• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic MIDAS' INFERNO | A Dystopian Future (Reboot)

Finally got my character sheet posted *whew.* I made some assumptions about various aspect of the world so let me know if I need to adjust/change anything :)

I'll also need to fix the formatting later. I didn't realize that the forum's preview function doesn't show an accurate representation of what it would look like in a forum post x_x (which explains the need for a sandbox forum :o )

Edit: CS formatting fixed (^.^)
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And also, for @JR McCormick and everyone else interested. You've probably noticed my top post listing all the characters so fair and their respective players, so everyone can easily see the character's race and affiliation in one go. Please tell me if I got anything wrong xD It's quite possible.
whitefoxkiller said:
Aww I like Ethan
Purpleyedmiss said:
I love Ethan too! We need some kindness in Midas, it's very appreciated ^^
Awww, you guys (o'v'o) thank you for the kind words (^U^) I was worried it wouldn't have worked out for whatever reason I didn't think of. I'm glad that wasn't the case!
If the other people who volunteered in the Interest Check would show actual interest in making a character, that would be great.
completely forgot about this. woah.

ok ok i was just lazee im sory
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omg It's okay xD It was good to mention you then ^^

Since you replied to the IC, a lot of characters have been made. So, I suggest you take a quick look through them and all the threads so that you get a better idea of what you want to do ^^
I speak too politely in comparison to my avatar pic xD And my signature for that matter
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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Oo oo oo -waves hands and jumps around- Is the mineral Hematite up for sale for a composer... -rubs hands-

I'll take the slience as a no >->


T h e F o o l]I'll take the slience as a no >-> Anyways... [IMG]https://45.media.tumblr.com/3606a4fdca76048738173cb5b2ca826c/tumblr_mxlo1geRjx1t71r9no1_500.gif[/IMG] [/QUOTE] My computer was off! Sorry!!! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21287-mine/ said:
@Mine[/URL] warned me through cellphone convo. I'm so sorry! You can use hematite, you're completely free to do so! We need more composers. However, there's a disease called the hematitis, related to the corruption of the hematite mineral. So, basically, your character will be much more vulnerable than any other to the hematitis and the symtomps will be accelerated.
Purpleyedmiss said:
My computer was off! Sorry!!! @Mine warned me through cellphone convo. I'm so sorry! You can use hematite, you're completely free to do so! We need more composers. However, there's a disease called the hematitis, related to the corruption of the hematite mineral. So, basically, your character will be much more vulnerable than any other to the hematitis and the symtomps will be accelerated.
Yay for ticking time bombs.

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