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Fantasy (Main) Lichenlock Academy for Supernatural Youngsters




The Shiki's cheeks warmed, and twiddled with her pointer fingers, the chill still washed across her bodies. The only two plausible explanations she came up with were that she was a spirit and the energy simply came from some type of spirit, or she was able to feel the powerful energy because she was now bound to this ancient and powerful dragon who had the power to feel it. She sighed, brushing her hair with her fingers, thinking about it.

Pursing her lips, she looked up, only to find her immortal master's gaze on her. He looked as though he were staring at Zhang intently, causing her flush red in mere seconds. "P-p-p---" she stuttered, not sure what to say. She looked down at her feet, a complete poppy. (1)反常! She thought, growing redder at a constant rate. Her face was burning hot, and she desired to cool off.

"I want you to find and bring it to me."

Zhang slammed her cheeks with her palms, trying to get herself to think straight. "Yes, Master Moli! Right away!" With that, she turned and ran out of the room. Once she stepped out of the library, she gasped for fresh air, and fanned herself with her hand to cool off. She ran her fingers in her hair, and stopped her foot and crossed her arms, childishly. "Just because he's a dragon doesn't mean he can stare at girls all day long! Humph!" She sighed, but started to lurk in the hallways, looking for whatever Master wanted. What did he want, exactly? The damned thing that let off all that energy? Goodness, it could just be a dragon far superior than him or something.

Nonetheless, she paced around the empty hallways, following where her sense wanted her to go.

反常 - "Pervert!" - Chinese

Mood: Flustered || Interacting With: Nepenthe Nepenthe || Mentioned: N/A || Location: Hallway
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The bell rang, and Rebecca finished with her work. She'd spent the class trying to put an infinite capacity charm on her hand bag, and while she hadn't quite succeeded, she had managed to get it to hold quite a bit. As long as she didn't need to carry something massive like a whole chest of drawers, it would do the job just fine. Not bad for an amateur.

She walked out into the hallway, almost bumping into another girl. Some sort of spirit, based on the aura of death around her. The lich gave her a friendly wave. "Need anything?"

Emmi Emmi

||Elias Garcia||
Location: Halls》Tags;Nyrian (@Lord_Frost )

There was something about this guy that gave him the chills. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it was off." Urrr, I'm a dragon and human hybrid. Mom says i might not be the only one, But that's kinda hard to believe. " Elias started scratch his arm without knowing. " O-oh...My name is Elias. Nice to meet you?" Now he wondered how Nyrian was going to react to him. Was he going to make fun of him like the others? We'll, he would have to see in a second

( its alright:3)​
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border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #bfbfbf; background-color: White; color: gray; margin: auto; height: 100%; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: justify; font-family: Lato; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=Subtitle] box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 18px; margin: 10px 0px; text-align: center; color: #808080; font-family: Roboto Slab; [/class] [class name=Side minWidth="801px"] display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; box-sizing: border-box; width: 19%; height: 100%; margin-left: 2%; [/class] [class name=Side maxWidth="800px"] display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; box-sizing: border-box; margin: auto; width: 20%; height: 90%; margin-right: 2%; margin-top: 30px; [/class] [class name=Main minWidth="801px"] display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; box-sizing: border-box; width: 76%; height: 100%; [/class] [class name=Main maxWidth="800px"] display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; box-sizing: border-box; width: 78%; height: 100%; [/class] [class=BottomBorder] background-color: #bfbfbf; 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overflow-y: scroll; height: 100%; color: gray; text-align: justify; opacity: 0.9; font-family: Lato; [/class] [class name=Icon] background:url(https://i.paigeeworld.com/user-media/1490054400000/54a174ada94c23ca1450e363_58d107440195e6c10e0178ab_320.jpg); position: relative; background-size: cover; height: 100px; max-width: 100px; margin: auto; [/class] [div class=Gradient][/div][div class=Container][div class=Background][div class=BackBox][div class=Side][div class=IconBox][div class=Icon][/div][/div][div class=SideTitle]faelu saef[/div][div class=SideBox][div class=HiddenScrollSide]Location: the library

