have copies there. If they do, I'll let you look over the book for O-Ren.
There's a new Atlantean book? Oh snap! Also, I am super jealous. Always wanted to go to GenCon. I am just going to have to settle for Dragonflight and Tortuga this fall.
I should have an update for everyone tomorrow. Getting sleepy early for me for once.
Another heads up: This week's my second business onsite in a row (after which I'm thankfully done for a couple of months). I'm probably up for replies tomorrow but I fly tomorrow morning all day and will be busting my butt Tuesday through Thursday. If I have time and brain power, I'll post during the week but if not, figured you guys deserved notice. :)
The convention was a blast, and is now over. I'll be flying back home tomorrow, and will be able to devote my time to the game once more.
Glad you had a good time, boss. I survived both of my business trips and can now resume what passes for my regular life once more...
Sorry about my silence. Added a paragraph of Nasoth's thought process to help clarify why. For all her pretense to humanity, she really isn't a human being, and she's still too young to really understand what's going on. Not because she's stupid, but because she's not very knowledgeable.
I'll give everyone a little bit more time to respond before moving the story forward.

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