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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

Skylar Goode


"I think I'll stick to the French." Skylar smiled and grabbed a basket ball off of a rack and began to dribble it. "I'm not cursed at in class, we just robotically follow orders until our feet bleed, then we do it again, and again, and again."

"We sweat now so we don't bleed later in my training." Jethro replied.

"If your dancing is so intense, why do you stay?" Jethro asked.

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Skylar Goode


"We bleed for art." She smiled and bounced the basketball in Jethro's direction, "I stay because I love it." She thought back to every class she had ever taken. "It's a different world in the studio, everyone is an artist, the medium is our bodies and the music is our canvas. It's an escape from the real life, all I have to worry about is muscle memory and timing. "​

Jethro dribbled the ball a few times before passing it back to her.

"My art is more of the means to an end. I participate in Young Marines for the military knowledge, the physical training and for the strict discipline. I participate in Explorers for the Law Enforcement training on all fronts, the discipline and the physical training. I study various forms of self defense and martial arts. Although less elegant, the self defense and martial arts are a dance of their own. They are my way of making sure that no matter the situation, if combat is required, I am prepared to protect others and myself with everything I have." Jethro responded, his eyes kind of were lost in the distance as he did so. Although, once he had finished speaking, his eyes returned to the present and aligned back on Skylar.

Cole and Kevin were in gym now. Kevin was a weak little shit and was sure it was his least favorite class besides history.


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn ran over to Gym class. He skipped all the running in gym, just so he could come in time for basketball. He opened up his locker, changed his clothes, and walked out to the court. He picked up a basketball and started showing off. He was captain of the basketball team. He smiled as he spotted Sky on the court struggling at dribbling. He walked over to her, continuing to dribble the ball. "Hey beautiful, need any help? I can teach you a bunch if you like." He smiled at her, and held the ball in his hand.

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Michael Kordell

Michael had just joined Gym class. He walked in, picked a basketball from the ground, and started to shoot some hoops. That's all he did for about half of the class, shoot hoops. It was some good practice for today's practice. That sounded weird, practice for practice. Hah, great. After a bit of shooting, he spotted Kevin and Cole. He walked over to them, and smiled. "Hey guys. What you doing?"

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Kevin was trying to make a ball into the basket but Kevin was probably too small to do anything honestly. He noticed Michael and sighed. "Failing." Cole rolled his eyes at Kevin. He believed Kevin was not trying hard enough. "Do you want me to help you?" "No, I got it, Coley."


Michael Kordell

Michael felt bad for him, he wanted to help. He loved helping, especially his friends. "Hey, do you need any help? I can help you a bunch." He smiled at Kevin and held the ball in between his hands.


Skylar Goode


"I know a lot about discipline that's for sure." Skylar said as the basketball was passed back to her. Not quick enough, the ball bounced past her and into a wall only to bounce and roll back about three feet away from her. She walked the few steps needed to pick it up and glanced at Deshawn who was walking toward her. "Help? No, I'm okay, but I won't pass up the opportunity to make an ass out of myself. Teach me something. " She giggled and passed the ball back to Jethro, " Have you met Jethro before, D? "​




Deshawn Gallo

"Help? No, I'm okay, but I won't pass up the opportunity to make an ass out of myself. Teach me something. " Deshawn smiled at her and put her in position in front of the hoop and laughed. "No, I haven't met him before. Stay here Sky." He walked over to Jethro, and shaked his hand. Deshawn took a shower before coming to gym class, he felt that the smell of weed was getting too strong on him. He hoped it didn't smell anymore. "Hey Jethro, I'm Deshawn or D. I'll be over there with Skylar, if you need me call." He smiled at Jethro, he seemed like a nice guy. Deshawn walked over to Sky were he left her, and went behind her. He gave her a basketball, and gently held her arms. His body was almost touching her's, there was so little distance between them. He positioned her arms up, making them ready to shoot the basket ball. And once she shot the ball, with both of their force, it fell up and fell in the basket. Swoosh.


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Jethro watched the two, after a few seconds he rolled his eyes. Walking to another area, Jethro began a set of body exercises taught to him by his Advisers in Explorers. He started with push up crawls. Essentially, these were push ups that with each push up, one had to crawl one space forward. He did this back and forth a few times before climbing back to his feet. Allowing his limbs to rest for a minute, he walked over to the pull up bar. Most, would do regular pull ups, however Jethro needed more of a challenge then that. Jumping up to the bar, Jethro grabbed it and pulled himself up. He put his legs over the bar then allowed his hands to release. Now, he was essentially hanging from the bar by his legs. He began doing his 'upside down situps'. At first he felt nothing but after awhile he began to feel the burn in his abdominal muscles.



