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Futuristic Mental Apocalypse


Lee watched as the light faded from the victim's eyes. They were the same eyes, and for the first time in her life, Lee knew what she would see if her friends would die. She could imagine them perfectly. She turned to Oak, careful not to accidentally hurt anyone, as if she lived in a house of cards...

"Is this a bad time?" Lee's voice was a feather, but even a feather landing on a cushion was an offensive screech here.

Oak shuddered and breathed in. When he sighed, Lee felt like his will was being exhaled. She shuddered in response as the light in Oak's eyes lanced at Lee's. Oak's eyes began to dim. It wasn't a dying kind of dim, but a collapse of coherence. Oak's own house of cards had fallen on him. The very structure which held him together had been whipped out from under him split open. When the dust settled, Oak's pile of cards encrusted itself and solidified Oak's jaw.

"It's okay," Oak breathed. "It's okay."


"It's okay, I'll... You can... Uh..."

Oak cleared his throat and approached Isaac's body. The light was gone. There was a candle in there, Oak realized, and someone blew it out. Isaac left everyone in the dark.

"Hey, I-Isaac," Oak moaned, "I thought you were.... You were supposed to... Who's... Who's... Who's supposed to keep us together now? Who's going... Who's going to..."

Oak swallowed. He felt tears coming again, but he just didn't feel like crying right now. So he didn't. Instead, his forehead crumpled like tin foil and his neck tightened, his lips sealed to avoid... Oak wasn't sure.

"Who's going to... You left us here, Isaac. You... You left us! You left and we have to face the consequences! You can't run away like that! Come back! You... You come back right now! We are your responsibility! You have to... You can't just leave like that!"

Oak slammed the table and roared, "YOU F*CKING *SSHOLE!" He raised his pipe and was about to gore Isaac's face multiple times when he looked up and saw Maddy, and Isaac... Isaac was supposed to take care of them.

In his fury, Oak whipped around and swung his pipe at one of the nearby pillars. The force snapped the pipe in half, and Oak's arm wanted to tear out of its socket. They didn't mention that in movies. Who gave a damn?

Oak looked at the spiky remains of the pipe handle. He chucked it across the room and grumbled, "Who uses a damn pipe anyway?"

Madi was broken. It was like the world had stopped spinning. She was suffocating slowly, she was trapped, she didn't want to be here.

Remember what he told you. F*** what he told me, he's dead. Dead dead dead with a capital D. You have to take leadership now. I can't. I can't do this. He said to stay strong. How could I possibly be STRONG right now?! Oak needs you, Amy needs you, Mido needs you. F*** THEM. F*** THEM ALL. THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. They need you! YOU'RE the leader now. Get off your a**, find his swords, and move on. You can cry later.

After her little peptalk, Madi forced herself to let go, his whistling replaying in her head like a haunted lullaby. She kissed Isaac's cheek and stood, her shoulders hunched and a new fire in her eyes. She'd kill them. She'd kill all of those d*mn Psycho's, she'd find the scientists that cause this apocalypse, and she'd kill them too. They started this, they were at fault for Isaac's death. She'd kill them all.

Maddy turned to Oak and the new girl, her jaw set and her brows furrowed over her narrowed eyes. "He put me in charge," She stated firmly, her voice harsh and hollow sounding. She couldn't say his name or she would break down again. And she couldn't let that happen right now. She had to be strong, for him.

"We need to get out of here. But Amy needs her samples to test. So let's get this over with as soon as possible then; find the syringe in the sewer, give it to Amy, and then we can get the f*** out of here. The sooner the better," Maddy spat out, her eyes on the floor. She had to go back up to the 12th floor and find weapons they could use.

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Mido sat beside Isaac. He was one big hollow. He had just lost this guy. Why could he not save him? Why did he feel so obligated to try and save him? Even in these few moments they had had together, he felt as if they were friends in another life. And now? Gone. He was gone. The mute glorious bastard. Gone. And at his hands. Not because he took a blow to the head, but because of Midos lack of skill. It was all his fault.

