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Futuristic MIDAS' INFERNO | A Dystopian Future (Reboot)

IthacaAlexandria said:
Haha, it's only slightly sarcastic. Morgana used to be a helpless little girl.
@T h e F o o l I love that gif so much. I would live Eric to be almost like a Balin figure xD

@JR McCormick I believe we only need to fill out the Co-Founders of the Titans. We're missing three more... We have three players who have not made a character yet, so I believe we are going to be fine in the mean time. Of course, anyone can still join after that.

I can't stay that much on my pc thanks to all my schoolwork lately, and I'm sorry.

Also screw time differences.
As much as I appreciate a Merlin faceclaim, that name is waaay too ancient for the roleplay xD

Also, @Chibii I think you should change your character's name too

I don't want to sound picky, but even the strangest names should be strange because they from a different nationality or you can choose a more artistic alias like @IthacaAlexandria did.
Purpleyedmiss said:
As much as I appreciate a Merlin faceclaim, that name is waaay too ancient for the roleplay xD
Also, @Chibii I think you should change your character's name too

I don't want to sound picky, but even the strangest names should be strange because they from a different nationality or you can choose a more artistic alias like @IthacaAlexandria did.
Aw. -shrug- Oh well, it is just a name.

Aye Miss. -forward marches to change da names-

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