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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

solicitude said:
"Are you a little late? It's lunchtime right now." He said, smiling warmly.
"U-uh, I study during lunch actually." Angel says. She flashes an awkward smile
"Wise idea. I may end up doing that as well. It's just that I'm a little new here as of now. My friend was just introducing me to everyone. I came from England. I'm Cole."
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solicitude said:
"Wise idea. I may end up doing that as well. It's just that I'm a little new here as of now. My friend was just introducing me to everyone. I came from England. I'm Cole."
"I'm Angel. I've moved here from Korea three years ago. As you can tell, I have slight of an accent. I just study, you know, it's an asian thing."
Cole chuckled. "I have an accent too and I really like tea. You know, it's a British thing." He mocked, smiling. He liked Angel. He wad glad he could make a good first impression without Kevin to help. Cole could be independent.
solicitude said:
Cole chuckled. "I have an accent too and I really like tea. You know, it's a British thing." He mocked, smiling. He liked Angel. He wad glad he could make a good first impression without Kevin to help. Cole could be independent.
//If someone puts a shocking rating down for that post I will honestly die
solicitude said:
Cole chuckled. "I have an accent too and I really like tea. You know, it's a British thing." He mocked, smiling. He liked Angel. He wad glad he could make a good first impression without Kevin to help. Cole could be independent.
Angel let out a chuckle at his little joke. "Well, did you need help with anything, like getting to your classes?"
Cole shook his head. "Nope, most of us have the same classes so it's not so hard to do."
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solicitude said:
Cole shook his head. "Nope, most of us have the same classes so it's not so hard to do."
"Oh, well...I guess I'll see you around." Angel shut her locker and slung her backpack onto her back
As Snow slowly swayed to the song inside her head, still hitting each key on her arm with graceful fingertips, her eyes fell upon a familiar face staring at her. She froze, letting her right hand fall onto the piano keys of her left arm. her eyes widened and her jaw dropped a few millimeters and she just sat there, staring at her old friend's face. She was only still for a few moments before pulling down her sleeve over her piano arm and reaching for her notebook. She flipped the notebook open to the first page, which she used to use to get her only friend's attention before she had left. Snow had been tempted to tear the page out, but could never bring herself to do it. She turned the notebook towards the girl staring at her. The page consisted of only a name: Dani.

Dani was going to cry. She felt tears pricking the corners of her eyes, she shook her head twice as she stared at the notebook Snow held in her hands. She nodded slowly, her face breaking into a huge smile. Memories of a beautiful pale headed girl flooded her mind. Piano music twisted her heart as she stared at the girl she had left behind. Her feet moved without her consent, and she was running in Snow's direction. She swept the smaller girl into a hug, literally picking her up out of her seat. Okay, now she was crying,"Fuck. I missed you, Snow."
As Dani nodded, Snow's lips quickly changed from a shocked open mouth to a wide smile. Snow made no struggle when Dani picked her up. She enjoyed feeling the older girl's touch again. It took her a few moments to realize that tears were streaming from her eyes. Snow wanted to tell Dani how much she had missed her. She wanted to tell her how she had dreamt of this moment since Dani had left. She wanted to yell how happy she was to be reunited with the only person she'd ever cared about. But lacking words, Snow only wrapped her arms around Dani. She figured that that simple action said enough.

The feeling of Snow returning her hug sent a bolt of electricity through Dani, causing her to shiver. She nuzzled her nose in the girls hair, setting her back down on her feet. She smiled into Snow's hair. This made her beyond happy, this feeling coursing through her veins, making her heart thump in her chest as hard as it was, it was much more than happiness. "Oh god." She whispered,"I swear I'm going to die if a wake up right now and this is all a dream" Dani breathed, closing her eyes. She couldn't care less about the rest of the world right now, they were gone. It was only she and Snow.
Snow buried her face into Dani's shoulder, still crying. As Snow listened to her friend talk, she cried harder, shaking her head and hugging Dani tighter. After a few seconds, Snow pulled herself away revealing a large damp spot on Dani's shirt. She looked up at Dani's face, still smiling, still crying and still overwhelmingly happy.
Dani felt ecstatic as she looked down at the younger girl. She couldn't believe this was happening. They kind of just stood there looking at each other until Dani noticed the edge of the piano keys tattoo on Snow's arm peeking from under her sleeve. She grabbed the blondes arm, pushing up the sleeve she cocked her head at it,"When did that happen?" She asked searching her eyes for the answer Dani knew Snow couldn't voice. She felt bad for not having been there when Snow got it, but then realized she couldn't of. She didn't remember the tattoo Snow had to have gotten it some time after she left.
Snow jumped in surprise slightly as Dani grabbed her arm and looked at the piano keys. Snow gently pulled her arm out of the other girls grip and picked up her notebook. She flipped the pages until she found a blank one. After a few moments of writing, Snow showed Dani the page. I draw it on myself every morning with this Sharpie. I started when I realized that there wasn't going to be a piano everywhere I went.
It's not a tattoo.Dani sighed in relief. Honestly, she couldn't see the frail girl ever getting a tattoo, ever. She didn't want her to either. Dani liked Snow just the way she was, ink free. She then remembered the tattoo on her pinky, she smiled,"I actually did get a tattoo after I left." She held up her right hand show Snow the snowflake tattoo on the base of her pinky finger.
Snow whiped the tears from her cheeks and sniffled, controlling her tears. She then lowered her head and moved it so it was about an inch from Dani's snowflake so it was eye level. She then looked up up at Dani's face. Her eyes then shifted down to her notebook again. She began to write again. It's beautiful. She wrote before showing it to Dani.
Dani sat the notebook back on the table, and took Snow's hand. "I got for this really beautiful girl I knew once upon a time." She smirked.
Snow's usually white cheeks lit up with a rare red color. Her smile faded and was replaced by a straight mouth, with a slight gap between the upper and lower lip. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked up at Dani. With her hand being held, she couldn't exactly go write the question, so she instead she mouthed it. Who?
Dani smiled,"You." She whispered. Dani liked that she was capable of getting that kind of reaction out of the usually shy and reserved girl.
Snow's blush grew brighter as Dani said those words. Wow... She mouthed. Her eyes then darted to her shoes, not sure what to do next. This was kinda new for her.
Dani lifted Snow's chin with her free hand. She donned a comforting smile, and looked at her with immense care. "You are." And idea sparked in Dani's head and she pressed the hand she held to her heart,"Fell that? That proves you are." Dani knew her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and she desperately wanted Snow to understand what she was saying.
Snow watched as her hand was brought to Dani's heart. She closed her eyes, feeling the heart beating. She stood like that for a few moments before her eyes flickered open. She stood on her toes and gave Dani a small peck on the cheek before looking away, embarrassed.
Dani eyes lit up when Snow kissed her cheek. Her lips were warm, and the electricity she had felt earlier, shot through her again. "Okay....umm...I'm gonna sit down now." She plopped into the empty seat next to where Snow had been sitting. Her head was spinning and she was dizzy. Damn, she just kissed me on the cheek and I feel like I'm gonna fucking pass out. She shook her head.
Snow's eyes widened, filled with a cross between embarrassment and fear. She took out her Sharpie and scribbled the word Sorry! in her notebook and pushed it towards Dani. She turned around so her back was facing Dani.

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