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Fandom Metro: The Promised Land OOC

What's that supposed to mean lol

Well if you think about the setting, seeing Russians in makeshift armour, using camouflage left over from the Old Soviet Union... then comes along some guy in a catsuit. 🤣
It's like seeing someone dressed up as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in a Walking Dead themed RP, I wouldn't be at all surprised for people to give that character a funny look.. 😂
It's like seeing someone dressed up as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in a Walking Dead themed RP, I wouldn't be at all surprised for people to give that character a funny look.. 😂

The standard Deathstroke helmet is also available to him, the wolf helmet is more of for a distraction to gain that weird look. Throwing the enemy of guard, and allowing them to be taken down a lot easier.
The standard Deathstroke helmet is also available to him, the wolf helmet is more of for a distraction to gain that weird look. Throwing the enemy of guard, and allowing them to be taken down a lot easier.

Perhaps but that's like me saying if I wear Neon-pink clothing, the enemy will hesitate because I look so out of place. It's alot like communism, sounds like a fantastic idea -on paper- but in reality..

Yeah.... no. 🤣
Perhaps but that's like me saying if I wear Neon-pink clothing, the enemy will hesitate because I look so out of place. It's alot like communism, sounds like a fantastic idea -on paper- but in reality..

Yeah.... no. 🤣

Lol I'll change it. I just thought the design was cool lol
Lol I'll change it. I just thought the design was cool lol

Oh, I don't mean it in that way... 😂 If you really want to go with that style, that's fine...but obviously your character may have some funny looks and side-comments coming his way. :P
Dante Redgrave Dante Redgrave I can understand wanting your character to look cool and all that mo-jo, I completely understand... i'm the kind of guy that thinks a bandolier of grenades looks badass... though one stray bullet will turn the wearer into a cloud of red mist.. 🤣

Given the Lore of the Metro universe and it's general setting in the Russian heartland and it's people, they're not as likely to be open to the idea of costumed characters, especially with all the extremism that's commonplace... some guy wearing a jacket that looks warmer than yours... steal it, or better still... kill him in his sleep and take it.. to be on the safe side. Neo-Nazis capture, torture and experiment on innocents, accusing them to be genetic mutants and enacting grand purges that wouldn't look out of place during the Eastern Campaign of WW2.

Fair to say, people aren't as... tolerant in Russia. You only have to look at the LGBT+ situation over there to understand that they've got a very different mindset to the west.
Dante Redgrave Dante Redgrave I can understand wanting your character to look cool and all that mo-jo, I completely understand... i'm the kind of guy that thinks a bandolier of grenades looks badass... though one stray bullet will turn the wearer into a cloud of red mist.. 🤣

Given the Lore of the Metro universe and it's general setting in the Russian heartland and it's people, they're not as likely to be open to the idea of costumed characters, especially with all the extremism that's commonplace... some guy wearing a jacket that looks warmer than yours... steal it, or better still... kill him in his sleep and take it.. to be on the safe side. Neo-Nazis capture, torture and experiment on innocents, accusing them to be genetic mutants and enacting grand purges that wouldn't look out of place during the Eastern Campaign of WW2.

Fair to say, people aren't as... tolerant in Russia. You only have to look at the LGBT+ situation over there to understand that they've got a very different mindset to the west.
True lol, and again it's CCSA. Also, I already updated it lol. Also, night folks it's day break meaning I can finally sleep. As for some reason I can't sleep during the night. Couldn't even do it growing up.
I've been here like 5 minutes trying to think of something witty to introduce myself with, but then I remembered that my wit's as sharp as my pillow. Anyway, sup man!
I've been here like 5 minutes trying to think of something witty to introduce myself with, but then I remembered that my wit's as sharp as my pillow. Anyway, sup man!
Wow, we got a Pole and a German working with Russian's? Hell has officially frozen over...but greetings, regardless!
I've been here like 5 minutes trying to think of something witty to introduce myself with, but then I remembered that my wit's as sharp as my pillow. Anyway, sup man!

I get the feeling that if Fritz is quick on his feet, he'll be re-nicknamed as Blitz :blowkiss:
Screw it, I'd make Fritz do it

Mostly because I'm bored, like writing pure chaos, and love screwing over my characters
You can give the shitty tasks to Fritz man

Just make sure to make fun of him for failing the intro test 6 times

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