• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Created at
Index progress

Hi there! if you would like to join the RP, we still have room for the Beacon, Janus, and Transformed archetypes! Please contact KyleTok KyleTok or check the OOC page if you would like to know more.


¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯



Welcome to the MASKED character page!

We will have to wait on the IC page because the overall lore of this world is going to be decided by the characters! So first step for this RP is to have each hero Archtype claimed and ready to start. Once all heroes are set, I will organize the first campaign! A crisis that includes everyone! So stay tuned.

The universe we are creating in this roleplay is heavily based on the story elements that you, the role-players, include with your characters. What this means is that there are no aliens until one of your characters introduces aliens, there are no evil corporations until your characters introduce evil corporations. The story elements that you introduce with your character's backstory and goals are meant to create storylines that other characters can explore with you! Therefore, each character has to be created using one of hero archetypes included in MasksRPG (more about them below).

The above also means there is a limitation. We cannot go too crazy in expanding the world beyond what's defined in the character because we are meant to explore each other's backstories together! That means that in order to expand the world further, when we are done our first major arc, we will open up to NEW archetypes! For now, we will focus on the following 9. That being said, as the Lead, I will be able to manipulate the world freely so that I can create good and engaging stories that allows everyone to participate.

The Archetypes that make this story are:
NOTE! There can be more than one character with the same archetype - As long as all types are claimed, and your character is flavored differently.
Claimed By:
You're a hero who should not be a superhero. You don't have any powers, but instead rely on a certain expertise of yours, whether it be bow and arrow, or proficiency with a sword. You're out of your depth but who cares? This is awesome. The story elements surrounding this character will always underestimate and put pressure on the Beacon to have to prove why they belong in the team.

Claimed By: Excal Excal
Character: Ofanim
You're big, strong, and tough. You know what fighting really is, and you're good at it. Sure... you've got a soft side, too. But you only show that to the people you care about most. Everybody else? They can eat your fist. This is a hero with a dark origin, some weapons program or human experimentation, that made you so destructive that it scares you. The story elements surrounding this character will often remind them what they are, especially by using enemies that are just like them. An enemy would threatened to reveal something from their past.

Claimed By: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Character: Underworld
You've got these cool powers. But everyone keeps telling you how to use 'em. You know what they need? Someone to give them trouble, to make sure they don't always get their way. And hey! You're the perfect hero to do it. This is a reluctant hero of sorts that is likely to rebel without a cause as performance looking for an audience. They have powers that allow them to act on a lot of mischief. The story elements surrounding this character are often about them trying to prove a point - which can either result in a listening audience, or them being left cold and alone.

Claimed By:
Something about your powers dooms you. It's just a matter of time before your doom comes for you. Until then, though... you've got villains who need fighting and a world that needs saving. After all, it's better to burnout than fade away... This is a grim hero aware of an inevitable tragedy that will eventually come upon them. The story elements surrounding this character are focused on their growing hopelessness of knowing something that others do not. It is their ability to see the best in people that makes them want to stay here in this world.

Claimed By: KyleTok KyleTok
Character: Agent Ruby
Wake up. Breakfast. School. Work. Homework. Sleep. Repeat. It burns you up, being stuck in this life, unable to make a real difference. That is... until you put on the mask. And then, you can be someone else: a hero. This is a hero with major obligations outside of their alter-ego. They are all about the double life, the nature of having two identities. This hero will struggle when their lives cross over, putting pressure on them to deter all suspicions about them to keep those they care about safe. This hero better keep their mask on tight!

Claimed By: Hypnos Hypnos
Character: The Headliner(Byline)
You're the latest in a storied heroic lineage, a family that shares a name and a cause. Now, everybody is watching and waiting to see if you've got what it takes to uphold that tradition. No pressure, right? This is a hero with big shoes to fill. Typically a child of another superhero taking on the mantle of their parent. The story elements surrounding this character includes their predecessors, alongside rules and traditions they've sworn to uphold. The Legacy constantly has to deal with high expectations, which lead to a lot of bad decisions.

Claimed By: SpotBandit SpotBandit
Character: Cupid
You're not from here. Your home is an amazing place, full of beauty and wonder. But there's something to this place... So you'll be hanging around. At least for now. This is a hero that comes from another planet or dimension. Maybe an alien from mars, or a fairy from the magic realm. Creating this hero gives a big opportunity to expand the universe beyond the earth we are on. This hero will face trouble from their homeland brought into the world of humans, and they would be torn to choose whether to join their people, or protect the humans from them.

