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I want you to believe...believe in things you cannot.
  • Hell0NHighWater

    Queen of Hell
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--bgImgPosition: 100% 100%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgTwo] --bgImg: url(https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/1427228/screenshots/5497843/red.gif); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [class name=rootBgThree] --bgImg: url(https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-07-2016/dWVI27.gif); --bgImgPosition: 0% 0%; --bgImgSize: 100% 100%; [/class] [div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] The Storyline [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] The World [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter" style="padding: 2%; flex: 1 0 10%;"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] The People [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] General Info [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainHeader"] Evil is a point of view. [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    When murders caused by "vampires" begin to haunt the streets, even news networks are too terrified to report about it. The victims were all found with puncture wounds to the neck, drained of their blood, and posed next to a symbol so bizarre that even those familiar with the occult forces are left clueless. As the murders continue, the supernatural occurrences frighten and begin to incite citywide panic, though a vast majority of the human population are more than willing to believe that these murders are nothing more than the work of a deranged serial murderer. The problem is...not all of the victims have been human.

    What the public doesn't realize is that there is something far more sinister brewing in the darkest corners of the city. An evil that has spent centuries asleep has begun to stir once more.

    Tasked with solving and putting an end to these mysterious murders, the KMPD has instituted Public Safety Division 9 ---a group of highly trained detectives code named "Handlers". These Handlers are humans typically dressed in high tech combat armor. They are paired with other agents who have a certain affinity for the supernatural who require constant supervision in case they were to lose control. Division 9 has one priority: hunt down the monster or monsters that have plagued Kasnia. This particular division specializes in supernatural crime investigation, but what they uncover might not be what they expected to find.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] City of Kasnia [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]580612[/div] For years, the existence of the preternatural has been kept silent.

    The first officially recorded Moroi appearance was in 2026, when a "vampiric incident" murder suspect was arrested in Arômencia. The following year, someone else was arrested for a similar crime in Bara. Both of them claimed to have an uncontrollable blood lust, and it was discovered that the smell of blood made them violent. It was initially thought to be infectious, some sort of disease, but was later discovered to be a genetic mutation. Eventually, research into Moroi secretly moved forward. When the Moroi who rarely appeared got arrested, researchers took them in and used them to study the physical characteristics and blood relations of devils in order to find out their true nature.

    In 2060, there was a request from the government, they wanted the researchers to find out how there could be Moroi who don't have blood lust, can't transform, and lack the ability to heal. They made a hypothesis that for people who are half or a quarter Moroi, the transformation becomes insufficient, in other words, they had ReMI (Redeyes Metamorphic Insufficiency Syndrome). Since they had no proof, the decision was made to further research and in 2063, they artificially began developing ReMI, and thus, the Hybrid Project was founded. Because of how shunned and hated the Moroi were in society, most Moroi in the early ages would often hide away to minimize assault and attacks from humans. It was also very hard for humans and Moroi to reproduce, since the Moroi always lose control during sex.

    Nearly a decade later, the spike in murders forced the government to institute a specific law enforcement division to intervene in all Moroi related crimes. This division is kept hidden from the public in order to better protect the safety of Moroi. Because their cases relate directly to the supernatural, it is common for squads to contain one or two Moroi members in order to assist in the apprehension of Moroi suspects.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Sector 1: Xosa [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]

    Xosa is the political hub of the region. Due to the increase in murders, the sector has declared a “state of emergency” and places all real power into the hands of law enforcement. The current Police Commissioner, Huan Li, accepts bribes from an organization known as The Left Hand that is focused on "keeping the peace". Huan Li seeks to peacefully resolve the murders and the disputes between the politicians before the violence escalates.

    Law enforcement in Xosa has been outsourced to mercenaries in order to reduce panic. Though this seems fairly counter productive. These corporate agents are highly professional, but are extremely corrupt and are only loyal to their paycheck. Any Law enforcement cooperation between the rest of the sectors has become next to impossible. Xosa itself is a political powder keg and if nothing is done soon, things might just get worse.