Mood: helpful


[COLOR=#90B37F]@MoltenLightning[/COLOR][/div][/div][/div][div class=SideBorder][/div][div class=Main][div class=MainBox][div class=HiddenScrollMain]
Faelu felt bad for the little guy. After all, living in a world made for much larger people couldn’t be easy, especially when you were new in a place and didn’t know very many people. Who knows how long he would have tried (and probably failed) to get the book down if she hadn’t come along. As she listened to him, she looked over the table of contents to see if there was much of anything that could be… related to him in some way, since that’s what he said he wanted.

After he said to just look through the book, she began to flip, leaving the pages open for a few seconds before going onto the next. While she was unsure what he was looking for exactly, and didn’t know how much help she’d be with finding the information that he needed, she knew she could flip a page.

As they flipped, she looked at Lark curiously. He was looking for answers as to what he was, which could only mean that he… well, didn’t know exactly what he was. This could mean he wasn’t even a moth at all, but some other kind of creature… However, even with all her knowledge of woodland creatures, she didn’t think she’d ever met anyone like him. A sentient moth? While it would have been incredibly cool, she’d only interacted with your run of the mill moths. She quite liked him though already, despite their brief interaction so far. He was nervous, but… he seemed interesting, and Faelu had always liked moths. They had a certain… charm to them.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts and realizing her gaze had probably landed on Lark for a little long, she paused in her flipping. “Seen anything you were looking for? … Do you wanna try another book or keep going?”

She wished she could be of more help to him but figured at least he had someone there to help him search. And, after all, despite not having read all of the library, she knew her way around quite well and could probably find any book that Lark’s heart desired.

[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=Gradient style="background: linear-gradient(transparent, #f2f2c0); margin-top: -20px;"][/div]
Pandora - A Newcomer & Open for Interaction

Pandora found the school an hour after the chat with Lucifer. She made no plans of coming here initially, - she had no plans of leaving the sanctuary of her forest in general -, but, well, Lucifer always had his ways to ‘motivate’ her. She hated the deal she made with him sometimes, but what's done is done.

The demon slipped out a small paper from her pocket after a small ‘beep’ came from it. It was how she was expected to contact Lucifer during her hopefully eventful stay here. She unfolded it.

‘Send me a summary of your progress every day.
Don’t mess up.’

“Yeah, yeah, ” Pandora grumbled to herself before stuffing the paper back into her pocket. Her curious golden eyes peered up at a sign - ‘Lichenlock Academy’ - before she ambled up the steps and through the double doors. It was empty, spare the few students roaming the hallways.

Pandora strolled around aimlessly, before stumbling upon the library doors and going through them. ‘I can wait here,’ She thought to herself, ‘Until the bell rings and I can find a class to crash.’ In all honesty, she didn’t know how Lucifer expected her to bring chaos to a school. What was she supposed to do? Be a bad student?

She ran her fingers along the books, knocking them of the shelf one by one.

Philippian The boy who cried newt.png
Name: Philippian
Mood: Thankful and in Awe
Interacting: Nepenthe Nepenthe
Mentions: N/A
Location: Potions Class
Philippian stared at his arm trying to figure out what had happened before giving it a hearty shake, watching none of the water he had sprayed himself with before entering the school fall off. Cautiously he touched his arm, grinning as none of the water came off even if he still felt damp. "Thank you!" He gushed cheerfully, picking up the now destroyed paper and crumpling it up and shoving it into his pocket. "I guess I'll need a new piece of paper though," he mentioned sheepishly, sending Nereus an apologetic look.

