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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

Dani's eyebrows creased at the scribbled word. She looked up to see Snow turned away from her. Her eyes widened and she stood up and walked around to the other side of Snow. She bent down so as to be seen by the girls downward cast gaze,"It's alright. I-I liked it...just wasn't expecting it." She told her truthfully.


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn was walking with Skylar before she tripped and fell into Jehtro's lap. He picked her up, and Skylar seemed embarassed. She didn't seem to talk, so D talk for her. "Sorry dude, she's fine." He walked over with Skylar back to the lunch line. "Here, I'll buy you lunch. You better not go off and spill it all over the floor again." He laughed, he loved to joke. It was the best way to cure sadness in anyway. He was doing that right now.



Michael Kordell

As Tasia left to go to the music room, Michael decided he'd take a chance and go sit beside Lina and her friends. He had finished his lunch. He stood up, tray in hand, and walked over to deposit the tray. He placed it, and walked over to Lina's table. "Umm. Hi guys? Do you guys mind if I sit here?" He asked curiously, as they were all talking.​
"I am happy now," Ava said with a small smile as she ran a hand through her hair before tilting her head a bit. "But why do you always immediately put yourself down and assume I don't want hardly anything to do with you?" She asked curiously.
Drake had been waiting for a while.He realised that she probably wasn't coming back.He stood up,debating if he should go back to school or not.He wasn't thinking straight at all.What would Willow say tomorrow?He really didn't know.He turned around and walked back towards the school.
Cole nodded and headed for the lunch room. "I hope we encounter again sometime."

Kevin sighed.
"I've been turned down by so many people...I can never have an honest and true relationship. And really, it's been that way for a while." He frowned a little. Because he knew that was the truth. Why would this be any different? He glanced over at Michael and tried to force a smile. "Sure, you're one of us now."
"Well you'll never find someone you really like unless you keep trying," she told Kevin before looking up at Michael and smiling. "Sure," she said with a smile. Despite their status, she never really spoke to Michael. It had nothing to do with him, he just never thought about it.
Drake had entered the school and was walking down the hall.He was having mixed feelings about the day.Maybe Dani didn't abandon him.Maybe she couldn't find her wallet.He didn't know,but he was going to find her.
Dani smiled down at Snow and just pulled her into another hug. "S-sorry I...can't help it." She buried her nose in the smaller girls hair again. Taking a deep breath and just breathing her in.
Drake barged into the lunch room.He scouted around the area.Finally,he saw Dani with some pale looking girl.They looked like that they were old friends.Drake couldn't make himself interupt it..It would be rude.So he just sat at a empty table,thinking about the day.
Kevin nodded. "I'll try to keep it up then." He said with a smile. He liked this. Nothing was being rushed and he was able to speak his mind. Something he could only do with Cole before.
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"I'm sure you'll find someone but I'm gonna tell you just like I told D. Don't force anything. If you want someone to like you as much as you like them, you have to just let things happen. Don't try too hard," she said with a smile as she stood and went to the line to get an apple. She returned moments later and began munching.
Kevin nodded, smiling. While she was in line, he remembered that he did want to practice his guitar so he played his own version of Hey There, Delilah. He sung it quietly and played along. He whispered as to not have anyone hear. That would ruin any chances he had with anyone entirely. But you gotta admit, it was pretty funny though. He saw Cole approach and smiled.
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Ava decided to pretend she hadn't heard him and took her time finishing her apple before looking up to see Cole. "I don't think I ever got your name," she told him as she tilted her head a bit to look up at him. In a way, he kind of reminded her of a lumberjack.
"Cole." He said calmly. He rolled his eyes at Kevin. He knew that song very well from Kevin spamming it via text. He smiled. "It's nice to meet you."
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Michael Kordell

"Thanks for letting me sit here. So, how are you guys?". He smiled as Ava was munching on her Apple, and Kevin was playing his guitar.

//At circus w ont post much​
"Dude, you're fam. You can sit anywhere you want," Ava said with a grin before looking to Cole. "It's nice to meet you too," she said with a grin before looking to Kevin. "Some song you got there," she said with a small laugh.
"Made it myself." Kevin says with a grin. Kevin wasted 20 minutes of his life to make it. He could have been doing something productive, but who does that?
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Skylar Goode


When Skylar was lifted to her feet every social aspect of herself shut off, she avoided eye contact and thanked the lord she didn't have ice cream in her hair. She waved goodbye to Jethro and walked sheepishly with Deshawn back to the lunch line, "You don't have to do this," She said as he paid for her lunch. "I owe you one. I won't trip again anytime soon. " she held tightly to her lunch tray and was straight cautious this time as they walked to a table and sat down.


// I didn't see your post, Sorry.
Ava laughed softly and shook her head. "You are something else," she told him before resting her head on her arms. "So how's life?" She asked, not just Kevin, but anyone that was listening.
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Jethro watched the two leave, his face not betraying any emotion. He sat back down, reopening his book. Now, he was more sure then ever. From how close the guy had been standing to him, he could smell the marijuana on his clothes.

"Damn criminal." Jethro muttered.

Before beginning to read his book again.


Deshawn Gallo

Monday, 12:55

"I owe you one. I won't trip again anytime soon. " Deshawn laughed and put his hand over her shoulder. "Listen, it's fine. Don't worry. By the way, if you ever need anything here's my phone number. Okay?" He wrote his phone number on a napkin and handed it over to her. "Anyways, I better be going class is going to start soon." He checked his phone, 12:55. "The bell is going to ring soon, I'm sure you won't have any problems. You always skip class, right." He smiled at Skylar as he walked away. "See you later." He winked at her, which was just a reflex, and walked to class.

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