Claimed By: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Character: Zephyra
You proved yourself to an experienced hero. They think you've got what it takes. They've been training you for a while, and now you have to decide...do you want to be like them? Or will you find your own path? This hero is defined by two things: their training and their mentor. They have a level of skill and preparation beyond that of anyone else - and their story would begin with them having been training for some time. Their mentor, however, constantly makes the Protégé face conflict of ethics, as their Mentor is slowly revealed not to be a hero at all.

Claimed By:
You can recall a time not too long ago when you looked... normal. When you didn't feel their stares. When you didn't hear their gasps. When no one thought of you as a monster. Those were the days, huh. This hero lost their human appearance upon getting their powers, turning into a rock golem, or a sea creature, or thick mist - whatever their new form takes, they can no longer blend in. While other heroes get to take off their masks, this hero's mask always stays on.

Originally I planned to limit this roleplay to 5 players to start, but the roleplay attracted a lot more interest than I had anticipated - so I'm leaving the limit flexible for now and see how many characters pour in. I promise to do my best to organize everything, but if it gets a little out of hand I would appreciate your best attempt to cooperate with my rules and requests. If I say no to something, please respect it, I am trying to have as much fun as you!

About campaigns:
This roleplay operates in campaigns. Even after creating a character, you need to sign up for a campaign before you are allowed to join it. You may sign up to a campaign while it's going. But keep in mind that me, or other leads of the campaigns are allowed to reject your application if they don't think it makes sense for your character to join it. In case that does happen, you can always attempt to join with an npc if you are really itching for some roleplay - Please do not reject people signing up as npcs unless there really are no npcs in your story.

Campaigns can be a group effort, but they can also be 1 on 1. The point of campaigns is to tell stories in short format. Think of it like of Marvel Movies, characters get their stand alone movies that don't include other characters, but they all exist in that same world. Every campaign will be logged in the official OOC page, which will act like a wiki for all the events that happened! In other words, this roleplay is not slice of life - but it can be if you want to roleplay with each other outside of main campaigns!

Another point about campaigns - They are meant to explore elements introduced with characters. So one campaign will focus on an element from the Beacon, while the next will focus on an element from the Delinquent. This forces our characters to work together and help each other.

If you want to write a standalone story and want it to become part of the official list, you can. We all have the power to expand this world within the rules set with our character application.

Do not betray your archetype
You are allowed to stretch and flavor your archetype, and define it however you like, but if you straight up ignore its purpose in leading the story, you are betraying the archetype. (Don't create a Spiderman and then turn him into Black Panther.)

Do Not God-mod
God modding is when a character features god-like abilities, such as invincibility, mind control, or other unrealistic powers that might not fit with lore. Another form is when your character does something impossible that could kill them. Everyone wants to be the badass that can dodge everything, but please don't do that.

Do Not Meta game
Meta gaming is when a player applies out of charter retrieved information to their in-character, such as having information that only several in-characters players knows, and you obtained it without having your character there, or by just hearing it from others out of character. However, if your powers permit you to have certain information, you may use it with the permission of other players. Consent is key.

Do Not Auto Hit
Auto is when a player performs an action without giving the affected players a chance to respond to those around him. More advanced role-players will go into detail with their actions and emphasize their attempts. For example, say "Batman attempts to punch joker in the face" instead of "Batman punched joker in the face". Give the other players, or me when I control the enemies, the chance to respond.

Do Not Power-play
Power-playing occurs when a player operates someone's character without the other player's consent. The most blatant example of this would be a player writing, "Your character falls off the cliff when he walks up to it." As you can see, you take active control of what the other character does. Not only is this not fair to the other player, but it's also discouraged because often players will misconstrue the behaviors and personalities of characters they didn't design.