Are you my mummy.png
Name: Jason
Mood: Unsure
Interacting: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Mentions: N/A
Location: Speech Class

Lofi had peeked his curiosity, enough so that he found himself watching her out of the corner of his eye while staring ahead at the teacher. He mumbled along, normally just skipping repeating the phrases as it wasn't as if anyone could see hos mouth not moving anyway. Class felt like it was going extra slowly, not being helped by the fact he was becoming increasingly curious on what the melting pot of a girl had to say. Finally after what felt like forever the class ended, the sound of the bell ringing causing almost anonymous relief in all the students in the room as they slowly began to file out, still carefully avoiding Lofi. "What were you going to tell me...earlier" Jason asked, trying not to sound to interested.
Lofi Lamengstruten
Interaction/Mention: Beebasaur Beebasaur
Location: Speech Class ==> Hallways​
Lofi maintained her studious nature all throughout Speech, following Professor Minos's instructions to the letter. The only issue arose when her tongue finally found the bottom of her trail mix, and she realized she'd run out of sustenance. It wasn't too much of a problem, as class ended soon after, however she left with far more haste than usual. She slowed down once she was outside the room, reminding herself that running in the halls wasn't very good girlish. She paused upon hearing her seat neighbor's throaty voice, and glanced back to see he'd followed her. His question reminded her of what she was trying to say earlier, and she gave a little "Oh..." upon remembering. She smiled at him before approaching a nearby trash can and throwing away the empty trail mix bag... because she was considerate!

"LoFi KnOw... HoW fIx..." she stated with a giggle as she leaned against a nearby window and pulled it open "MoMmY wRaPpEr BoY... yOu pRoBlEm SpEaKiNg...CoMe FrOm BrOkEn BoDy..."

She paused upon noticing a bug fly by, and wasted no time in whipping her tentacle arm towards it and hauling it towards her before muttering "YoU... fElLoW cLaSsMaTe? LoFi AlLoWeD... tO eAt?"

She leaned an ear close to the bug for two seconds, upon having it merely trying to escape her tentacle's grasp, her grin spread wide before she slung it directly into her mouth. She repeated the process twice before remembering she was in the middle of a conversation, and turned back to the Mother Wrapper whilst savoring her few catches.

"WhErE yOu...GeT bOdY?" she asked him before swallowing down the remnants of the few unfortunate creatures she'd managed to catch "OrIgInAl? YoU sTaRt... As WrApPer?"
Elanor perked up when she heard the bell ring, signaling the end of class. She felt the stress flow out of her body, knowing she wouldn’t be punished for skipping now. While wandering, she had been lost in her own thoughts and anxiety, but now found herself a set of doors labeled ‘Library’. Pulling the door open, she first peeked into the vast room. Elanor always took solace in books, making up for her shyness. Although she wasn’t the most avid reader, it was always comforting to sit down every once in a while with a good book.

Elanor decided to browse in hopes to find a book to take back to her room for a while or to read while eating. It was unlikely she would have anyone to sit with at lunch so she might as well have something to do. Spotting a book about anthropology, she stopped to take it off the shelf.
Pandora - Moonie Moonie

"This is stupid," Pandora whined to herself as her arm fell back down to her side. Already fed up with task she had given herself, the demon walked elsewhere in the library, eager to find someone to actually interact with. Manipulation, she preferred that much more than knocking books off of a shelf.

She spotted a female Elf, who grabbed a book off a shelf. Pandora approached Elanor. "Hey-," She spoke, her voice hushed to fit the library environment, "Sorry to bug you and all, but I'm new and need some help." She donned a playful smile and her voice seemed pleasant, but her golden eyes - filled with trickery and mischief - shone brightly.

