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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Tanner practically choked on his coffee. He set the coffee cup down and went back to typing. "That's a brilliant idea! That will cause the main character and her love interest to try to find the thief! Therefore they will spend more time bonding! Oh, and it's a romance." He said enthusiastically. He drank more coffee.
Kimi giggled at his reaction when she saw that he was alright. "I'm glad you like it so much, but be careful! We can't let the coffee be the end of you, especially when you have an amazing story to write." She playfully said. Standing up, she smiled at him as he furiously typed on his computer. "Well from the sound of it I will definitely want to read it when you're done, if that's okay. Can I get you anything else while you're working?"
He continued typing. He then looked up at Kimi. "Can you get me your favorite food you have here please?" He asked with a smile. He took another sip of his coffee.

(Sorry about the late response.)
(No worries, I'm doing homework so I'm sorry for my delays as well.)

She smiled back at him and excitedly said, "With pleasure!". Turning and making her way to the kitchen, she thought of her options. My favorite food? Hmmm. It didn't take long, she mentally exclaimed to herself The ice cream sandwich biscuits! they were her favorite for multiple reasons. Who couldn't love the taste of the mixture of biscuit with ice cream AND fun shapes? She picked out the freshest two with what she thought were the best shapes. The chosen sandwiches were a chocolate biscuit bear with vanilla ice cream, and a vanilla biscuit star with chocolate ice cream. She then brought them to him swiftly so they would not melt and placed them on the table, within safe distance of the computer. Once placing the plate down, she looked at him with a wide grin and exclaimed "moe-moe KYUUUN!" in the happiest, high pitched voice she could. Following up with, "I hope you like them, they're my favorite food and flavors."
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He stopped typing. He smiled at Kimi. "Thank you!" He said. He picked one of the biscuit sandwiches up and took a bite. He smiled as he swallowed. "That's pretty good!" He said. He took another bite.
"You're more than welcome! I'm glad you like them." She replied with a smile and slight blush. She was happy that she made a good decision, the sandwiches really were her favorite food.
(AHDFADFLKAJD;LKAJ SORRY I GOTS IT! EDIT IN PROGRESS!) Edit: (What in the world is the moe moe chant I'm so confused right now x.x)
Tanner finished off the vanilla ice cream one. He smiled. "Yeah, I wonder why I've never tried it before." He said smiling and sipping out of his coffee cup.
(*sits in corner shrivelled in a ball* ...the... moe...moe... chant....

yuu must say moe-moe KYUUUUUN! before you let dem eat the food.... BUT THIS DOESNT COUNT WITH DRINKS







(Okay okay I'm sorry :'( I didn't knowwww. Please don't hate me x.x Editing the original post now)

MOE..... MOEEEEEEE.......


i dont hate you i just like saying MOE MOE KYUUUUUUUUUUUUN~~~~~~~ @iShyShy :D
Kimi returned her focus back to Tanner. "That's a surprise, you come so often I'd have thought you've tried everything by now."
He shook his head. "I usually just get coffee and sometimes some toast or something." He said. He drank the rest of the coffee that was in the cup and set it back down. "I can write better on an empty stomach."

(MOE MOE KYUN!!!! Don't hurt me!)
"Really? Well don't keep yourself from eating for too long because I'm sure that you can write well either way. There is always the chance to edit." Looking down at the cup she asked, "Did you want more coffee?"
He smiled. "Actually, it really does help not eating while writing, but today I felt like I had to eat something." He said. He looked down at his coffee cup and back at her. "That would be fantastic! Thank you!"
"On it." She said with a smile, going and grabbing the hot coffee pot and bringing it back over to fill up his mug. She carefully filled it up without letting it spill over the edge and whispered to herself "moemoekyun" really quickly. (Even did it for the drink, though you said we didn't have to. xP) She brought the pot back and returned to him, leaning her back against the table adjacent to his. "You know what works best for you, but I'm glad you were able to taste the deliciousness of the biscuits."
He smiled and drank some of the coffee. "Thank you." He said after setting the coffee cup down. "So, who's the most interesting customer you've ever served?" He asked, wanting to making conversation.
(I see the obsession with moe-ness XP)

Kimi was a bit caught off guard from his question. "Most interesting? In a good or bad way?"
Tanner crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Hmmm. Bad first, then good." He said. He took another sip of his coffee.
She brushed her hand through her hair and took a deep breath. "Bad.. Alright. Well the most interesting bad customer.. " She paused for a moment to think, twirling her hair in her hand. Not many bad people came to the cafe and they didn't stay long if they did. "Would definitely be the time where some man started throwing his food and utensils everywhere because he didn't get a picture on his omuraisu since he ordered it without sauce. A grown man, throwing a temper tantrum, because of that. Interesting is almost an understatement."

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