He did not move, he made no sound. He had never felt this way, never been feeling this hollow. He just stared into the air, not wanting to do anything. All was lost. Who did he think he were? Some kind of miracle worker? He was a damn medical student! Why had he not strived harder? Why had he not pushed himself that last mile? If he had just been better, had mastered his craftsmanship, and become a surgeon, then, then he could have saved this mans life. But he had not. He had chosen a lazier path to become a regular doctor, not a life saver, but a death prolonger. Nothing mattered anymore. He was useless. Why even keep going? He was after all of no use to the others. He would just end up killing them all. One after one. And then what? He would not be able to take care of himself. He were better off killing himself.

While all those thoughts passed through Midos mind, he just stared into nothing. Only a few tears came rolled down the face of the stiff Mido, he did not blink nor flinch. He sat there, blood all over his face and body. He noticed nothing around him. Not Madies cries over the loss of Isaac, not Oaks outbursts. He sensed the nothingness around him. It engulfed him, wrapped around him and drowned him.
Amy stared at Isaac, unable to process what had happened. She rested her head against the floor and sighed. She let her mind wander for a moment before she sat up.

"You're right. But we should take care of HOLD ON A MINUTE."

Completely forgetting the seriousness at hand, she glared at Oak, Maddy and Mido.

Putting her hands on her hips, she scowled. "Nobody got my sample, did they." She gladly took the pill and popped it in her mouth. "If we don't want anyone else to die," she gestures at Isaac's body, "we need to get that! Now!"

"No one's stopping you," Madi growled, walking past her and "accidentally" bumping her shoulder against Amy's. She went for the stairs and began her way up, keeping her expression blank. Or trying to at least. How dare she, when Isaac is dead. It's all her fault anyways- Stop it, you know that isn't true. She's the one who dragged us here in the first place. This is not her fault! Then whose fault is it?! Because if it isn't her, then it's us! Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!

Maddy collapsed on the stairs, holding her head in her hands. Her knees ached from the impact of falling so hard but she could hardly care about that. Everything hurt at that point. I can't do this, I really cant do this, no no no no, I have to go, I have to get out, no no NO!

Maddy got up and changed course for the bottom floor. She could care less about running the whole way down, but she did anyway. She forgot to keep breathing, her legs screamed in protest, but she kept going until she got down to the lobby where she first broke in with the boys in her wake. God, the memory of Isaac's stupid little smirk as she revealed her "thief" nature made her hurt so much more. Slamming out of the building, she froze.

Cause staring back at her was the biggest motherf***ing wolf she had ever seen.

Hunt, stared quitely on this survivor that had came through. The pyschos that were around the building kept their distance, just as he wanted them too. Hunt slowly sat down and tilted his head.

Her heart was beating fast. Is she afraid of me? He lifted his head and gave a small cry.

Maybe she is confused? Hunt, had been following the survivors since the burning building, although unsure who they truly was Hunt had atleast observed them long enough to know they were a dedicated group of survivors.

But why is there only one of them outside? Hunt's face leaned closer to Madi, his breathing blew against her face. Curious creature, a survivor of the virus.. Observe, study, hinder, retrieve... He needed to study the survivors more.. One wouldn't be enough for Them Maybe this girl could lead him to the rest? That would be unlikely.. Most run when they see Hunt.. But they can't run fast enough.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-13-17.png.f33914bfca4de180d699bfce2e1adb77.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-13-17.png.f33914bfca4de180d699bfce2e1adb77.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Madi was frozen, even her thoughts coming to an abrupt halt. Well, the sadistic angry ones stopped. Her normal thoughts however, that was a different story... Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god oh my god ohmygod OHMYGOD

Madi gulped and peered up at the white wolf. It tilted its head and made a small whining noise, one that reminded her of a puppy asking for a treat. ... That was adorable in a very terrifying way... Madi watched this wolf warily, trying to keep from shaking. The wolf leaned its head closer and its breath disrupted her messy hair. Madi shut her eyes tightly and held her breath, expecting the worse. Was it going to eat her? Was it going to tear her apart? Maybe it'd tear her limbs off and let her slowly bleed out, like he did. The thought made Madi flinch. And the bad thoughts are back.



