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Fandom Marvel: The next gen OOC

He would be escorted from a shield base to a truck where colson makes the proposition of him going to the school and he would accept
He would be told it is a rehibilitation and reentry into society program
No, I mean, if he comes in a van with gold cuffs it's going to be too obvious it's not a normal school
do you have any ideas on how he can be introduced
They do follow classes, maybe he could approach them during PE or Drama (as those are basically the only classes where classes and years gets mixed)
Just getting weapons for any encounters with the void. He would just keep them hidden in the dorm.
Yes, but he's sneaking around and that doesn't warrant a lot of trust, especially if he wants to join the team eventually
It’s part of his ARC, but if you don’t like it I can fix it

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