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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

"Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger." She looked up a him with a small smile. She wouldn't question for now and quite honestly she wasn't here to make friend but she wasn't here to make enemies either. She was her only for the music program they had and nothing else, she couldn't forget that.

"I do not believe I have read that one. Personally, I am more drawn to the The Ranger's Apprentice series. It has twelve books and I have read every single one of them multiple times. I don't know why I am drawn to them, I just am." Jethro replied. Something about the girl seemed stand offish. That much he could sense but he would do his best to make her feel at ease. He wasn't going to hurt her after all but he understood that some were just naturally shy.

She looked up at him as she tried to mask her shock with a smile. "Never? Not even in school? It's a very interesting book if your into teenage angst and all that." She though for a moment wondering if she had read the serious he had talked about but came to the conclusion she had not. "I've never read that series but maybe I'll try it after I finish reading this." She spoke as she gestured to her book, leaning against the wall as she did so.

"Yeah I guess so. Always seem to come back to it every now and the " she grew more relaxed as she spoke before she realized that she never introduced herself. Holding out her hand as she spoke. "I'm Kea by the way." She would smile slightly.

He took her hand, shaking it slightly,

"My name is Jethro." He replied, before releasing her hand. Stepping over, he stood next to her about two feet away. He looked sideways at her,

"Is there something in particular that you like about it?"

She shrugged as she looked down at her book before looking back at him. "He's spontaneous...I guess would be the right word." Spontaneous a word never associated with her which almost made her giggle but she quickly suppressed it as she looked back at him.

"I can see how one may find that interesting. So, how long have you been attending this school?" He asked purely out of curiousity and because he enjoyed their conversation. He wanted to keep it going even though he wasn't quite sure why.

"Just got here today actually." She spoke as she thought about having to unpack and set up her things when classes were over. Though she was more excited to see the music room, seeing that was where she be spending most of her days. Just thinking about it brought a smile to her face.

"Same with me, today is my first day at this school as well. How are you liking it so far?"

Jethro had been able to find his dorm and unpack his stuff the previous day so he was all set so far.


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