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Fandom Metro: The Promised Land OOC

I just like to imagine that pretty much no one expects anything of fritz so they just keep him around to do the shitty tasks no one else wants
I just like to imagine that pretty much no one expects anything of fritz so they just keep him around to do the shitty tasks no one else wants
Commander: "Alright, I need people to stand outside and check for radiation."

Alek: "I'll do it, Sir!"

Commander: "Alright. Fritz, help the Rookie."

Fritz: "But Sir, I thought I was supposed t-"

Commander: "Help. The. Rookie. Fritz."
Fritz: "Hey, Alek?"

Alek: "Yeah?"

Fritz: "You...ever wonder why we're here?"

Alek: "One of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there a God really watching everything? You know...with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night..."

Fritz: "...what? I mean, why are we out here, checking the radiation?"

Alek: "Oohhhh uh....yeah..."
Hey! I finally got the IC up! Woohoo!
On a side note, if anyone has any requests for the Old Man to make / be making something ~ be that a firearm, ammunition or armour then feel free to contact me <3
ooo I’ll have a look when I properly wake up!
Anyone, and everyone upon getting into enough trouble that it is deemed punishable. Will receive different tasks as their punishment. You must complete said task in order to go back to business as usual.

Although, I don't wish to endorse punishment, but as a commander. I will keep everyone on bored safe. Meaning that if you are a given a task to complete. Then I will expect it to be done to the Commanders satisfaction, and within the time frame given.

Further more, do keep in kind that if you commite a crim. Then there is a chance that the death penalty will be given, or 6ou will get kicked off the train. Offense that can cause this are as follows, but is not limited to Treason, Abandonment during battle, Espionage, mutany, etc. Then again, you may just be kicked off the train. Also, you may or may not get a task the first, and/or second time one of these crimes are committed. Of course you will be executed/kicked off the train if anything you do results in the death others.

Although, do remember that you have until Rusty of Shackleford. Says that you get the death penalty/kicked of the train. Before it will actually happen. For as the chat/RP owner Rusty still holds the true power. As a result this entire message will not go into effect. Until it gets approval, and then not until it's announced IC by Commander ShadowFang. Which I don't plan on happening. Unless if someone/something causes it to become necessary. So let's all be mature, and not make my OC into a complete Dick/Hard Ass.

As he will already kinda be one out on missions. Which for everyone's sake I hope nobody has to go on a mission with him. As the Spartan/Spartans who do mission's with the commander. Will possibly be receiving direct orders during the mission, and expected to follow them without hesitation.

Which I promise to ask the Spartans for any volunteers, but sometimes certain Spartans will be preselected to go with depending on their specialty. As you all posses different Weapons/Skills. So in other words your all unique. So bringing an IRL spectrum into this. You all know different things, and have had different types of trainings. Of course Elite's have probably trained their entire lives. Gaining them the most skills, and training.

Take for example my OC Shadow Fang. Spent his entire life from age five training, and learning anything about combat that he possibly could. This includes but is not limited to strategies as a Commander to a squadron. Up to individual strategies on staying alive by any, and all means necessary. Along with, le6aning to properly handle all weaponry with a blade, or a trigger. He doesn't demand a lot. If you give him your trust, and the respect he's earned. Then he will trust you, and give you the same amount of respect. However for those who don't show him that respect. He will beat it outta any Male, and will find a way to get any female to show it.
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you can just do whatever your character would do, it'd be a dick move to stop you
Anyone, and everyone upon getting into enough trouble that it is deemed punishable. Will receive different tasks as their punishment. You must complete said task in order to go back to business as usual.

Although, I don't wish to endorse punishment, but as a commander. I will keep everyone on bored safe. Meaning that if you are a given a task to complete. Then I will expect it to be done to the Commanders satisfaction, and within the time frame given.

Further more, do keep in kind that if you commite a crim. Then there is a chance that the death penalty will be given, or 6ou will get kicked off the train. Offense that can cause this are as follows, but is not limited to Treason, Abandonment during battle, Espionage, mutany, etc. Then again, you may just be kicked off the train. Also, you may or may not get a task the first, and/or second time one of these crimes are committed. Of course you will be executed/kicked off the train if anything you do results in the death others.