    The education system in Xosa specializes in the humanities; employees are experts in philosophy, political science, and ethical decision-making, but lack most of the basic math and science skills.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Sector 2: Vrekta [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]

    Vrekta is a Special Economic Zone. Corporations are given increased rights in this area to promote economic investment. The city is controlled by a democratically elected Mayor. The current Mayor, Stephanie Gloss, accepts bribes from an organization known as The Left Hand and is focused on stimulating the economy. Corporations are given generous subsidies and assistance to create jobs. Recently there has been a upsurge in the market for people profiting off of the population's hysteria.

    Law enforcement in Vrekta is currently being provided by the KMPD or the Kasnia Metropolitan Police Department.
    Their superior firepower and tactics have decreased the overall murder rate in this sector, but their military-like operations display a complete lack of empathy towards civilians.

    The education system in Vrekta teaches employees to always follow orders given to them by their managers and "betters", even if said orders are ridiculously stupid. If you know the game Borderlands, Vrekta operates similarly to how Hyperion does.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Sector 3: Arômencia [/div] [div class="imageBorder"]
    Arômencia is an arcology that was built recently to deal with overcrowding within the “old cities”. The arcology presents a patently false illusion of idyllic country life to appease their jaded residents.

    The city sector is controlled by a City Manager, who is hired by “The Council” who Governs the entirety of Kasnia. The current City Manager, Wolfgang III, accepts bribes from The Left Hand and is focused on providing social welfare. The poor and needy are taken care of and are "rehabilitated" into productive employees and pliable consumers.

    The KMPD makes up the core law enforcement of Arômencia.

    There are rumors that Arômencia is in deep debt and tensions have been running thin between City Sectors 2 and 3.

    [div class=mainSubheader] Sector 4: ABANDONED [/div]

    [div class="imageBorder"]
    [div class=mainSubheader] Sector 5: Bara [/div]

    Bara is a Japanese “old city” that has gained increased prominence due to neoliberal reforms and a favorable corporate environment. The city is controlled by a Chairman who is selected by "The Council". The current Chairman, Flynn Whitman, does not accept bribes from anyone, including The Left Hand. He is focused on reducing crime throughout the entire city and has been instrumental in the creation of Division 9. Law enforcement is given increased funding and special rights to crack down on law-breakers.

    Law enforcement in Bara is handled by the KMPD and has their headquarters in this district. Their agents focuses on community outreach efforts, making them very popular with civilians. The police are waging a merciless war on crime and will stop at nothing to put an end to the string of brutal murders.

    The education system in Bara is one of the best in the city. They maintain that the more knowledgeable their citizens are, the less crime there will be.

    The crime rate in Bara is very low, but most corporations resent the frequent police intrusions and the lack of privacy in the city.

    [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Loving the monsters always ends badly for the human. [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] Malédiction [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] It's a rule. [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Population [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"]
    H U M A N S

    There's not much to say about humanity. They've gone about most of their life in ignorance to the darkness in the world around them.

    B A S I C:
    • Any skills and abilities are those they’ve managed to learn without aid of supernatural powers or strengths.
    • Can alter their bodies with cybernetic enhancements.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with "vampires".
    M I S C:
    • Pretty standard, I would hope everyone reading this knows what a human is.

    [div class="imageBorder"]
    M O R O I

    Moroi are a subset of the human race who possess vampire characteristics, but who are more closely related to humans. They live ordinary lives nearly identical to those of humans, save for one distinction: if ever they witness blood, either by sight or taste, they transform and lose control, attacking those around them and sucking their blood.

