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Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)

Yes ma'am. Do you prefer "real" pictures as opposed to anime? May be a dumb question considering I've seen your character sign up xD
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Oh either is fine! Thank you for asking that, I'll add that alongside of appearance so others know they can do either way.
Alright! I'll be researching the pack positions shortly then I'll write up the sheet. Oh, and I use my phone mostly, so I'm afraid my pictures will most likely be attachments.
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Ok. So I've found a few varying lists. Would you mind posting what ranks YOU deem relevant to this rp?

When it comes to last names, do pack members take on the pack name? Or can there be several different family surnames within a pack?

Sorry, this is more a background/context question about the in-game world. Are other mythical creatures/supernatural things a thing? Like Vampires, witches, ghosts, things like that?

Could I pretty please get a small bit of what each pack thinks about others? I know Fenris isn't too keen on humans, but would they be on better grounds with other supernatural people? Also specifically asking about Witches?-Character Creation related question
@Detective Rascal Sure! The Fenris is a bit more wild and secretive so I could see them being familiar with some of your other supernatural people. Garous would probably only deal with other supernatural people for the interest of business. The Garous think the Fenris' are a bit odd for not wanting to have the luxuries provided by the human world. And it depends on the individual on what the other thinks of the other pack. For instance my character Freya can't isn't going to be keen on dealing with any Fenris whereas Faolin would be more willing to compromise and get to know their "culture" a bit.

@Leggomyeggo I would not be able to accept your character as Alpha, as the alpha is one who has to be willing to socialize with the pack and keep them in line and informed. Your character does not seem strong enough to do that and another would easily be able to take over your position without your knowing if you keep to yourself all the time like that. If you only talk to those close to you than how would you enforce and send out orders to the other pack members? You need to be someone who talks to every pack member without hesitation.
xx0mittens0xx said:
@Detective Rascal Sure! The Fenris is a bit more wild and secretive so I could see them being familiar with some of your other supernatural people. Garous would probably only deal with other supernatural people for the interest of business. The Garous think the Fenris' are a bit odd for not wanting to have the luxuries provided by the human world. And it depends on the individual on what the other thinks of the other pack. For instance my character Freya can't isn't going to be keen on dealing with any Fenris whereas Faolin would be more willing to compromise and get to know their "culture" a bit.
@Leggomyeggo I would not be able to accept your character as Alpha, as the alpha is one who has to be willing to socialize with the pack and keep them in line and informed. Your character does not seem strong enough to do that and another would easily be able to take over your position without your knowing if you keep to yourself all the time like that. If you only talk to those close to you than how would you enforce and send out orders to the other pack members? You need to be someone who talks to every pack member without hesitation.
If I change her to willing to speak more could she remain as Alpha?
I also did change her profile just now, and would love to keep her alpha if you'd let me. Just let me know what else I would need to change about her.
@Leggomyeggo Because Fenris are very into their traditions, and the alpha here being an up and coming alpha (alpha of the younger sector) as you want your character to be, would directly related to the Fenris line. So her parents would be directly linked to the original member who would have the surname Fenris, and therefore her. Something could have still happened to her mother but her last name would be Fenris instead of Fleggen in order to have alpha status

But other than that you may keep the alpha status, however that does not mean you are accepted into the rp. I will set a time when I will close off character sheet sign ups and accept those who I feel would do the best in this rp and in a detailed rp style then.

Thanks for the info! Updated my sheet a little to account for it, and I hope you don't mind me using just a tiny bit of code. I wanted to make things easier to read/see while also being tidy and compact.

Oh, and do you have an idea for when the deadline is for characters?
@Detective Rascal lol no I don't mind at all! I'd use it if I was better with it xD . Good job on the CS

And the deadline will probably be Fridayish, depending on how many people sign up it may be before or after. But won't be any later than Sunday.
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Just letting everyone know I plan to start the RP Saturday or Sunday and will letting those I accept that they're accepted on Saturday.
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Hey, just wondering if it's still cool to make a couple CS's for this thread? I know it's almost the closing date, but just figured I'd check.

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