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Fandom Mass Effect C-Sec Closed

Elias Wren

Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Mass Effect C-Sec

Congratulations on completing your training at C-Sec training academy. We would like to formally welcome you into our ranks and hope you'll continue to do your best for the citizens of the Citadel. You are to report to the local office tomorrow for assignments. Your commanding officer is Commander Castle and he will provide you with further training and be in charge of your daily activities. We here at C-Sec academy congratulate you once more and hope you enjoy your first day in the field.

Just putting this out there to see if anyone might be interested in a Mass Effect style roleplay. It'll take place in the citadel and you'll all be new recruits starting from day one. I've never run an RP before so this will be a learning curve for me. If you have any suggestions or complaints be sure to let me know and I will address them.

Rules for the RP

  1. At least one full paragraph per post. No one liners, need something to go off of
  2. At least one post per week barring any special circumstances. Life happens, I get it.
  3. Almost all races are open with the exception of a few. No Hanar, Elcor, or Yahg. All main races are alright.
  4. No op God mode Gary sue character. You get three powers and a pistol. That's all.
  5. Make Sense. If you're a Salarian engineer you shouldn't have singularity.
  6. This takes place after the events of Mass Effect One and during Mass Effect two.
  7. Have fun.

I'll only be allowing a limited number since I'm new to this, I'm thinking four people to start. Might allow six max but I don't know yet, just have to see how it goes. I will not be playing a recruit and will be playing the many side characters and Commander Castle. Anyone interested in CO-running this RP with me would be greatly appreciated.

If this gets interests I will post a basic character sheet that you can do however you want.
Edit: I just noticed the note about the time period. Good to know there'll be a big-ish time frame to work with.

Hope this gets a good amount of interest.
Me too. I think I'm just looking for four to start. If anyone has questions let me know.
Make sure to let me know if anyone wants to reserve a spot.
I’d be down as well! Very excited to see a Mass Effect rp!

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