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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Ivy had finally gotten herself out from reading a book. Walking down the hallway she walked past the kitchen, where she had been kicked out. Slightly opening the door to the cafe she saw a few new customers and just stared. Her heart pound from nervousness, as she wonder if anybody was going to take their order or not. Ivy started shaking a bit, keeping the door slightly open she looked at her own uniform. Ivy just blushed also regretting to get this job. She took a deep breath as blank expression came back, she need to remain claim for her new personality. She peek into the cafe again, just waiting....
Kimi had been frantically running back and forth between the kitchen and stock room, restocking the things that the kitchen was slowly running low on. It was the only way to explain her burst of energy and excitement after making plans to meet with Tanner after work tonight. She wasn't even sure what time it was, she just wanted to be able to close the cafe so they could talk. Stop daydreaming and focus! Shaking her head to seemingly make something disappear, she needs to contain her excitement and do her job. How else will she be able to afford her new found goal? She smiled and took a deep breath, after coming back to the cafe door that was now blocked by Ivy, Kimi had to push the door from her grasp to make it through. She wasn't sure of what to say to Ivy, or what to do but she had to do something. Seeing the influx of new customers and a few regulars, she couldn't handle both tables at the same time. Well... she probably could but it would be rude to make them wait. Turning back to Ivy she said, "Ivy, breathe. Pick one table and I'll go to the other so you don't have to handle both alone, okay?" Kimi was referring to the regulars in this case. She planned to make her way back to Tanner with excuses while she worked.
Ivy looked down and nodded as she quickly took their order first was Harumi she said her blank expression broke into a bright and bubbly expression,"Hi hi! Welcome to the Maidreamin Cafe! May I take your order?"

Ivy smiled at Harumi very patiently waiting for her order. She seem to look a bit younger than earlier when she actually show a bit of her emotion, but it just didn't seem natural.
"Oh my god... Thank you so much!" Meika, in a FRIENDLY way, pecked her on the cheek and went to the kitchen to make cupcakes as tasters for the new customers. She took out pre made batter from the cupboard and poured them into the trays, then waited until they were finished.

Meika heard a ding from the oven and opened it, taking out the tray and placing it on the counter and taking out sprinkles and icing, along with mini dollops of chocolate brownie ice cream. She set them up cutely on a tray after decorating and went to the door, passing them out to people.
Harumi glanced up to see a maid had come to take her order. She hasn't met her before... Mi rescanned her menu one last time before facing the oddly bubbly maid and telling her order to her. "I'd like one hot choco with a bunny drawing in milk on top for now." Harumi wasn't sure what else to get so she just ordered a drink for the moment. Haru closed the menu and handed it to the maid. "Thank you!" She said with a smile, her eyes curving into crescents.

"Usa-usa-usa-chan!" She chanted in her head as she waited for her drink..
Watching Ivy make her way to Harumi, Kimi kept her word and made her way over to Takumi. She took a route past Tanner, glancing at his cup, "Need more coffee?" She asked as she passed him. Whether he needed it or not, she wanted an excuse to go back to his table.(@UnwantedTruth)

Pulling out her handheld notepad, she walked up to Takumi's table, she laid the tip of her pen against her cheek as she smiled, "Hey Takumi! Not working today? Would you like me to get your sister?" Kimi wasn't too familiar with Takumi since he only works part-time and is usually taken care of by Airi when he comes in. (@Elf )
Ivy nodded and took the menu and smiled back at her,"Thank you for ordering Mistress."

As she walked away she realized that she called the girl mistress, was she suppose to do that? Well she was dressed as a maid... Ivy sigh as went to the kitchen, setting down the order. It was quickly made and Ivy brought it out glancing at Takumi. Giving the drink to Harumi she and said"Thank you for waiting patiently, here's your drink."

She bowed thought, Ivy thought,'I should work on this personality a bit more...'

Ivy saw that they were running low on supplies and went out the door.
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Meika was feeling a bit anxious, when suddenly a boy in a hoodie gripped her wrist through the door and injected something into her veins with a needle. She passed out quickly and was dragged outside. 'What's happening!?' Meika thought to herself. She could still think to herself, but couldn't open her eyes or move.