Her eyes darted around, observing the other's appearance. It was the first time Pandora saw an elf before. She usually only interacts with humans or other demons.
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[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#ffb2b2; border-radius:5px; margin:0px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#666666; color:#ffb2b2; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#666666; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:70%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (show Image) if (eq "${link}" "Currently") (hide Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Tags) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (show Current) if (eq "${link}" "Image") (hide Image) // So this more or less translates to// //if the div has the text "Currently" in it it's set as a link and when clicked it will hide the Head class (my image) and show the Tags class and the class named Image (the new button)// //oh and below
means to put a break in the code, like pressing the enter button. it's necessary since the beginning means no breaks unless other wise told with that br code// //for anyone who doesn't know// [/script]

[div class="Desktop base"]
[div class="Current ImagButton" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Currently
[div class="Image ImagButton hidden" style="Margin-left:15px;"]Image[/div]

[div class="Img Head"][IMG='width:300px;']https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/77/7c/7b777c87dff6807569ead2bc59c3e46d.jpg[/IMG][/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"] Interaction: none
Mentioned: Nepenthe Nepenthe (Shima)
Species: Yuki-onna
Grade: Sophomore
Location: Library
Amaya Hanada

Amaya had started her day off after sleeping through the loud bronze bell that signified the start of breakfast, only having woken up when the sunlight peaked through her window and shined onto her eyelids. She had always been an odd sleeper, not waking up from very loud or abrupt sounds but jumping to her feet when a bird chirps or pen drops. Although there had only been 8 minutes left of breakfast and 13 minutes until class started, she took her time getting ready for her day. By the time Amaya had arrived at the dining hall, they had already began putting the breakfast items away but she was able to grab a few pastries and a carton of chocolate milk, wrapping the baked goods in a napkin to be sure not litter crumbs everywhere. As with getting ready, she enjoyed taking her time doing things, even at the cost of being late or missing an event.

Despite having a first period that morning, she decided against going and instead made her way to the library in order to do her own type of research and explorations. There had been quite a few people in the library, perhaps skipping class as well, but she didn't mind people. The company of people was an exciting and a rather new thing for her, even if she wasn't necessarily interacting with them. People watching was one of her favorite activities, as strange as that may sound, she enjoy seeing how people carried themselves, how they interacted with others and the world, as well their facial expressions to certain events. Amaya made her way up the spiral steps to the second floor, sneaking out one of the croissants from her napkin since food and drink were not allowed in the library.

Walking down an aisle of books, she saw a silver haired boy at the end but did not try to start a conversation with him since she understood that people in libraries tend to want to not talk to others and she didn't want to be an annoyance. However, she couldn't help but notice how nice his hair looked, so shinny and silk-like. I wonder what shampoo and conditioner he uses. As the thought passed through her mind, she reminded herself back to the task at hand. Novels.. novels.. novels.. Examining the hard cover spines on one of the shelves, she wanted to read more into literature since she believed it would help her understand the thought process of humans. "The Snow Ghost of Japan" one books read, she tilted her head slightly, pondering if there was perhaps another type of Snow Spirit she had never encountered before. Reaching up to grab it , she found herself short a few inches, even on her tip toes. These book shelves seemed to be overwhelmingly tall now that she thought about it, Why.. are you.. so tall..? She thought with every stretch reaching up, the book making contact her middle finger nail but not enough to bring it down.

[/div] Code by@AgWordSmith [/div]
At the sudden sound of a voice - even a hushed one - Elanor jumped. She hadn’t seen the girl approach her. She turned to the stranger with a slight smile, praying she hadn’t seen her mini heart attack.
“Hi,” Elanor replied in a soft voice. She had a habit of speaking very quietly so it was always difficult to get others’ attention. However, in a library, her voice was a perfect volume. The first thing Elanor noticed was the girl’s horns.
I wonder what she is, she thought. Maybe a demon? She had never been around any other species besides elves growing up so the idea of being around a demon both amazed and terrified her. Elanor’s gaze then met the stranger’s. Her golden eyes were so intense that Elanor seemed captivated by them. They were beautiful but had something dark about them. Elanor dismissed this, not thinking anything of it.
“How can I help?” She asked in a friendly tone.

