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Fandom Marvel & DC: This Is The End

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]I mean, jokes are not my speciality, as you could tell

Nah, still made me laugh. It just how you role play the character which it was good.
xkeyxx said:
Nah, still made me laugh. It just how you role play the character which it was good.
Thanks (^U^) It's just corny jokes and a load of puns
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Thanks (^U^) It's just corny jokes and a load of puns

But then again that Spider-Man for you xD
Don't know why, but I've been gaining contacts today. Skype, Friends list, Followers. I guess people love me xD
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Don't know why, but I've been gaining contacts today. Skype, Friends list, Followers. I guess people love me xD

Since I come back on here people been following me.. I've only follow like 2 back. I know the feeling :D
xkeyxx said:
Since I come back on here people been following me.. I've only follow like 2 back. I know the feeling :D
You say that after you followed me xD
ugh sorry my sister go a hold of my laptop before I can log out. She didn't do anything right?
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