The man had finally captured his 'adorable little Meika.' This was on the news that certain people from maid cafés were going missing, and he decided to take Meika from this one when, hopefully, no one was looking at him. He put his hand over her mouth and dragged her out the door.
Ivy had just gotten back from the store and dropped the bag of supplies they need. She said blankly and coldly,"Eh, what are you doing with her?"

She suddenly pulled something out of her pocket,"Opp, it's seems like I've misplace a knife......"

Ivy pulled the blade out of the plastic guard and said smiling,"Let's play a game...shall we?"
Tanner smirked up at Kimi. "No thank you, actually. But can I get the French toast?" He asked. He wasn't really that hungry, but he didn't want her to stop coming to his table.
Kimi looked at Takumi with a smile, hoping that what she was about to say wouldn't be taken the wrong way. "I'll give you a few more minutes to decide what you would like. Let me know whenever you're ready Takumi." She made her way back to the kitchen, being completely focused on working and not aware of anything else, she put in the order of french toast for Tanner and waited as it was quickly made. She grabbed the plate and brought the food to his table, looking at him with a smile, "Moe Moe Kyun!" (I am not risking angering Sun again by forgetting XP)
Tanner smiled and stopped typing. He looked up at Kimi. "Thanks." He said with a smile. "It's gotten busier since when I first arrived." He wanted to make conversation so she would stay with him.
"My pleasure." She leaned on his table lightly, hoping that she could stay put and relax for awhile. "No kidding, I have no idea where everyone came from! I didn't notice them walk in earlier." Obviously not, she was focused on talking to him and she was thankful she could come back. She smiled at him, "On the bright side, only a few more hours in the day!"
Tanner smiled and nodded. "It's like they just appeared out of no where! Like magic! Only a few more hours left? What time is it then?" He asked, letting a little of his excitement pour out into the question. He couldn't wait!
Mai turned as a young man entered the shop, greeting one of the customers as he came in. She deduced from his confident actions that he was a regular. Mai had just started working at the cafe a few days ago, so she still had to memorize a lot of new faces and names. She walked to his table with a bright smile, holding a menu in her hands. "Hi, welcome to Maidreamin Maid Cafe! You can call me Ai, and I'll be your hostess for today." (@Elf)
Kimi actually wasn't too sure about the time, but it felt like ages had passed since earlier. She casually looked at the time on his computer, pretending she had known the time all along. "6:43. Time really has flown and that explains why it's so crazy, it's dinner time!" She said with a small giggle from feeling silly for not coming to that conclusion on her own.
Tanner blinked. He then smirked. "Well looks like I'll be having breakfast for dinner!" He said with a small chuckle. He cut a piece of the French toast and stuck his fork into it. He ate the piece on the fork. "Mmm. It's good." He said with a smile.
Smiling at his comment, she felt bad but his enthusiasm was contagious. "Well I'm glad its at least good brinner!" She said with a laugh. Watching Tanner eat made Kimi think for a moment. Come to think of it...I haven't eaten since this morning. That's when her stomach growled. She sucked in her stomach a bit to make the growls stop and gave a quick, "Uh oh."
Tanner chuckled. "You hungry?" He asked. "Because if you are I can buy you something." He said. He then pushed the French toast towards her a little. "Or you can have some of mine."
She shook her head. "A bit, but I'll be fine. Don't worry." Well that was embarrassing! She looked down at him, "I can't eat unless I'm on break and I would get in a lot of trouble if I ate your food. Thank you though." She said it in as much of a comforting way as she could.
He smiled and nodded. "If you say so." He said and took a drink of his coffee. He then took another bite of his French toast. "What's your favorite type of food?" He asked.
"Personally, I love sweets. I try not to have too many but they're addicting. My favorite dessert ever is definitely a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge on top. I would kill for one of those right now." She said with a giggle, but somewhat seriously.
He nodded with a smirk. He had a an idea. "So, where is your favorite place to eat these type of brownies with ice cream and fudge? Besides here of course." He said, glancing at his computer screen.
Oblivious to his intentions, she answered him casually. "Well there's actually a bakery around the block and down the road a bit that always uses fresh warm brownies that are just perfect and melt in your mouth." She was practically salivating at the thought of them. Dang, I really am hungry.
He smirked more. "And how late are they open?" He asked. He took another vote of his French toast. He then drank some coffee.

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