User User
Pandora Mooniee Mooniee

She watched the elf jump, ever so slightly, before replying."How can I help?"

"Well, I just got here recently," Pandora told Elanor as feigned awkwardness tugged up the edges of her mouthy. "And I was wondering if you could show me around or tell me how things work here? You don't have to, of course-! If your busy, I can just go elsewhere." She had her hands clasped behind her back when she spoke to elf.

Pandora figured understanding the environment before jumping in and trying something would be the best idea. As she could tell simply from walking around the school for five minutes, this place was filled with all kinds of creatures. Starting business with the wrong one could very much backfire, especially if that 'one' happened to be another demon.

Her eyes darted back to the Elf's pointed ears. She couldn't help but be curious. "What type of Elf are you?" Pandora asked abruptly, before her she felt heat spread to her ears. "I hope that isn't rude to ask. Is it rude?"




Zhang got tired of walking around. "What am I even looking for? His non-existent wife?" She muttered, looking in every nook and cranny of the school. Clearly annoyed, she took a deep breath, and slapped her cheeks with her hands once again. "Relax, Zhang! You can put up with the rantallion reptile!" She sighed, and continued searching. A strand of hair fell over on her eyes, blocking her sight, so she blew it away. While walking, she accidentally stepped on someone's phone. Slowly, she picked it up, and examined it. "What is this strange metal box?" She asked herself, poking it.

She sighed and started to walk again. "Now, come here... energy energy? God, DEAR REPTILE, GIVE CONTEXT INSTEAD OF FLIPPING YOUR HAIR! By God's wounds...!" She frowned. Would she have stayed the same, goofy, childish Vue if she didn't have her consciousness and free will? Would she have been a mindless slave doing whatever? The thought practically made her shutter. Perhaps she should feel thankful? No, why should she be thankful towards a stupid perverted dragon? She huffed, and continued to walk, shooing away her thoughts.

"Need anything?"

Zhang winced, and immediately turned to a girl who practically stunk of the undead. "O-Oh? Oh, no.. no thank you.." She replied, still staring at the metal thing in her hands. "Um... what is this?" she asked, holding out the device, not sure what to make of it. Hell, she wasn't even sure what half of the items here were. Then again, she was wearing an ancient warrior like Chinese dress, and comparing herself to the undead woman, she felt a bit.. like a sore thumb? She really did look a bit off. She noticed the garments other students would wear.

But, why does she think these things are strange? She doesn't have any recollection of her past, but perhaps her brain was hardwired to remember some specific thing unconsciously, even if she doesn't remember it consciously?

"Ah.. ha.. Sorry.. I haven't introduced myself.." her cheeks tinged. "Zhang Vue... you are?"

Maybe this girl is who Master Moli wanted? Or.. was it this box? She could just send the two to him. Then again, the energy didn't radiate from them.

Mood: Confused. || Interacting With: Shagranoz Shagranoz || Mentioned: Nepenthe Nepenthe || Location: Hallway
"I'm Rebecca," the undead girl said with a twinkle in her eye. Thankfully, she at least recognized the box the other girl was handling, though she still didn't know who's it was. "That's a cell phone. You can contact people with it, take pictures, play games... basically, a necessity of modern life these days. You didn't happen to come from a different time, Zhang?"
[class=PostBox]width:80%;height:auto;min-height:450px;padding:10px;border:3px double #ffffff;margin:auto;border-radius:10px;position:relative;[/class] [class=PostName]width:80%;height:33px;border-bottom:double 4px #ffffff;border-bottom-right-radius:90%;border-bottom-left-radius:90%;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-size:25px;[/class] [class=PostImg]width:250px;height:400px;float:right;overflow:none;margin-left:10px;[/class] [class=Credit]font-size:8px;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:1px;[/class] [class name=PostBox]border-color:#EE9FFC;background:#444444;color:#ffffff;[/class] [class name=PostName]border-color:#EE9FFC;[/class] [class name=PostImg]background:url(http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n46/kibblesgirl/blonde-hair-animes-anime-30920322-500-632_zps3e18f80c.jpg);background-size:cover;[/class]

