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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

He shrugged. "It's coming along pretty well. Not finished of course, but it's coming along." He said. He drank more coffee.

(Still here?)

"At the rate you're typing and drinking coffee, I feel like you'll be done by tonight!" She said jokingly while she laughed.
Tanner chuckled. "Probably not. But you never know." He said. He took another sip of coffee. "So, what are your dreams and aspirations?" He asked, typing some more.

(I don't want to die!)
(Then don't make Sun angry :P rawrawrawrawr)

Kimi leaned on the table next to Tanner as she looked onto the screen. "Right now? I'm not entirely sure what I want. I do know that I want to be able to help people at least. But seeing people suffering is upsetting so I'm not sure if the medical field is for me."
"Doctors aren't the only people who help people. What about...I dunno...maybe a pilot or the first woman president." He said smiling up at her. "There's a world of possibilities!" He said smiling. "And you can make anyone of those possibilities a reality!"
She giggled at his response. "I'd definitely love to be the first woman president! That can be my new dream." She said as she stuck out her tongue playfully. "Very true, there's so much, I just need to pick out what I want."
"Then you can become the first woman president!" He said smiling. "Now all you have to do is learn a bunch of stuff about politics!"
She hid her face in her hands as she giggled. "Yeah... but not right now. I'm enjoying where I am right now." She said with a smile that she concealed while hiding her face.
"It's always good to enjoy the present!" He said grinning. He took another sip of coffee. "Why do you hide your face like that?"
She rested her head in her hands. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I feel like it's weird to think about the future like that is all. Not weird bad but... Just different. Somewhat exciting."
He looked at her with a smirk. "I'm sure I'll be a writer, but I highly doubt I'll be famous. I'll be like John Schalzi. Loved by his medium-sized audience." He said. He looked back at his computer then back at her. "Probably."
"Didn't you just tell me that you can make any possibility into a reality? There's no reason to doubt yourself, silly. Remember the cafe when you get super famous." She said with a playful wink. "Plus you'll be doing what you love."
He smirked. "Hey now, you can't use my own line against me!" He said. "If I do become famous, I'll still be writing here. And I will be doing what I love."
Laughing, she jokingly replied, "Oh really? Says who? That wasn't a rule! It'd be nice to see you still writing here. Maybe I can sneak a peak at your works in progress."
He chuckled. "That is, of course, if you're still working here. Which, of course, you won't be." He said smiling up at her. He took another sip of coffee.
She lightly poked him in the forehead. "My presidential office will obviously be in the back, duh." She couldn't hold in the giggle after that one.
Tanner started laughing. "I'm sure that'll work!" He said smiling. "So, when you do become president, can you make me the official writer of the country? That's a thing, right?" He looked up at her grinning.
"Definitely! If it isn't a thing, it will be! They can't say no to the president, after all." She said laughing and smiling back at him.
He smiled and just stared at her for a few seconds. When he realized he probably looked ridiculous. He blushed and looked at his coffee. "Awesome! Sounds amazing!"

(Sorry for my delay, I see it. I'm gonna reply I promise. I'm just mid league match at the moment XP)

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