Although, do remember that you have until Rusty of Shackleford. Says that you get the death penalty/kicked of the train. Before it will actually happen. For as the chat/RP owner Rusty still holds the true power. As a result this entire message will not go into effect. Until it gets approval, and then not until it's announced IC by Commander ShadowFang. Which I don't plan on happening. Unless if someone/something causes it to become necessary. So let's all be mature, and not make my OC into a complete Dick/Hard Ass.

As he will already kinda be one out on missions. Which for everyone's sake I hope nobody has to go on a mission with him. As the Spartan/Spartans who do mission's with the commander. Will possibly be receiving direct orders during the mission, and expected to follow them without hesitation.

Which I promise to ask the Spartans for any volunteers, but sometimes certain Spartans will be preselected to go with depending on their specialty. As you all posses different Weapons/Skills. So in other words your all unique. So bringing an IRL spectrum into this. You all know different things, and have had different types of trainings. Of course Elite's have probably trained their entire lives. Gaining them the most skills, and training.

Take for example my OC Shadow Fang. Spent his entire life from age five training, and learning anything about combat that he possibly could. This includes but is not limited to strategies as a Commander to a squadron. Up to individual strategies on staying alive by any, and all means necessary. Along with, le6aning to properly handle all weaponry with a blade, or a trigger. He doesn't demand a lot. If you give him your trust, and the respect he's earned. Then he will trust you, and give you the same amount of respect. However for those who don't show him that respect. He will beat it outta any Male, and will find a way to get any female to show it.

I think for the main part, you might be going in the wrong direction with this whole punishment system. Given that the Sparta Order lore-wise doesn't have much over 200 soldiers, executing or exiling a member isn't a simple decision to make. Furthermore, lore-wise, only a fraction of the Order is on the train.. let's say, around 30 people in total.. you don't exactly have the reserves in place to enforce such a strict standard, Sparta is not the Red Line or the 4th Reich. They're not extremists (for the most part). The death penalty shouldn't be a factor at all unless it is of the most serious offenses and even then it would be controversial amongst the other members of Sparta. Given their Russian SF background, a more ideal enforcement system would be one of control.. if someone is constantly getting into drunken brawls then revoke their ability to partake in drinking for a month or so. Handing out beatings is going to gain the Commander nothing more than pissing off a group of heavily armed individuals who are no strangers to slitting throats in the darkness. My point is to be reasonable, rather than some dictator. If people wanted to feel the boot of their Commander, then they would've remained in either the Red Line or the Fascists. If someone doesn't respect the Commander's point of view, then that's fine... it shouldn't prevent them from continuing on with their duties. You can't exactly hand out quotas and expect everything to be handled out on a platter, supplies would always be in need, materials are lacking in both quality and quantity... given the World-wide situation, being reasonable with requests would be the more logical and reasonable way to go about things. Given our thin numbers, i'd rather people come back alive without completing their goal than to die in some forsaken den of bandits.. because we wanted that packet of AA batteries.

Going on what you've written about causing the deaths of others, that's a very vague rule.. one that'll upset alot of people in many situations. For example, if I accidentally trigger a trap whilst navigating through a ruin with some of our guys and the resulting explosion kills/maims a couple of them, my character would be killed for getting them killed.. which makes no sense at all, people here aren't exactly going to go out of their way to fuck over another member of the team.. if anything does happen, for the most part it'll either be accidental or unfortunate ~ something that people can discuss OOC'ly so that both parties are happy and about it. If I wanted to kill, harm or otherwise interact with another character, it would be punctual of me to speak to them OOC'ly and work something out that we both feel good about.

Furthermore, it would be highly suggested that you speak to the person OOC about any situations than may end up in their deaths.. it is their character afterall and they're allowed just as much input as you and Rusty. Be reasonable about it and work with them rather than against them. I've had moments where i've asked if something bad would happen to another person's character and it turned into a rather fun conversation about how we've both be injured, rolling around and eventually forgiving and forgetting the whole conflict. Something that rarely happens if one person wants to enforce a punishment.