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Hunt kept staring at this small girl. She is afraid of me? Are all the humans that? Curious.. Hunt slowly licked the girls face.

Blood of the scientists inside? They won't be happy? Do they even know? Or has it already been so long they have forgotten about Hunt?

Hunt whined at the girl. Unlike the people that treated me. She was afraid of him, Scared and thoughtless on what she would do? Hunt slowly lowered himself into a lying position Do not fret, the dirus sapiens will not harm you, Hunt blinked for a moment She wouldn't understand my thoughts.. He sniffed the ground. There were atleast seven people alive in the building.. Hunt watched a few of the psychos slowly and nervously closing in. primitive instincts. Kill to create more, the dirius sapiens do not acknowledge that the survivors are immune to the virus by other means. Perhaps the sapiens have increased their intellectual span enough to also have the primary instincts on feeding? Hunt peered to the girl. Timid creature They were not afraid of Hunt. Perhaps they knew him better? Hunt kept lying on the concrete, waiting patiently for the girl to stop being so afraid of him if he intended to harm her it would have been over the moment she stepped out.

It took a moment to process what the slimy feeling on her face was; slobber. The wolf had licked her. And here she was, expecting it to tear her neck out with its teeth... Like she had done at least twice... Madi cracked open an eye and watched as the giant wolf lowered itself onto the dirty ground and peered up at her, even though it's head was still basically level with her stomach. Madi was awed. This massive beast was... more like a massive puppy...

Madi tentatively relaxed her tensed muscles and gazed at the wolf. It truly was a majestic creature... And a bonus, it didn't seem to want her dead. Which is always good.

"Um... Hi?" She said awkwardly. Was it weird to talk to wolves who couldn't talk back?

Amy glared at Madi. "Well sorry!" She grumbled under her breath and followed Madi out of the room, cringing as her burnt arms stretched painfully.

Amy didn't follow Madi down the stairs, but turned to the opposite staircase and walked down it.

Looking at the bottom, the syringe was still there- and so was the test tube. AH POOP. The syringe was almost empty!

She rushed forward and scooped up the syringe. She quickly poured (squirted?) the rest of the blood into the test tube.

Still frowning, Amy examined her arms. They were, yes, burnt. And they hurt. Her face did too. She probably didn't look too good, huh.

She sat on the stair steps, examining the blood sample.
Hunt fixated on the girls voice. Finally the timid critter spoke Hunt Although could understand the sapien, speaking to it was.. Another matter. Hunt did what he could do and gave her a wolf's smile as he placed his muzzle in her hand raising it a bit.

Warm, It's been long since he felt something warm, the virus didn't stop the weather, and his size made it just harder to cover himself from downpours. Are the other humans like her? Afraid but curious critters?

For now, studying this one was Hunt's primary objective. The usual humans were much larger, Maybe she is what they call a dwarf? She was certainly smaller than other human survivors.

Hunt pondered for a bit, the infected had gotten a bit closer but they still stayed away, a scent of fear and eagerness.

They were hungry but knew what would happen if they got close to Hunt.

Hunt made a small whining noise. Sapiens like friendly animals don't they?

Madi was downright awed by this creature gently nuzzling her hand. She was definitely not expecting him to be so calm. Madi slowly crouched down to be eyes to eye with the white giant, marveling at his red eyes and calm demeanor. Wow... Madi heard the wolf whine at her and she smiled slightly. He reminded her of her old dog Smokey, who was a giant goofball but loyal and cuddly. Madi reached out tentatively and placed her hand on his head between his ears.

"Hey boy, what are you doing in the city?" She asked, rubbing his head. His fur was surprisingly soft. Before he could "answer", Madi noticed that there were Psycho's near the building. Oh for f***'s sake, can't we get a break?!

