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Futuristic Midas' Inferno|| Dystopian Post-Apocalyptic RP

whitefoxkiller said:
Oh also another way to get more interest is to post something in the IC. It's kind of cheating, but it will bump you to the top of the forum list.
I posted the Interest Check! Hopefully, this will draw more people ^^
whitefoxkiller said:
this is sad because this was gonna be a kick-ass rp
It is going a kick ass rp, but this time is the worst. People are so busy nowadays. Hopefully, by Christmas, I'll post another interest check. If you really want to do this, have hope.

No like, seriously, I am really looking forward to roleplaying with you guys, but it seems as if what I came up with might be a bit too intimidating...
This sounds very cool, when I will try to make a character sheet I hope I'll do it with grace.... it sounds very cool..
Also I got a question... how far advanced is the technology here? I figured very far... but still how far exactly.... and would a hand-held teleportation machine that tends to fail more then work be too out of place?
Hey @Purpleyedmiss when do you plan on starting? And will you still accept people once it starts? (If we get bumped back up to the top of the list you'll get a lot more interest, I don't know how you couldn't this isba great idea)
Noticed this on the Interest a Check and thought it seemed pretty cool.

I'd definitely be interested in getting involved if there's a chance it starts up.
Just double checking something here. But if a character were to be human, would that eliminate the ability to harness elemental power?

Power & Abilities

(If a Mutant. Specify the Element or Composition)


(None if a Mutant, Four only if you're a Human or a Willer)

For example... if I were human, I would have general talents, rather than a mutation? And if I were a mutant, I would only have my mutation, rather than any learned talents?

[QUOTE="JR McCormick]Just double checking something here. But if a character were to be human, would that eliminate the ability to harness elemental power?
Power & Abilities

(If a Mutant. Specify the Element or Composition)


(None if a Mutant, Four only if you're a Human or a Willer)

For example... if I were human, I would have general talents, rather than a mutation? And if I were a mutant, I would only have my mutation, rather than any learned talents?


In the absence of purpleyedmiss, yes that's the general idea.
Thanks very much dude. That's cleared a few things up for me!

If I were to go ahead and make this character, I have it in mind that he would have been old enough to remember the old world, so the likelihood of having a mutation would be pretty slim.

Although, having experienced the war first hand, perhaps that would have raised his chances of mutation. Hmmm.

As a bit of a homage to myself (and my love for dystopia) I jokingly gave this character my own date of birth. That would make him 61 in 2050. I would love to play an older character as the head of a rebellion, but I'm still waiting on word back to make sure I can go ahead with it.

Again. I don't want to step on anyone's toes if Purple has anyone else in mind for the role.
[QUOTE="JR McCormick]Thanks very much dude. That's cleared a few things up for me!
If I were to go ahead and make this character, I have it in mind that he would have been old enough to remember the old world, so the likelihood of having a mutation would be pretty slim.

Although, having experienced the war first hand, perhaps that would have raised his chances of mutation. Hmmm.

As a bit of a homage to myself (and my love for dystopia) I jokingly gave this character my own date of birth. That would make him 61 in 2050. I would love to play an older character as the head of a rebellion, but I'm still waiting on word back to make sure I can go ahead with it.

Again. I don't want to step on anyone's toes if Purple has anyone else in mind for the role.

Well he sounds awesome. I really hope this RP works out because every character so far is amazing and I'm just so satisfied with all them.
I actually have a fairly finished product put together which I'd be happy to upload for Purple (and the rest of you) to have a look at.
I posted the CS for you all to have a look at. If it's cool for me to play him, I'll leave it up. If not, I'll take it down.

Cheers for help guys :)
Hey! I wanted to show my interest with a question.

I have a rough idea for a character, but one snag.

Does one who is bound to one element required to be in the upper class? Or could they have hidden it as they grew up and therefore never go the luxury of being rich?

IthacaAlexandria said:
Hey! I wanted to show my interest with a question.
I have a rough idea for a character, but one snag.

Does one who is bound to one element required to be in the upper class? Or could they have hidden it as they grew up and therefore never go the luxury of being rich?

Oh, you're asking that because it says Noble. Noble is just a term designed to clarify the difference between one element mutants with synthetic and composition mutants. It has nothing to do with social classes. You can be a Noble and be in any class.
Purpleyedmiss said:
Oh, you're asking that because it says Noble. Noble is just a term designed to clarify the difference between one element mutants with synthetic and composition mutants. It has nothing to do with social classes. You can be a Noble and be in any class.
Awesome! I just wanted to clarify since I took a gander at the character sheets to get some ideas, but most Nobles were high class. Though that could have been my sleepy brain playing tricks. Either way thanks for the clarification!
I finally did it! @Purpleyedmiss

I finished her and I hope she is able to continue. I am alright with adding more weaknesses to be more specific, but I thought using her powers too much would cause her to become very tired would be a given.

I was also wondering when we are going to get going (not trying to pressure, I swear) I'm just curious because I'm super excited. :D

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