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Fandom ๐“œ๐“ช๐“น๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ฎ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต๐“ช๐“ฐ๐“ฎ--(ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ โ™ฅ a harvest Moon role-play โ™ฅ -- OOC

Actually, i'll just add Jared's wife into the village too and publish her CS so you'll have the complete family. Almost nothing will change if that happens. Will that be okay? Reiia silver Reiia silver
Actually, i'll just add Jared's wife into the village too and publish her CS so you'll have the complete family. Almost nothing will change if that happens. Will that be okay? Reiia silver Reiia silver

I guess that will be OK, The only thing is is that this is a romantic role-play where the village and get to know one another and form relationships. But yours might be OK to do that
I forgot to mention that Adelaide has a dog, can I add that to the character sheet?
Hi guys!!! Ugh I finally made it here. I'm working on my character sheets right now, should be quick enough... And I'll get to posting right away. Honestly I sorta feel giddy I haven't RPed in sooo long, bear with me :D at least throughout the years I've improved my ways and should be able to forge some decent little reads. Can't wait to meet y'all :D
I'll have my post up tomorrow, hopefully! ^7^ it's been forever since I've last rped in a group, so I'm looking forward to this too!! ;w;
Looking forward to making connections with everyone and having a great time โค๏ธ
Took me a while longer but hey, meet Alexandre!

I hadn't had such fun writing character sheets since my last creative writing workshop :D
Ahahaaaa :closed eyes open smile::closed eyes open smile: I'm so glad you like him! TBH I wanted him to be a softie for sure (I enjoy working with contrasts) but when I found that picture I thought butterflies were the perfect representation of his essence! They are beautiful creatures, both strong and delicate, with potential for transformation. I believe it's a nice metaphor :D
I agree, I'm stoked! I have fond memories of HM roleplays I did in the past, it's almost like the communal aspect of this storyline/setting sort of breathes through to people and brings good vibes all around โ˜บ
I agree, everyone has such lovely, nice characters ๐Ÿ’ I've never done a Harvest Moon rp (I've never played the games either shh,,, lmao) but I'm a sucker for this setting lol

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