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Fandom Marvel & DC: This Is The End

Creepypasta Hound

I always Smile!


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So is this RP going to operate in a universe where DC and Marvel just coexists on the same world?
Knightling said:
So is this RP going to operate in a universe where DC and Marvel just coexists on the same world?
Yeah, I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a DC or Marvel version of this so I put them together. Not to mention it would be fun to see how the heroes of both universes will get along.
Hey guys the Sign Up sheet is up feel free to submit you're characters, I'm waiting for the Notes tab request so I can list everyone's characters.
Another update, there are a few tabs that will be coming in and one of them is an Organization tab. It will be used for keeping track of groups that may be formed during the RP.

So if anyone wants to start a group just tag me and who ever you want in it so I can list you.
If I didn't make it clear David sort of leads a group of his own literal making. He turns wild, tame, zoo, and exotic animals into cyborgs and puts them into service, is that alright?
jole875 said:
If I didn't make it clear David sort of leads a group of his own literal making. He turns wild, tame, zoo, and exotic animals into cyborgs and puts them into service, is that alright?
It totally fine :D , I accept characters for what and who they are and if that's what he does then that's totally cool :)
@SomaFel Dark Claw is actually completely canon. He was created by Marvel and DC's combined comic company, Amalgam Comics, in Legends of the Dark Claw #1. I'm an expert on the Amalgam universe, so if there's any questions, ask me.

Amalgam Comics also includes Super Soldier (Superman x Captain America), Spider-Boy (Spider-Man x Superboy), Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel x Captain Marvel), Speed Demon (Flash x Ghost Rider), and Doctor Strangefate (Doctor Strange x Doctor Fate).

Of course, there are more characters, but these are just a couple of my favorites.
@xkeyxx Yeah, I wanted to use symbiote Spidey as it seemed more fit for the universe they are in. xD Think I'll make Peter beat some guy to a point where one more punch would kill him?
@xkeyxx I know, I read through it...whilst trying to read through Superior Spider-Man comics xD Don't worry, will get a post up.

Also, I may try and pull a Spider-Man 3 and make Peter try and *cough cough* with Zoe. It's all the symbiote remember
xkeyxx said:
Zoe: *Fan girl giggles*
Before I do anything like that though...how old is she? Peter is like 28 now xD I may make him slightly younger though. Could make him 21 or something like that.

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