[div class=PostBox][div class=PostName]Elanor Wynrona[/div][div class=PostImg][/div][div class=Credit]Created by IdyllicDreamer[/div]

Elanor found herself relaxing at the girl’s sheepish smile. She’s probably as nervous being here as I am, she thought. “I don’t mind, but, I haven’t completely found my way around everywhere here yet,” she confessed. She hoped this wouldn’t cause the girl to leave. The elf was always hoping for a friend but felt like she couldn’t keep up with the others. Not having anything that made her stand out, except for pointy ear, made her feel like she didn’t belong. Having a possibility to make a friend excited her. It would be crushing to lose it this quickly.

Elanor subconsciously touched her ear when asked about them. “No, it’s not rude at all! I’m actually a wood elf.” She was excited that someone was taking an interest in her. She realized that she was so caught up in her own excitement, she hadn’t introduced herself yet.

“I’m Elanor, by the way. I don’t know how to get everywhere but I would enjoy showing you around,” She said with a genuine smile.

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Pandora Mooniee Mooniee

"A wood elf," Pandora repeated in awe. "That's so cool!" A real smile beamed across her face when she spoke, because - as much as she would deny it and claim her reaction was all an act - she did take curiosity in the other. Elanor was different to her, and she seemed nice - which was a plus. She was something new, a race she has never even seen before and assumed was a myth.

Only one thing bugged her, however, but Pandora's concern was not evident on her face. Pandora faintly recalls hearing that Wood Elves were immune to magic of sorts. Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding and she was mistaking them for another race. She hoped she was mistaking them for another race. If not, well, that would make her life a lot harder.

Pandora supposes Elanor's maybe-immunity to magic just gives her an excuse to get to know them better as opposed to manipulating her. "Thanks. You're a lifesaver," she joked, "And we can figure out getting around the other parts school together." She mentally slapped herself after a brief moment of silence, remembering that she forgot to introduce herself.

"Pandora - nice to meet you."




The grey eyed princess pursed her lips, looking over at the girl who stopped in her tracks to talk to her. She clutched the box in her hands as the undead girl said, "I'm Rebecca."

Zhang nodded, and gave her a bow. "Good evening, Rebecca. How are you this fine afternoon?" I'm certainly doing terrible. She thought to herself, before the metal box fell onto the ground. Feeling slightly embarrassed, she bent down to pick it up, and touched the thingamajig with her finger tips as she stood back up with perfect posture. That's when Rebecca started to speak again.

"That's a cell phone. You can contact people with it, take pictures, play games... basically, a necessity of modern life these days. You didn't happen to come from a different time, Zhang?"

She looked back over at her, grey eyes calculating and her mouth slightly open. "O-oh.. I see.. a.. phone? Taking pictures? Wouldn’t.. wouldn’t you need an artist for that? Playing games...? Board games..? And.. contacting people...?” She frowned. None of that made sense to her. Nonetheless, she’ll take this back to Shima, just in case.

“Different time? What on Earth does that mean? I mean.. I died and was summoned to be someone’s servant...” she slowly replied, her dull gaze trailed from the cell phone to Rebecca’s face. “But, you seem dead yourself, Rebecca.”