Do Not Play Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus
A Mary-Sue is a specific kind of character that has a lot of feats, and no flaws. Is your character any of the below?
A character who’s too perfect, lacking realistic or logical flaws, or whose flaws do not affect them in any ways.
A character who’s exactly like their creator, except idealized or made “better”.
A character who’s far too powerful, especially whose abilities exceed that which is possible for his/her race in the setting of the story. Particularly if said character has abilities that do not exist within the boundaries of the story’s world. Often these characters are technically legitimate, but are very, "Look at how unique and cool I am!"
A character who’s cliched, having qualities or characteristics that are overused by people trying to have a powerful/perfect/cool character. This includes but is not limited to the traits listed as Popular Role-Play Trends.
Please read other already posted characters when writing your own. The lore of the world is based on the information creation with each character like a prompt story. So try to tie in some elements with your story, and make sure not to step on anyone toes. If you want to brainstorm with others on certain details, go to the OOC page and let us know!
Archetype: The?
Full Name: (the name behind the mask.)
Alter Ego: (The name you have when the mask is on.)
Age: Actual age and age appearance if that information applies.
Date of Birth: The RP is set in todays time.
Gender: Please also include preferred pronouns. (e.g. Female She/Her)
Origin: Where did your character come from? this does not have to be in Canada or the US.
Based in: Where in the world is your hero based in. For example everyone knows daredevil is the guardian of hells kitchen. (It's probably best to stay in the US or Canada for campaign purposes.)
Situation: for example, high school student by day, hero by night. Or maybe you live as a nomad with a bunch of trained assassins. This is not only asking for occupation.
Relationship Status:
Open to Romance:
From 1 to 10. 1 being not at all, 10 being absolutely.

Images are a must! this is a very visual RP. You need a picture of your character standing from feet and up. You can either draw your own or use a free character designer on the web, there are plenty you can use. (Flash was disabled after 2020 so they might be a tiny bit harder to find but theyre still out there. I will also offer my services to create a vector design of your character using different assets online. Example.)
This shouldn't have to be said, but please don't steal art for this. There's free tools online.
For accessibility reasons, please also include a short description of your appearance.
Civilian Appearance:
Heroic Costume:

Perhaps the most important bit about your character. This is where you introduce your contribution to this universe. What you write here becomes cannon, and is information that anyone can incorporate to their own stories or campaigns. If you describe a certain organization, then other players can be aware of it too (unless you specified its something only your character is aware of). If you create a new place, its now a place others can visit too. So take your time with this one and have fun with it.
For the Bull: You are not the only one like you. So tell us about the program that created you. Was it a super soldier program? illegal human experimentation? Describe the people who did this to you and introduce them into the overall story.
For the outsider: please be as descriptive as you can from where you come from! tells us about this new species you are introducing.
For the Legacy: Tells us about the legacy of heroes! Are we all meant to be aware of the lineage?
For the Protégé: How did you end up with your mentor? If you are part of some sort of league of assassins, please be descriptive of it to introduce it into the story.

Tell us about any important individuals to your character who will come into play in your own plotline revolving around your character. These characters are NPCs that you could make available for others to interact with as well. This means that sometimes when your OC is not available in a scenario, you can stand in as one of your NPCs. A short description and an image would suffice.
For the Beacon: It would be good to introduce someone close to you who is part of the authorities, to help you get an edge that other heroes don't have.
For the Bull: Someone acts as your anchor, who can draw your softer side. The program you come from wants to use you as a weapon, but this person you care about shows you that you can be more.
For the Delinquent: There is someone who is good and just, but who is so damn full of themselves. They think they can guilt you into using your talents for "good", but they don't care to listen about what you're actually passionate about. Screw them. Let's think of ways to piss them off!
For the Janus: Someone close to you is starting to get suspicious! How is it that every time this hero shows up, you disappear???
For the Legacy: Who is your predecessor? Who are the "council" who remains to judge how well you uphold the mantle?
For the Protégé: You have a Mentor. Who are they. Why do you look up to them?

Describe your character's personality. What are they like with new people? what are their goals? what motivates them? What are things they like or dislike. What kind of interaction can other players expect with your character?
For the Bull: There is no effect on your personality necessarily once you gained your powers, but you do begin to resent knowing you are meant to be a weapon.

In this section you have to define what your character can do. This section can technically change as your character grows - but I do recommend not going in the overpowered route, there is only so much fun we can have if your character ends every campaign as the one punch man.
For the Beacon: What is your specialty that makes you a real threat?
For the Delinquent: Whatever your powers are, they allow you to commit a lot of mischief.
For the Doomed: What about your powers dooms you? (Think of Raven from teen titans for example)
For the Legacy: What power or object is passed down to you? Skills do not get passed down.
For the Outsider: Your powers are specific to your species. While you might be a little unique, the other of your species can do most of the things you do.
For the Transformed: What powers did your transformation give you?