Amy got up and walked to a small lab up the stairs. She quietly walked in and stepped up to a large pile of equipment on the table. Smiling, she rubbed her palms together and grabbed a Petri dish, dripped a little blood onto it and went to work.

(Maybe 10 minutes later)

Amy was confused. "What? This makes no sense! If that were true, then that would be true, and that's against the laws of physics... Unless...."

Amy stopped pacing, a shocked expression on her face. "Oh nononononononoononononono MAAAAAAAAADI!!!!!!! MAAAAAAAAAAAADDDIIII!!!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, sprinting out of the room at full speed.
The girl seemed to be calm again.. Asking about what I am doing..Curiou- Hunt turned around seeing that the dirus sapiens seemed to have beaten their fear away. A rumbling sound came from Hunt, he was growling and it only got deeper. Hunt slowly raised himself to full standing position. Baring his teeth. Some of the so called psychos backed away but the rest continued. A mistake, primitiv mistake. Hunt leapt to the first ripping the sapien apart, Hunt didn't pause at all and continued on to ravage the closes few with his mighty claws shredding them apart. One of the dirus sapiens got to close and with a swift movement Hunt crushed the psycho between his teeth, the psychos that moved back had already turned away. They feared Hunt but also knew he was different.

Hunt gnawed on some of the remains before strolling back to the girl still half a psycho in his mouth. he dropped it infront of her as if she was a cub soon to be fed or perhaps a show of friendship? Hunt slowly sat down and licked the blood of his fur, content that the sapiens had learned their place.. Again.

Hunt looked up by the building, someone where screaming someones name. Who could that be? And who is it screaming to?


Madi smiled at the wolf, but recoiled quickly as he growled and stood. Oh s*** did I piss it off?!

The wolf then whipped around and attacked the oncoming murder of Paycho's. Madi was stunned by how easily the wolf took out the entire murder in such a short amount of time. She felt an immense amount of respect for the white beast. Speaking of said creature, the wolf came trotting back and dropped a dead, half eaten Psycho at her feet. Madi blinked at it and glanced up at the wolf, who was now happily licking his paws clean. Maddy smiled a bit. That meant he liked her, right...?

Madi didn't get to contemplate for long as Amy practically took her out with the door.

Amy stumbled into Madi, and tripped on one of her feet. She fell forward, her hands outstretched, ready to catch herself on the... Giant wall of beautiful white fur.

And oddly soft, Amy reflected as she pushed herself back up- HOLY CRAP THAT WASNT A WALL.

Amy frantically backed up, until she realized that the huge wolf's fur was white... That perked her interest. "Oooooooh! An albino wolf! I haven't seen one of those in AGES!"

Eagerly, she stepped forward to stroke Hunt's fur, then stopped, her eyebrows furrowing. "I feel like there was something I needed to tell you..."

Suddenly, Amy bolted out of the room screaming for Madi. Lee grit her teeth. She needed to stick with someone, being alone wasn't a good idea. She chased after Amy.

"Amy," Lee said, "We should go in pairs-"

They passed Oak. Lee shot him a look, mouthing, "Oak! Come with us!" When Amy had tackled Madi, Lee stopped herself before she ran over everyone. She peeked outside, then she readied her pistol. Outside was an impossibly large wolf.

It looked so inhuman, so original, its own creature, its own face, identity, and it was so...

"Beautiful," Lee muttered, reaching out to pet it.


Oak cemented his jaw and slowly trudged after Madi. He had been walking for a while now. She needed back-up, and Oak needed to be strong today.

Amy and Lee sprinted past him. Lee glared a summons at him, and Oak begrudgingly jogged after them. At the end of the hallway, the group was standing in the doorway. Madi was outside. Oak tried to look over the girls' shoulders to see-

"Whoa," Oak muttered, "That is a very large puppy."