Mood: curious || Interacting with: Shagranoz Shagranoz || Mentioned: N/A || Location: Hallway
Are you my mummy.png
Name: Jason
Mood: Uncomfortable
Interacting: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Mentions: N/A
Location: Hallway

Jason wasn't sure how to reply, he really didn't like talking about how he got his body, even if that wasn't really the question she was asking. Trying to pretend he hadn't seen her not only slurp up several flies but ask them permission first he grumbled out, "No, it isn't my original body." He wasn't sure where she was going with this, he had bonded to this body, he couldn't just find a new one. In fact, if anyone had bothered to ask him he could have easily explained his predicament. Why not just teach him sign language, or have him just write things, but no instead he was shoved into a speech class that wasn't going to do him any good.
"Only a couple of weeks," Rebecca said with a shrug. "I'm still... fresh, as it were. Whereas you must have died a long time ago in the Orient, judging by your outfit. I've heard of spirits being lost in time after centuries in the afterlife, never actually met one, though. For your information, it's 2019 in the Western calendar, not sure what that would translate to in anything you'd be familiar with."

Emmi Emmi
The child woke with a start, rubbing his eyes. He heard the bell ring and figured it was the morning bell. He quickly scrambled out of bed, dressing himself with haste and running to the library wit hopes of meeting some people there before class. He ran into the library and noticed two girls talking to each other. One appeared to be a demon, the other an elf. One he thought he would get along with, and the other not. However his mother had taught him that if one judged a book by it’s cover, then that person could miss out on the most beautiful book of all time. Him being his shy self, simply peered at them from behind, just in case they weren’t friendly. He decided that he would stay and pretend to be looking at books and simply say good morning as they passed. His ruse was a simple and common one, but it was all he could come up with to even convince himself to talk with another student.

He then put his plan into motion and instead of watching the two girls from a corner he walked out and began to act as if he was looking through the shelves. His shyness continued to battle with his curiosity, and a raging one it was. At this point in the battle it wasn’t clear who would win, and so he continued to pretend to look at books while he looked at the two from the corner of his eye. The child knew that at some point he would have to go to breakfast, but his curiosity delayed his trip. Hopefully at some point he would come to the realization that he had accidentally slept through all of his classes, but only time will tell.
Pandora - TeslaRolePlays TeslaRolePlays

Pandora found her golden eyes falling on the child. Was he even supposed to be here? Maybe he was one of the teacher's children, and, judging by the anxious look on his face, was lost. He could be a shapeshifter who finds amusement in pretending to be four feet. Whatever he was, the demon was too curious to leave with the elf without figuring this out. And, if he was one of the teacher's children, perhaps she could get on their good side by returning him.

She peered over the bookshelf and down at him. "Are you lost?" Her words were welcoming, but the glow in her eyes indicated otherwise.
Pandora Mooniee Mooniee

Pandora's head tilted to the side in thought. This kid - surely he could be no more than ten -, yet he speaks so formally. Her eyes darted across his face, searching for the signs of what species he might be. He could not be a demon or she would have felt his energy, but their was also no chance he was a vampire for his skin wasn't pale enough.

She was a bit confused by the other's question. Was he asking if she was lost or what she was doing? "I'm just exploring," she replied, figuring it could answer both questions. Not to long after, the demon quickly asked, "What are you? I mean... species wise. I'm sorry if that seems so abrupt, but I can't seem to figure out what you might be."
The child looked up with a slight grin. “I am human, my mama tells me that Zeus is my dad, but I don’t know.” He wasn’t used to other people, and manners had been crammed down his throat at a young age, and they were kept because the only person he ever spoke with was his mother. He looked up at her with a questioning face. “My name is Raiju what’s yours?” He bounces on his toes a bit in anticipation. During the whole of the conversation his gaze stayed locked on her eyes, for he had seen others with blue eyes like him, but none with golden eyes that shone like hers. He bit his lip slightly as he waited for a reply, giving it all he had to wait through what felt like forever but was only a few seconds.


"Don't wait for something to happen. Make it happen."


The Chinese princess sighed, her pale skin was illuminated in the light. Peering at the undead girl, she pursed her red lips, awaiting for her answer. She didn't really know what to think of this girl, but she seemed like a kind person. Was she a Shiki like her? No, of course not. The Shiki energy didn't ooze off of her. She fiddled with the red fabric of her dress, occasionally glancing up at Rebecca with her grey eyes.