Your Nemesis!
Every hero has their nemesis! Batman and the Joker, Superman and Lex Luthor, Professor X and Magneto, Thor and Loki, Mutant Ninjas and Shredder! Who is your nemesis and why? what kind of threat do they pose? What are their motivations? Your Nemesis will yield its own campaign so that you don't have to face them alone and allow other characters to face with you. Note that your nemesis can also be an organization/gang and not a specific person. It can also be a concept! like a curse that has fallen on a town and needs to be broken, or a computer program gaining awareness.
For the Beacon: Most appropriate if your nemesis doesn't have any powers either. Maybe the corrupt chief of the police department. Or corrupt CEO of a pharmaceuticals company. Or a leader of a growing gang in your city. This is not a requirement, but might fit the story best.
For the Bull: Your nemesis comes from the same program you do! Maybe it's another super soldier, or maybe its the mad scientist that experimented on you! Either way your Nemesis and Origin are tightly related.
For the Delinquent: Your Nemesis is the one person who actually makes you want to be a hero, just so you can smack them in the face!
For the Doomed: Your Nemesis can actually be your own powers. At any day it might doom you, and yet you win the fight every day. If you wish, however, you can create an external nemesis as well if it fits your story! you get the flexibility for that as the doomed.
For the Janus: Your Nemesis knows you both with and without the mask, but they don't know the two are the same person! Think Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker.
For the Legacy: Your Nemesis was passed down to you along with the mantle. Maybe it's a similar legacy of villains, or an organization, or ageless enemy.
For the outsider: Regretfully, your nemesis is someone from your homeland. They want to reach this world and threaten it by declaring war on humanity - and you want to protect your new home as well as save the lives of your own people from war. Think of Orm Curry and Aquaman.
For the Protégé:
Your Nemesis is your Mentor! Although you are not aware of it at first.
For the Transformed: This Nemesis constantly forces you to come out into the public looking the way you do, because for some reason you are motivated to stop them. You have the absolute most freedom as the transformed to think of your Nemesis.
--Bust1: url('https://i.imgur.com/KahAZ1n.png'); /* enter your civilian image here */
--Bust2: url('https://i.imgur.com/KahAZ1n.png'); /* enter your hero image here */
--Bar: url('https://i.imgur.com/J8zi4Fv.png'); /* This image will be used as bar backgrounds */
--txtshd: 2px 2px #000000, -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;
width: auto; height: auto; background-image: url('https://cdn.nohat.cc/thumb/f/720/58fc9433f25d401f9a54.jpg'); background-repeat: repeat][border=0; padding:0; padding-top: 10px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; color: white; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); margin: auto; height: 749px; max-width: 900px][tabs][tab=Overview][border=0; margin-left:-30px; float: left; height: 660px; width: 280px; ][tabs][tab=Civillian][border=0; background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; background-size: contain,100%; background-image: var(--Bust1), url(''); height: 600px; width: 260px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%;]ㅤ[/border][/tab][tab=Hero][border=0; margin: 0; background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; background-size: contain,100%; background-image: var(--Bust2), url(''); height: 600px; width: 300px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%;]ㅤ[/border][/tab][/tabs][/border][border=0; float:right; width: 100%; max-width: 590px; margin: 0; margin-left:-50px;][border=0;
width: 100%;float:left; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center;  background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]BASIC INFORMATION[/B][/BORDER]

[border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Archetype[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Input your selected Archetype.🠋🠋

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Full Name[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Full Name: The Name behind the mask.🠋🠋

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Alter Ego[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Alter Ego:The name you have when the mask is on.🠋🠋

[border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Age[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Age: Actual age and age appearance if that information applies.🠋🠋

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Date of Birth[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Birth Date: Keep in mind the RP is set in todays time.🠋🠋
➜➜[/comment]___ __ ____[comment]

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Gender[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Gender: Please also include preferred pronouns. (e.g. Female She/Her)🠋🠋
➜➜[/comment]___ (__/__)[comment]

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Sexuality[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Sexuality: 🠋🠋

[border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Origin[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Origin: Where did your character come from? this does not have to be in Canada or the US.🠋🠋
➜➜[/comment]____, _____, _____[comment]

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Based in[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Based in: Where in the world is your hero based in. For example everyone knows daredevil is the guardian of hells kitchen. (It's probably best to stay in the US or Canada for campaign purposes.)🠋🠋