    B A S I C : Moroi possess the following:
    • Stronger and faster, they are brutes to some extent, especially when transformed.
    • Heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell.
    • They have two sets of fangs, the top ones grow shorter than the bottom and function more like straws while the bottom pair administers a toxin that gives their prey feelings of pleasure.
    • They heal at a much faster rate, possess increased stamina, and are capable of taking substantially more damage than a normal human might survive.
    • It is assumed that they can only be killed by a shot to the head.
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with a life of avoiding the sight/smell of blood.
    M I S C
    • Normally, the Moroi's appearances do not differ from humans. They are biologically very similar to humans. They are nocturnal, however they can go out in sunlight though it tends to bother their eyes and daylight makes them fundamentally weaker than they would be during the night.
    • Non-blood-drinking Moroi have heavy dark bags under their eyes, which is a way to identify them. Moroi who drink human blood do not have eye bags and some Moroi also choose to use makeup to hide them.
    • When Moroi transform, their face and body features change drastically. Their eyes will turn red with veins sometimes appearing around the eyes. Their teeth will sharpen into fangs and their nails into claws.
    • Moroi have a body temperature that is lower by 15 degrees than usual.
    • It is also very hard to kick off the habit of drinking blood, since once a Moroi gets the taste of human blood, they can never forget it.
    • They do need blood to survive, although this is not common knowledge as they can eat and drink regular human food. If they go without drinking blood their life expectancy is around 35 years of age.

    [div class="imageBorder"]
    H A L F B R E E D S

    Moroi-human hyrids are a rarity among the moroi community due to the risks involved when engaging in sexual activities with humans. However, hybrids have become an increasingly hot area of study among medical researchers - primarily the idea that the hybrids' half-human physiology allows them the ability to assert more control over their bloodlust than pure bloods.

    B A S I C:
    • Can withstand sunlight and isn't as negatively impacted by it.
    • Their blood lust is often more controllable than a purebloods
    • Usually only part of them transforms or they go through a half transformation. Thus making them 'weaker' because of their human blood.
    • They have the 'traditional' one set of fangs. It makes their bites more painful and also requires a longer time for feeding (it's also messier).
    P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
    • Being human, yet not could have a lot of negative psychological effects. Think of Blade, that guys got some issues man
    M I S C:
    • Generally, moroi-human hybrids are born by artificial insemination in the modern age due to complications and risks in sexual activities between human and moroi.
    • The Hybrid Birth Project is a project solely to produce hybrids. Their goals are not 100% certain but most half-breeds have grown up in laboratories.
    • There are no known naturally-conceived hybrids.
    • The one at greatest risk is the human mother. The moroi fetus is likely to die after contact with the mother's blood. And conversely, the fetus can transform in the womb and put the mother in danger.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is a rare case. If you wish to play a half breed then you must ask me about it first.

    [/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] A little more detail [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Blood lust suppressant [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] A tranquilizer similar to that used on elephants, it is a gross urine colored liquid that combats the 'adrenaline rush' a Moroi feels at the sight of blood. It keeps them from moving for around ten minutes on average and allows them enough time to either calm down or have someone else step in. They usually come in syringes with long needles that can really be administered anywhere on the body however the fastest known effect takes place when administered into the chest area. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Moric steroid [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] A steroid that has been in development over the past couple years. It allows humans to have the same strength and speed as a Moroi in a fully transformed state. However, it is detrimental to human health. The steroid is known to cause extreme muscle damage, primarily in the legs, and is easy to overdose on. The substance is also highly addictive because of how it makes the user feel while under its influence. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Moroi Blood [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Moroi do have blood, like humans, though theirs is a bit different genetically. It's almost like they have anemia but lack the same amount of nutrients that humans contain within their blood cells. In order to supply their body with said nutrients they need to consume the blood of humans. This is not a widely known fact, most Moroi go their whole lives without drinking human blood hence why they only live for around 35 years. Half-breeds have the same problem but it takes a longer time for their deficiency to kill them. The blood of Moroi doesn't trigger another Moroi, it's more repulsive to them. Think of how in most vampire lore vampires can get extremely sick from drinking Dead Man's blood --it's pretty much the same thing. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Weapons [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] This is a cyberpunk world, that being said there are energy based weapons. The KMPD mainly carry a standard police hand cannon with an internal targeting system
    There are
    that you can choose from. Your imagination is really the limit here, as long as it's more futuristic and less fantasy. I don't really want to see anyone walking around with a sword and shield. [div class=mainHeader] More Questions? [/div] [div class=mainText] Feel free to ask!

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