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Fandom Marvel & DC: This Is The End

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Dont'cha mean Eobard Thawne?

Did I seriously type Edward O_O Dear god xDD
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Too much CW Flash my friend...that last episode though hit Iris like a truck!

Dear god I see your point xDD Also, that it did.
Shortyshot said:
Dear god I see your point xDD Also, that it did.
Also, as you are using the New-52 Flash, Reverse-Flash would be Daniel West, right?
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Also, as you are using the New-52 Flash, Reverse-Flash would be Daniel West, right?

I'm just using his appearance. I'm not a large fan of the 52 storyline itself, I just like the suit better. Ya know?
Shortyshot said:
I'm just using his appearance. I'm not a large fan of the 52 storyline itself, I just like the suit better. Ya know?
Ah! I get you...

I want to make a new character, but I don't know who.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Ah! I get you...
I want to make a new character, but I don't know who.

If you make Quicksilver I will literally just stab you through my screen xD
Well, you didn't really miss much. Just gonna wait for the Flash to reply.

Without Prep time, Black Panther only because of Vibranium...with prep time, Batman

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