[/comment][/border][/border][border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Relationship Status[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Relationship Status and Openness to Romance from 1 to 10. 1 being not at all, 10 being absolutely. (e.g. Single 5).🠋🠋

[border=0; margin: 5px; padding:0; float:left][border=0; padding-bottom:0; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]Situation[/B][/border][border=0; padding-bottom:1px; width: 567px; padding-top:1px;][comment]

🠋🠋Situation: Short summary of what they are doing today occupation wise, lifestyle, current goals. You change this box as the RP progresses to let players know their current situation.🠋🠋


[tab=HISTORY][border=0; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center; margin-RIGHT: 15px; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]HISTORY[/B][/BORDER][border=0; max-height:600px; overflow: auto][comment]

🠋🠋Enter History Below:🠋🠋
✦For the Bull: You are not the only one like you. So tell us about the program that created you. Was it a super soldier program? illegal human experimentation? Describe the people who did this to you and introduce them into the overall story.
✦For the outsider: please be as descriptive as you can from where you come from! tells us about this new species you are introducing.
✦For the Legacy: Tells us about the legacy of heroes! Are we all meant to be aware of the lineage?
✦For the Protégé: How did you end up with your mentor? If you are part of some sort of league of assassins, please be descriptive of it to introduce it into the story.
➜➜[/comment]_______________________________HISTORY HERE_________________________________[/border][/tab]

[tab=PSYCHE][border=0; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center; margin-RIGHT: 15px; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]PERSONALITY[/B][/BORDER][border=0; max-height:260px; overflow: auto][comment]

🠋🠋Enter Personality Below:🠋🠋
✦Describe your character's personality. What are they like with new people? what are their goals? what motivates them? What are things they like or dislike. What kind of interaction can other players expect with your character?
✦For the Bull: There is no effect on your personality necessarily once you gained your powers, but you do begin to resent knowing you are meant to be a weapon.
➜➜[/comment]__________________________________________PERSONALITY HERE__________________________________[/border]

[/comment][border=0; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center; margin-RIGHT: 15px; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]RELATIONSHIPS[/B][/BORDER][border=0; max-height:260px; overflow: auto][comment]

🠋🠋Enter Relationships Below:🠋🠋
✦Tell us about any important individuals to your character who will come into play in your own plotline revolving around your character. These characters are NPCs that you could make available for others to interact with as well. This means that sometimes when your OC is not available in a scenario, you can stand in as one of your NPCs. A short description and an image would suffice.
✦For the Beacon: It would be good to introduce someone close to you who is part of the authorities, to help you get an edge that other heroes don't have.
✦For the Bull: Someone acts as your anchor, who can draw your softer side. The program you come from wants to use you as a weapon, but this person you care about shows you that you can be more.
✦For the Delinquent: There is someone who is good and just, but who is so damn full of themselves. They think they can guilt you into using your talents for "good", but they don't care to listen about what you're actually passionate about. Screw them. Let's think of ways to piss them off!
✦For the Janus: Someone close to you is starting to get suspicious! How is it that every time this hero shows up, you disappear???
✦For the Legacy: Who is your predecessor? Who are the "council" who remains to judge how well you uphold the mantle?
✦For the Protégé: You have a Mentor. Who are they. Why do you look up to them?
➜➜[/comment]________________________________RELATIONSHIPS HERE__________________________________________[/border]
[tab=POWERS/ABILITIES/ITEMS][border=0; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center; margin-RIGHT: 15px; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]POWERS/ABILITIES/ITEMS[/B][/BORDER][border=0; max-height:600px; overflow: auto][comment]

🠋🠋Enter Powers Below:🠋🠋
✦In this section you have to define what your character can do. This section can technically change as your character grows - but I do recommend not going in the overpowered route, there is only so much fun we can have if your character ends every campaign as the one punch man.
✦For the Beacon: What is your specialty that makes you a real threat?
✦For the Delinquent: Whatever your powers are, they allow you to commit a lot of mischief.
✦For the Doomed: What about your powers dooms you? (Think of Raven from teen titans for example)
✦For the Legacy: What power or object is passed down to you? Skills do not get passed down.
✦For the Outsider: Your powers are specific to your species. While you might be a little unique, the other of your species can do most of the things you do.
✦For the Transformed: What powers did your transformation give you?
➜➜[/comment]_____________________POWERS HERE________________________[/border][/tab]