I feel that this whole punishment system is completely unnecessary and borderline oppressive. Perhaps it would be better to rethink things in a manner that is more creative, assigning extra guard shifts etc.. That said, people here should be able to assign themselves tasks for the most part.. wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to tell the Weapon-Smith to make weapons ~ he's going to be doing that anyway so what's the rush. Let the characters police themselves for the most part and only step in when things escalate to the point where things might become... unsettled. This is the end of the world, tempers are flared, personalities will clash and the occasional brawl may break out, it's all part of the situation we find ourselves in and a Leader that shows more commitment to being a Fatherly, respectful and caring individual is going to stand out alot more than some common thug with a PhD in beat-downs.

This is not me being a dick, it's my opinion on how to be a good role-model for the team. I can understand wanting to enforce order and to keep things organized but it'll just lead to pissing people off. Finding a good balance between being lenient and authoritative is always going to be a difficult mindset but I can say from experience that it'll leave alot more people here happy to follow along than prosecuting anyone that steps out of line.
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Eh, I actually used to be in an RP with admins that basically played Jenga with the characters lives once. Not fun, lemme tell ya. One of my favorite characters, who wasn't mine, got like this random encounter of troops beating up a poor woman. It was a stealth mission, but their character's personality forced them to help. Long story short, the city garrison came down on their ass, captured him, tortured him, and subsequently killed him.

That left a lot of people salty

I don't think anyone's like that here, but, like, please don't think about doing it or anything
Eh, I actually used to be in an RP with admins that basically played Jenga with the characters lives once. Not fun, lemme tell ya. One of my favorite characters, who wasn't mine, got like this random encounter of troops beating up a poor woman. It was a stealth mission, but their character's personality forced them to help. Long story short, the city garrison came down on their ass, captured him, tortured him, and subsequently killed him.

That left a lot of people salty

I don't think anyone's like that here, but, like, please don't think about doing it or anything

Aye, I think it's more entertaining for people to get involved with their characters situations ~ rather than sitting on the sidelines and watching on as they tear apart your character. It's a two-way street in these sorts of things. :3
I get ya man. Like, the main goal of an RP in my mind is to have fun, get better at writing, and maybe make a character people like. If you've seen me in my other RPs, you'll know the last one's kind of a side objective.

But like speaking of that, I always really liked making creative McGyver like characters, so y'know, go Sergei man.
I get ya man. Like, the main goal of an RP in my mind is to have fun, get better at writing, and maybe make a character people like. If you've seen me in my other RPs, you'll know the last one's kind of a side objective.

But like speaking of that, I always really liked making creative McGyver like characters, so y'know, go Sergei man.

Aye, I agree with you. I think it would better for people to get creative and enjoy themselves than to have something forced upon their character that may leave a bad taste in the mouth. Like rather than "Okay, you're dead." I've found it more fun to get other characters involved in a situation... i.e, "Hey Togy, when my character turns this corner.. i'm thinking it would be fun for him to be shot by some bandit hiding down the corridor. Would you be up for dragging my guy back into cover and finishing off the bandit?" :P
Drama like that, yeah!

But between me and you Fritz is not nearly good enough to kill a guy so you might just be taking a plus one with you to hell
I will never, ever kill a player character unless I have permission. I've had bad experiences with characters of min being killed off without my permission in the epilogue of an RP, so you have nothing to worry about.
Drama like that, yeah!

But between me and you Fritz is not nearly good enough to kill a guy so you might just be taking a plus one with you to hell

Don't you worry, we're all equally worthless here :blowkiss:
That actually sounds kind of interesting. Your dude got killed off in the epilogue? You survive everything thrown at you and get a happy ending, then the DM goes "lol psyche bitch u ded"

That is shitty man
Nah. The RP fell apart and we never finished it, so some of the GMs were working onna sequel RP. Needless to say, they killed off my character without my permission, or even asking me about it.
On one hand Hengle is right, but on the other hand we could have a more than likely shitty but possibly fun experience of deception. Don't like that dude over there? Just say he's a spy and plant some "evidence" then smile while he gets executed.

Only a 1% chance of being fun btw. Trust me I did math.
Now that reminds me of another RP, a Walking Dead one, where the admins had to redo the 3rd part of the RP numerous times.

On the final version that stuck, they killed off one of my favorite characters in the RP on post one. They also weren't mine, but they were one of the funniest characters I'd ever read.
Mine was a GoT RP, so I was okay with my characters dying when I thought it was a good time. But they just killed my character off with maybe a sentence about how and moved on.

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