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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique OOC

I don't think so lol Darron, Danny, and Isa are out in town being people and everyone else is in their rooms I think (?)
Lance came home rather drained from the day after incessant teasing about his new relationship from Miss Morgan and continued stares at work, this time excited giggles from girls at one of the tables. He tried to talk to Miss Morgan about it, but she just winked and said:
"Oh they're harmless honey, don't worry about them." "Can you do something about it?" "Are you kidding? You think people come here for books and this stubby old woman? The eye candy is what keeps people coming back!" "Eye candy?" She sighed, "I want to tell you but I feel responsible for protecting your innocence..." Lanced sighed and just decided he'd ask Akira what it meant when he got home.

He saw Akira working on his laptop, probably on that song Akira was making for him. His heart pounded at the recollection: Akira had made him a song, just for him. He kissed Akira's cheek in greeting and went to pull out some leftovers for lunch when he noticed the note was gone but the plate was untouched. He frowned in concern. Where had Lance gone wrong? Maybe Akira doesn't normally eat breakfast, which wasn't good but he could understand it. He decided he'd take Akira out to eat before or after their date later, and make sure he ate plenty. He went ahead and asked him his question. "Akira, do you know what 'eye candy' is?"

K KodomoSekai

Ms. Morgan is a legend xD I love this lady xD
When she said she felt responsible for his innocence it reminded me of what my friends tell me xD

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