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Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)

Just as an FYI, Laikas hasn't got back the cabin yet so he doesn't know the alpha is there. Chances are he will be back at the cabin ten minutes after everyone has sat down for dinner
Yeah @MittyMittens I'm fine with that, I still would have preferred if you had given me a bit more time but its fine. My job has me moving around a lot I just got back from deployment so its harder trying to get settled again. The only thing is if Marcus is going to be the older sibling then his age needs to be 30 or up because Zirena is 29. Or if @divyansh doesn't mind, what if they're twins instead?

Actually, his age is fine if we look at it a different way. Like in royal families, the daughter could be born years before the son but the prince always gets the throne type thing.
@MittyMittens I was planning on waiting until everyone had started eating to post again, I'm sure the Garou will appreciate having some deer blood tracked across their floor
Now that that's sorted I've updated the pack rankings and now if you ever need a quick go to guide on whos in what pack or what rank I have everyone listed at the bottom of the first post in the overview tab
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@steevenajj Firstly dude >-> delete that post and ask stuff in occ ( mittens goes mad about this stuff)

Second, you did just leave ur car so I think its fine if u continue ur post ( My rule of thumb if there are 3-5 posts after my post then i can post again :D )
@steevenajj please direct any questions or concerns to the OOC page or PM me personally if they are not IC then they do not need to be in IC. If the previous posts were read through, at the very least skimmed, which I hope were by anyone who had joined after the rps original start date, you do not have to wait for someone to answer the door, there is hired help at The Cabin that anyone can play (to an extent) that could open the door for you. Also, you could just enter without knocking or ringing the doorbell. I apologize my characters could not answer the door to your own as they were currently preoccupied by Marcus (@divyansh) blocking the entance out, and it would be a bit of hassle to constantly get up and down to answer the door every time someone new came to it. The dinnee scene would never get finished. So to all, if it was not implied before there are NPCs at the door and anyone can enter however they'd like. Sorry if I sound brash, I just like to keep things clean and organized so it's easier to keep track of things IC and OOC separately.
Ohh.. Sorry about talking talking in the IC abt irrelevent stuff, yh i knew everyone opened the door theirselves but iam just showing how polite my character is or such
waiting for @Leggomyeggo to get a post....then i will woop you ass son @Baconhands xD just kidding man.....interations of our charecters would be really fun nyahahahahhahahahha!|

Btw nice guess my chara and freya always end up beating each other >:3 its all evil trust me!
divyansh said:
waiting for @Leggomyeggo to get a post....then i will woop you ass son @Baconhands xD just kidding man.....interations of our charecters would be really fun nyahahahahhahahahha!|
Btw nice guess my chara and freya always end up beating each other >:3 its all evil trust me!
I have the advantage, though Laikas will try to keep his distance in most situations... and may show a complete lack of respect for him
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Very simple, nobody expects anything of Laikas, my actions will not be restricted, though it is likely that Laikas will keep his distance... and show a complete lack of disrepct for Marcus

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