Oak watched as Madi tentatively approached the wolf. Amy said something bubbly and Oak scoffed. "What, you gonna keep him? Make him play fetch with zombie arms? You psychopathic nugget."

"Nugget?" Madi repeated with confusion, somewhat amused by his newest insult. She placed a hand on the wolf's head. "I think he'll tag along out of free will. Seeing as he just saved as all from having to deal with a whole murder of Psycho's."

Madi gestured behind her to the gore as she spoke. She looked to Oak, the new girl, and Amy curiously.

"So wait, why did you come out here?"

Hunt stared at the newcomers, snarling, his deep growl was there again. Strangers? ..Black Powder. Hunt's eyes were fixed on pistol, slowly but surely he stood up into a pouncing position. So many, different than the first one? I do not like the tone of the male... Or the weaponry of the female. Hunt grunted. Too many people too short time. Were these the survivors group? They seemed shorter by two.. (Mido and Isaac.) And there was a new one, the girl with the gun, but their scents was another matter. Dominance..Matters.
Amy's eyes widened as the huge animal growled. She quickly backed up and lowered her eyes, purposefully not looking into its eyes.

Instead she elbowed the others and picked at her blistered arms in silence.
Madi heard the wolf begin growling and frowned. Forgetting about the fact that this was not in fact her dog but a massive wolf, she tapped him on the nose.

"Bad boy. These are friends," Ahe scolded. Coming to her senses, she paled. Well, I'm a goner
Hunt growled at them until the dwarfy girl tapped his nose. Hmh? Oh.. She is probably right.. I can't kill them.. These people are survivors... They are going to be happy, I'm brining so many there.. Hunt slowly sat down again and stopped growling, his eyes though were still fixated on the loaded pistol. but shortly afterwards he turns to face the one they called Madi.. The dwarfy girl. Hunt slowly lowered his head to hers and blew air at her. She is quite brave.. She is the leader of this ragtag survivor group? Impressive.. Most... Impressive. With a quick movement he grabbed Madi with his mouth and threw her a bit in the air steadying himself as she landed on him. Honourable. Maybe I can lead the survivors through her? They would be most satisfied with this number of healthy specimens..." Hunt let out a howl before looking at the other survivors. Waiting for their action.
Amy stared, mouth wide open at Madi as she was tossed in the air. Holy crap, that looks fun!

Suddenly, she remembered what she had been so panicky about.


She looked desperately at Madi.
Madi was surprised at how willingly the wolf quieted and st when she scolded him. Priding herself on at lest that, Madi smiled a bit. The wolf was still eyeing Oak and Lee oddly, but then he turned his attention back to her. He leaned closer and blew air on her face. She smelled the distinct scent of death upon his breath.

All of a sudden, she was in the air and then resting on something solid and warm. The wolf! She was on the wolf! Madi worried a bit. Just like horseback riding, right? Right... Okay... Man, I feel tall for once.

And then Amy yelled that she was going to die. "I'm sorry, what?!"

"I don't know," Oak admitted, "I was following you and Lee followed Amy. What's the pla-"


Oak jumped and rubbed his temples. Oh God. More death. This was getting tedious, people just dropping dead willy-nilly. It's not exactly like they were going to find magic zombie-curing Tylenol or something. What was the point of it all, anyway? They should just let Madi die, it was way too much effort to try and push even more...


Lee was still getting accustomed to her new comrades. She could recognize the jester aura of Oak from a mile away, but one of the people just jumped up on a wolf. Another was exclaiming, shouting about the person on the wolf. The person called her Madi. So Madi's the one with the brown hair all bloodied up. That wasn't much to go on. She owned a wolf now, apparently. Maybe that would help.

Lee elbowed someone. "Hey Amy, is the one on the wolf Madi?"

The person scowled and glared at Lee for a while, until she realized her mistake. Oak wanted to rub it in more. "I'm not Amy, I'm Oak."

"Sorry," Lee muttered, "But seriously, is she going to be okay? Did she..." Lee paused. "Did she get bitten?"

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