Skylar Goode


Skylar was guided in front of the basketball hoop by Deshawn, she knew how to make the ball go through the hoop everytime but she didn't want Deshawn to know that. She waved at Jethro and watched Deshawn walk back to her. Suddenly he was comfortably close and Skylar felt the warmth coming off of his body. She prepped and

"Nothing but net!" Skylar exclaimed turning to give Deshawn a high-five with a smile across her face. "Can you teach me how to balance the ball on my finger?" She retrieved their ball and bounced it to Deshawn.


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Deshawn Gallo

"Can you teach me how to balance the ball on my finger?" He smiled as he caught the ball she bounced at her. "I'd love to teach you how. Remember, if you ever need anything I'm here for you." He smiled and winked at her. "Let me give you a little demonstration." He took the ball, placed it on his finger, and spun it with another finger. It spuns for about 30 seconds, until he stopped it and handed it over to Skylar. "Here." Deshawn took her hand, placed the ball ontop of her finger and spun the ball. It easily started to spin for a good 15 seconds until it fell off. "You have delicate and beautiful hands." He laughed, he enjoyed giving her compliments, it was fun.​



Michael Kordell

"You don't have to if you don't wanna."
Michael smiled at Kevin, and laughed. "Anything for a friend in need. If you consider me as a friend?" He smiled at him as he bounced a ball at him. This was pretty fun, socializing with others. It was cool, really cool.

Kevin tried to catch it but failed. "Yeah dude, you're a friend. It's just that I literally suck." He said, picking it back up. Kevin knew he sucked. He sucked at anything physical. Including fighting. He did like Michael though. He was nice and definitely a good friend.
Jethro continued his sit ups until he felt he had done enough. Grabbing the bar, he flipped off of it. However, upon landing he just grabbed the bar again and continued his workout with pull ups.
Tasia was on the other side of the gym with a group of all girls doing dubble dutch with the jump ropes.Tasia was jumping in between the ropes doing flips and tricks.First she did a back hand spring into the middle of the ropes and started jumping.Then she got a friend inside with her and did a flip with the help of her grabbing her foot still jumping.After that Tasia got out by jumping over one of the girls with the ropes.This looked very impressive and cool to the people watching,but to Tasia and her friends this was a piece of cake.
This is it. Kea though as she stood outside the gym doors watching the others from the window in the door. She already spent most of her time in the restroom, fixing her hair, checking her clothes and overall making sure she looked acceptable. Pushing the door open she slipped inside and pressed herself against the wall. She watched them as they played ball hoping the teacher would excuse her for not playing. Basketball and her never mixed, looking like a toddler held the ball every time she played. Pressing her books against her chest she watched the others quietly. These are the people I have to spend my whole day with. She thought.
Eventually Jethro dropped off of the bar and dropped to the ground. Walking over to where there were some towels on hand, Jethro wiped the sweat off of himself. He found himself standing near a girl holding a book. He looked at her for a second before saying,

"Hiding from the sweat?" He asked. He was not trying to be rude, he was just curious as to why the girl was sitting out of the way of the others.

She looked at the man before her with wide eyes as she shook her head. "N-no. Basketball just isn't my game." Her voice was soft , sinking deeper into her books as she spoke. She would look him up and down slightly confused. At her last school she never spoke to anyone, normally she would have to talk to them first, but he spoke to her which caused her to smile slightly.


Skylar Goode


"I'll keep that in mind." Skylar beamed as he spun the ball on his finger, "Damn! That's cool." She held the ball in her hands imagining the orange thing becoming a disco ball and letting shattered light bounce around the room. She held up her thin index finger and let Deshawn spin the ball. She grinned from ear to ear until the ball toppled off the top of her finger. "I don't do much with my hands, my feet on the other hand are a complete nightmare. Dancers Probs."

The loud sound of jump ropes smacking the ground caught her attention and she turned to witness a girl do a back handspring. Skylar was impressed and dazzled by the swinging ropes. She tossed the ball and skipped over to the girls swinging rope. She watched in admiration as the girls did some pretty sick tricks. When they seemed to have finished she clapped and cheered also with a few of her classmates. "Nice!" She exclaimed.



"Don't worry, I am not much for basketball either. Whenever I play I seem to lose track of my feet and end up embarrassing myself. I have all the grace of an intoxicated elephant. I see you're reading a book there, I am a big reader myself. What book is it?"

He asked, from where he stood, he could not quite see the title on the book but that was alright, the way the girl clutched the book, she certainly seemed attached to it. This meant that the book title would be a great conversation topic.

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"Thanks" Tasia said.She was sure she'd seen this before but where.Tasia dismissed the thought and got a great idea,"Wanna jump with us?" Tasia asked.


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