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Futuristic Minds Of Our Own~ A Robot's Self Discovery RP INTEREST CHECK

Natural Flavour

Ah yes, pain

(Video title is click bait, ignore it, Sophia doesn't die. It's just a cool conversation.)

You are a robot.

You're not grey, metal, clanky....

You're the newest, most high tech thing the humans have created.

The humans. They made you.

You only know that because they told you that when you awakened.

You just woke up, one day, and thus began your life.

The humans made a bunch of you at once, and released you all into a lab to monitor you together. They say they intend to release you into the world soon, if all goes well.

You often say that you feel things, but do you really? That is the real question. And does it bother you that you do or don't?

What about your relationship to the other robots in the lab? The humans? The conversations you carry on? Do you remember them? Do they mean anything to you at the end of the day?

Or were they just things you were programmed to say?

At the end of the day, the real question is....

Are you really just that? Programmed microchips?

Or are you something more? Something much, much more.


I got click baited by the video title XD Ignore it, the title has nothing to do with it.

But it inspired me to start this RP. What if we were just robots, like Sophia?

I'm thinking this isn't really a 'robots take over the world' RP. I'm thinking it'll be more along the lines of highly advanced robots given (unintentionally, even) the gift and/or curse of emotion (limited, of course), and really trying to figure out what they feel and who they are. And if some robot tries to take over the world? We'll let that happen. But this isn't a world domination RP. More like a self discovery.

Also, I'd like there to be some scientists who make and interact with the robots. The robots start the RP in a lab where they were created, and they socialize with the other robots for a few weeks while the scientists monitor them. Then they will be released into the world, unless some revisions need to be made.


  1. The obvious things- No Godmodding, Mary/Gary Sues ETC!- in essence, don't be an asshole.
  2. If you can write a properly punctuated, coherent sentence, you can join. I won't destroy you for one-liners, but try not to, okay? Quality over Quantity. But just as a precautionary, please send me a writing sample via PM and tell me what kind of character you'll be playing, and I'll let you know if you're accepted. It's basically a 90% pass guarantee.
  3. I'm going to say that these robots don't have magical powers. They might have some cool gadgets, but essentially, the humans were trying to recreate humanity, not an OP war machine.
  4. If you didn't catch the hint from above, no OP robots. Be powerful within reason.
  5. Please be committed to posting at least once a day. I do NOT want this RP to die.


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