[tab=THE NEMESIS][border=0; text-shadow: var(--txtshd); text-align: center; margin-RIGHT: 15px; background-image: var(--Bar); text-shadow: var(--txtshd)][B]NEMESIS[/B][/BORDER][border=0; max-height:600px; overflow: auto][comment]

🠋🠋Enter NEMESIS Below:🠋🠋
✦Every hero has their nemesis! Batman and the Joker, Superman and Lex Luthor, Professor X and Magneto, Thor and Loki, Mutant Ninjas and Shredder! Who is your nemesis and why? what kind of threat do they pose? What are their motivations? Your Nemesis will yield its own campaign so that you don't have to face them alone and allow other characters to face with you. Note that your nemesis can also be an organization/gang and not a specific person. It can also be a concept! like a curse that has fallen on a town and needs to be broken, or a computer program gaining awareness.
✦For the Beacon: Most appropriate if your nemesis doesn't have any powers either. Maybe the corrupt chief of the police department. Or corrupt CEO of a pharmaceuticals company. Or a leader of a growing gang in your city. This is not a requirement, but might fit the story best.
✦For the Bull: Your nemesis comes from the same program you do! Maybe it's another super soldier, or maybe its the mad scientist that experimented on you! Either way your Nemesis and Origin are tightly related.
✦For the Delinquent: Your Nemesis is the one person who actually makes you want to be a hero, just so you can smack them in the face!
✦For the Doomed: Your Nemesis can actually be your own powers. At any day it might doom you, and yet you win the fight every day. If you wish, however, you can create an external nemesis as well if it fits your story! you get the flexibility for that as the doomed.
✦For the Janus: Your Nemesis knows you both with and without the mask, but they don't know the two are the same person! Think Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker.
✦For the Legacy: Your Nemesis was passed down to you along with the mantle. Maybe it's a similar legacy of villains, or an organization, or ageless enemy.
✦For the outsider: Regretfully, your nemesis is someone from your homeland. They want to reach this world and threaten it by declaring war on humanity - and you want to protect your new home as well as save the lives of your own people from war. Think of Orm Curry and Aquaman.
✦For the Protégé: Your Nemesis is your Mentor! Although you are not aware of it at first.
✦For the Transformed: This Nemesis constantly forces you to come out into the public looking the way you do, because for some reason you are motivated to stop them. You have the absolute most freedom as the transformed to think of your Nemesis.
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I am only now learning how to operate BBCODE (tho im proud of this page so far) So I do plan to create customized character sheets for your characters - but for now just post the form as is. I will ask you to update the form to the template when I have it done. Two standing images of your character are needed (both in costume and in civilian clothing.)

I reserve the right to reject your character or ask you to revise an aspect about them if I don't think your character will work. I doubt this is something that will happen but just to make sure I am able to organize everything, I also want to make sure your characters fit the mold.

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    The Outsider
    Full Name
    Alter Ego
    Gabriel Atlas

    20 (appearance), 150 (true age)
    Date of Creation
    Male (He/Him)
    Asexual, aromantic

    From Heaven's highest, purest clouds
    Based in
    Varies, but mainly the USA
    Relationship Status
    Single, 0

    A wanderer of Earth, in search for a malevolent fallen angel that betrayed Heaven and its inhabitants back in his realm that escaped to this one. Under the guise of a human, Cupid works for money to support himself during the day (mainly just for food, as he can sleep amongst the clouds), all the while trying to pinpoint where the fallen angel is lingering. He will often help out strangers in danger or in general need of assistance thanks to his benevolent nature.

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    The Legacy
    Full Name
    Thomas Boston Wilbur
    Alter Ego

    Date of Birth
    ___ __ ____
    Male ( He / Him )
    Heterosexual, 7

    Evergreen City, MA
    Based in
    International ( Primarily North America )
    Relationship Status

    Public Identity / Student at Five Duke’s University, RI

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    The Protege
    Full Name
    Alexandra Constantine
    Alter Ego

    Date of Birth
    Female (She/He)

    Of Greek Ancestry
    Based in
    New York
    Relationship Status
    Single, 5

    Alexandra is currently working as bodyguard and aid to Dr Mary Ling, training under her tutoledge. In the evenings, she either superheroing or completing mission for the good doctor. Kept so busy that she found little time for R&R.