"Only a couple of weeks," the girl said, shrugging. This caused Zhang to raise her eyebrow, staring at her. "I'm still... fresh, as it were. Whereas you must have died a long time ago in the Orient, judging by your outfit. I've heard of spirits being lost in time after centuries in the afterlife, never actually met one, though. For your information, it's 2019 in the Western calendar, not sure what that would translate to in anything you'd be familiar with."

Zhang cocked her head to her side, staring at her with her smoky grey eyes. She rubbed her arms, looking down at her feet. "I.. don't know. 2019? Western Calendar? I don't understand.." She frowned. The girl was practically speaking gibberish. What do numbers and the western culture have to do with her outfit? Granted, she did look a bit too odd compared to the others walking in the hallways. She looked down at her dress. What was wrong with it? There wasn't anything wrong with it at all. She stared at her black boots, and bit her lip so hard, it started to bleed.

Do I look weird?

That kind of hurt the foreign. She looked at her reflection in the 'cell-phone'--she looked completely normal. With her raven black hair, fair skin as pale as snow, and lips that's as red as blood, she looked like a beautiful goddess. She stared down at her red dress again, then back at Rebecca, but then back at herself. "Is something wrong with what I'm wearing...?" She slowly asked, confused. Was she that different? She was dead, and appearance doesn't matter, but now with her consciousness and emotions, she felt some type of way.

"Alas, is.. a dress not allowed here..?"

She shook her head. No! She had to ask proper questions. "What do you mean by 2019, Western calendar, kind girl?" She sighed.

Mood: Confused, Self-conscious || Interacting With: Shagranoz Shagranoz (Rebecca) || Mentioned: N/A
Lofi Lamengstruten

Interaction/Mention: Beebasaur Beebasaur
Location: Hallways ==> Library​
"ThEn...LoFi GeT yOu...NeW oNe..." Lofi stated in a matter of fact way....or, at least as matter of factly as she she could given her odd speech "mOmMy AnD dAdDy...KnOw LoTs..."

She brought all four of her upper limbs together and mimed something getting ripped out of another "KnOw HoW... tAkE eVeRyThInG oUt..." she grinned wide with pride "MeMoRy... PiEcEs...SoUl..."

She spread her arms wide before turning away and strolling in the direction of the library, "JuSt As SmArT... wItH sTuFfInG... iN tHiNgS..." she paused for a moment before thinking "LoFi NeVeR sEe... WoRk On... AlReAdY DeAd..."

She shrugged before continuing on her way "nEvEr HuRt...To AsK..."

Most of the other students in the hall naturally swerved out of her way, even when she wasn't horking down the school's wildlife it seemed obvious her image wasn't anything close to reputable. Unfortunately for her, there were no more insects on the way to the library that she could gorge herself on. Lofi frowned, but reminded herself that getting this many was still quite a feat, given how many creatures knew to steer clear in her presence.

And Jason? Well it seemed she'd soon be putting her excellent skills at building repertoire to use in getting him a better body than the giant wrapper he was currently inhabiting. She didn't know much about her parents work, but what she did know was that they seemed awfully well-versed in taking stuff out of things. If anybody could rip Jason out of his tatter old husk and stuff him into something better, then it would have to be her mom and dad!

But she couldn't exactly due that now, even though it would be a bit till her next class she was still a proper little student, and that meant using her time for more studies. Plus her parents were very busy with whatever it was they did, and couldn't just drop everything they were doing for her. Luckily, they'd thoroughly informed her which non-business days and hours they'd be available to converse with, so Lofi would have to check her calendar before even trying get in touch.

Finally she paused before the doors of the Library and stated "BuT lAtEr... gOoD gIrLs StUdY... gEt AlL oF sUcCeSs..."

With that she pushed her way into the library, grumbling a bit as she looked around for several moments to figure out exactyly where the books pertaining to her next class should be.

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