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    The Bull
    Full Name
    Henry Williams
    Alter Ego

    23, Appears 30
    Date of Birth
    Male He/Him

    United States
    Based in
    Across the US for now
    Relationship Status
    Single, 1

    Moves with the homeless crowd generally when he travels, otherwise lives as a roommate, and works as an assistant, to a veterans social worker in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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    The Doomed
    Full Name
    Bianca Ramírez
    Alter Ego
    Agent Ruby

    Appears 28
    Date of Birth
    may 12 1950
    Female She/Her

    Orlando, Florida, USA
    Based in
    Relationship Status
    not disclosed

    Bianca is a high ranked Agent of the Guardian Initiative Division stationed in the US to pursue and license superheroes, in the organization's interest to regulate vigilantism. Her current top priority is the health and quality of the organization, despite the looming presence of the Director whom she found out to be a malicious leader. Her actions play to not raise any suspicions, but Bianca hopes to soon enough take ownership of the Guardian Initiative and incarcerate the Director for the war crimes he has comitted.

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    The Delinquent
    Full Name
    Jason “Jay” Natchez
    Alter Ego

    Date of Birth
    Mar 21 2003
    Male (he/him)

    Dulce, New Mexico, USA
    Based in
    Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Relationship Status
    Single 7

    Runaway; freeloader; partying too much

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    The Transformed
    Full Name
    Skylar Davons
    Alter Ego

    23 years old
    Date of Birth
    October 6th 1998
    Female (She/her)

    Born in Manama, Bahrain
    Based in
    Cape Canaveral, Florida
    Relationship Status
    Single, 6

    Skylar is the sole inhabitant of an island owned by her father off the coast of Florida. She spends her days inventing small trinkets, small AI robot animals, slightly larger scale weapons, and works on keeping herself proficient in flying. Skylar’s father has kept her hidden away from the world for fear of the government finding out what happened to her.

Archetype: The Transformed
Full Name: Skylar Davons
Alter Ego: Wraith
Age: 23
Date of Birth: October 6th, 1998
Gender: Female, She/her
Origin: Bahrain
Based in: Florida
Situation: Skylar is the sole inhabitant of an island owned by her father off the coast of Florida. She spends her days inventing small trinkets, small AI robot animals, slightly larger scale weapons, and works on keeping herself proficient in flying. Skylar’s father has kept her hidden away from the world for fear of the government finding out what happened to her.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Open to Romance: 6


Civilian Appearance:
Skylar Main.jpg
Heroic Costume:
Skylar Battle.jpg
Height: 6’2”
Weight: Roughly 400-500 lbs

For as long as Skylar could remember, it’s always just been her and her dad. She doesn’t have any memories of her mom, and it’s the one subject her dad doesn’t feel comfortable talking about. But that was okay with Skylar, because her dad was her whole world. Callahan taught her everything she knows, but struggled as a single father. Skylar befriended a little boy named Connor when she was in preschool, who was missing his legs and got around in a wheelchair. Callahan, always having a knack for inventing, decided to gift Connor a pair of prosthetic legs since his family couldn’t afford them. Skylar and Callahan worked for weeks on them, Skylar in charge of the painting, and Callahan handled everything else.

Seeing Connor’s face light up when he could finally walk again set Callahan on the career path that would eventually birth SkyTech, a company well known for charity work and highly advanced prosthetics. Skylar was a junior engineer and the face of the charity work at a young age of sixteen, well known among the public. While she loved helping other children, her heart was in the sky.

With her dad’s blessing, she began taking flight lessons to eventually become a pilot.

While Skylar was working in the lab, tragedy struck one day. She was working on a new prosthetic prototype and passed out. After a couple days off work per her father’s pleading, the episodes got worse, and Skylar stopped coming to the lab entirely.

Months went by, and Skylar continued downhill. Fainting turned into seizures, she started having migraines, and ultimately was losing control of her motor functions. Callahan took her to the doctor and had his worst fear recognized; Skylar had Stage 4 brain cancer.

Skylar eventually became so ill she was unable to speak, and Callahan’s heart broke every time he looked at his daughter.

One of Callahan’s business partners, Charles Attinger of Changing Worlds Industries pushed Callahan to get out of business so he could attend to his daughter, when in reality Charles wanted SkyTech’s technology.

Callahan, knowing his work was important, hired the best doctors to watch her around the clock while he worked to find a solution and continue to run his business. Eventually, Skylar went into a coma.

Fearing life without his daughter, Callahan did the only thing he knew how to do; he built Skylar a new body. She survived, but the skin grafts enver took, leaving the metal parts of her exposed.

Skylar was happy to be alive when she woke back up, thinking her father had found a miracle cure. Instead, when she looked in the mirror, she barely recognized herself.

Therapy was a long road, and the full recovery was even longer. By nineteen, Skylar had resumed life as normal, except for the fact she was cybernetic now. She stayed out of the public eye, and the media was constantly banging on the door to SkyTech asking what happened to her.

Callahan and Skylar came to an agreement, and Skylar moved out to one of her father’s beach houses on a remote island off the coast of Florida. She kept the companionship of the bots she built, giant robotic yet sentient animals as she trained in her new body and discovered new features.

Skylar currently remains on the island, far out of the eye of the public and the world. Callahan fends off the media claiming Skylar is out doing something else, and Charles Attinger makes his plans to bring down SkyTech once and for all.

Callahan Davons - Skylar’s father. A brilliant man who would give his daughter the world if he could. He’s the CEO and head engineer of SkyTech, an organization that creates functioning prosthetic limbs for amputees as well as other medical wonders to help people resume life as normal after a major life changing event. Callahan is 5’10” tall, with flaming red hair, green eyes and freckles. His glasses sit low on his crooked nose, face clean shaven, and he is lean with slight muscular definition. Skylar always says his laugh sounds like a seal bark.

Charles Attinger - One of Callahan’s business partners. Skylar never liked him as he kept urging Callahan to sell some of his tech to the militaries of the world, claiming prosthetics were “wasted opportunities.” Charles is slightly taller than Callahan at 6’ even, with salt and pepper hair and trimmed beard. He’s not very fit, but always has a dark gleam in his brown eyes.

Skylar is very timid around new people as she knows she’s a freak, a cheap party trick at best to ogle at. She takes a while to warm up to others, but is very bubbly once she does. She loves her father dearly, and appreciates the efforts he went to to save her. Sky’s quick witted and cunning, but if stuck in her own head can’t help but think about what life could have been like. Her thoughts can get quite sentimental, and she’ll withdraw into her laboratory for hours when this happens.

Having been separated from people for so many years now, Skylar’s isn’t quite sure on how to interact with them. She’ll come off too quiet and stoic, maybe even judgemental, but in truth she’s paranoid she will say the wrong thing so it’s better to not say anything at all.

Since becoming a cyborg, Skylar has received many upgrades compared to a normal human. She now has the ability to fly, superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and durability. The lower parts of her arm can transform into a plasma gun, plasma knife, and other various equipment. She can scan objects with her robotic eye to tell the material they are made out of and send projections in the event she needs to use them as a weapon. Skylar’s wings can temporarily fuse together to create a shield in the event she’s being fired upon, and the nanoites in her body will regenerate any broken bones, flesh wounds, or mechanical issues after some time. The larger the wound, the more time it takes to heal.

Skylar is super sensitive to EMP bursts, and it temporarily knocks out her systems and puts her down. She is water resistant, but if driven to keep into the ocean, the pressure will crush her.

Your Nemesis!
Charles Attinger, business partner to SkyTech, CEO of Changing World Industries. Charles keeps trying to steal the tech at her dad’s labs, and was successful once. Thus Judas-27 was born, another cyborg much like Skylar, except he was mind wiped to become a war machine and is programmable to whichever country pays the highest price for him. Charles likes to send Judas on test runs to draw Skylar out of hiding. If he can kill Callahan’s daughter, Callahan would surely sell SkyTech machinery to him.
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    The Doomed
    Full Name
    Elias "Eli" Heinrich
    Alter Ego
    Vedius (V)

    Date of Birth
    March 7th, 2003
    AMAB Non-binary (they/them)

    Berlin, Germany
    Based in
    New York City, U.S.A
    Relationship Status
    The only dates they have are exam dates, 5.

    Prep school Ivy-league hopeful with a charity project on the side.

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    The Bull
    Full Name
    Keethan Joglo
    Alter Ego

    Date of Birth
    Nov. 5th, 2002
    Male (He/Him)

    UAE, Dubai
    Based in
    National, currently USA
    Relationship Status
    Single, 7

    Currently in an old apartment complex that's been shut down and marked for demolition in a couple months for to lay low

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