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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Tanner burst out laughing. "That's terrible! How old was he?" He asked still laughing slightly. "And who's the most interesting good customer?"
Kimi couldn't help but laugh with him. It was a hilarious story after all. Between her breaths she tried to answer him. "I'm not sure, but at least 30 years old." She started taking a few deep breaths to get herself to stop laughing before answering the second question. Without putting much thought into it she was able to answer. "Well you're definitely one of the most interesting and best customers. You come so often and you write stories that sound amazing but I've never read any."
He smiled. "Really? Thanks! If you really wanna read them, i could print a few of my last stories out and let you read those!" He said. He took a sip of his coffee.
Satsuki had just arrived from a meeting. She rushed through the door and changed into her outfit, not realizing she was in the men's changing room. Walking out of the changing room and slipping on her high heels, she walked into the kitchen and pleaded Kimi over to her. "Are there any new orders?~~~"
Her face lit up at the offer as she smiled, "I'd be honored and love to if you're oka-" Kimi quickly turned around at the sound of Satsuki running through the door. She then heard Satsuki's voice and before moving, she said to Tanner, "Forgive me." Then she swiftly walked over to Satsuki as she was called, "No ma'am, not at the moment."

(Going to be off for a bit, I have some homework I need to get done.)
"Oh, okay. Go back over there and talk to your future boyfriend then!" Satsuki cheerfully said and made herself to the back of the kitchen to make a cake. Whipping out the batter she made yesterday and a piping bag, along with lots of decorative sweets and different coloured icing, she placed the cake in the oven and waited for it to cook so she could decorate it.
Kimi's eyes widened at Satsuki's comment. She let out a little laugh to go along with the cheerfulness but thought to herself. What did she just say? Isn't that against the rules? She was probably kidding. She made her way back over to Tanner and formally apologized. "I'm sorry for running off like that." Satsuki's comment was in the back of her mind and she couldn't help getting flustered, so she turned and pretended to clean off an already clean table. "I really would enjoy reading any of your stories though, but that's up to you."
Tanner was, of course, typing away. He looked up from his laptop at the waitress in front of him. "Don't worry about it. It's fine. Duty calls!" He said with a smile. He nodded at her other comment. "I'll let you read one of my stories! What's your favorite genre?" He asked, drinking some coffee.

(Sorry for late response, my internet got messed up.)
(No need to be sorry lol, things happen.)

"Thank you. I'd have to say I enjoy mysteries and action stories the best. I love the challenge of trying to solve the mystery as I read." She said as she tapped her head with her finger. "It's more active and fun that way."
He placed a finger on his chin. "Hmm. I did write a mystery when I was fourteen. But that was my slightly gothic phase. So, it might be a little dark. Still, it's the only mystery I've written. It's kind of a science fiction mystery." He said with a smile. "Want me to bring that one?" He asked.
"A gothic phase? That's a bit surprising but sure." She said with a smile. "I bet that helped make it really interesting. Unless you want to surprise me with a story of your choice." She said playfully, sticking out her tongue just a bit. She went to get more coffee for him since it seemed as though his cup was running low again. "Does caffeine even have an effect on you?" She joked as she brought the pot back.
"Well, doesn't everyone have a goth phase between the ages of thirteen and sixteen? And it actually did help make quit an interesting story. I'll give you that one then!" He said. When she left and came back with coffee, he shrugged. "I'm an insomniac. I need coffee."
"So it does have an effect on you still. Just make sure to get enough rest when possible." She filled up the mug for him before putting the pot back. "I look forward to your story. And you're right, everyone does have that phase at some point." She replied with a light smile.
He nodded. "I try to sleep, but I write the best when everyone is asleep." He said, then added. "And when I'm here." He smiled as she filled his cup. "Thank you." He took a sip and leaned back. "So tell me, did you have a goth phase?"
Meika walked away from the customer and let someone else handle her. She usually did that, but it had became such a habit that sometimes she got told off for it. Walking into the bathroom and taking out her makeup bag, Meika applied some lip gloss to her lips and added a tiny bit off blush to her cheeks.
"My pleasure." She replied as she toyed with her wristbands. "I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough to work well here as well. It's always easier to work at night in my opinion." She grew somewhat silent when he asked about her goth phase. Since Kimi didn't want others to ever worry about her, she went through that phase alone at home. It was dark for her but who wasn't it dark for? Once the memories started flooding her head, she snapped back into reality. "Uh.. yeah. Yeah, of course."
Tanner looked at her. "How old were you when you went through the phase?" He asked. He drank some coffee and set it back down. "And what happened during the phase?"
"Thirteen. The normal, average stuff." She was only short because hoped she could change the topic somehow. She didn't like talking about this much. "I'm sorry, excuse me for a moment." She quickly turned to walk into the bathroom to take a minute to pep herself up. She didn't think Meika would be in there though. Trying to force her happiness so Meika wouldn't get suspicious, she said, "Oh.. Hey Meika! Sorry, I didn't know you were in here."
"Hi Mi-chan~" Meika replied to her and smiled. "Well, I guess I shouldn't be in here. It isn't my break yet." She said and walked out of the bathroom, attending another customer that looked flustered.
Tanner watched her as she walked away. He frowned. I probably shouldn't talk about that again. He thought to himself. He took one more sip of coffee and went back to typing.
Kimi took a minute to compose herself and gather her thoughts. She looked into the mirror as she fixed her uniform and took a deep breath. I'm fine. I've got this. She spent a few minutes in the bathroom before leaving. She felt guilty for leaving in the manner that she did and wanted to apologize. Making her way back to Tanner, she quietly said to him, "I'm.. sorry about that. If you need anything, please let me know."
Tanner stopped typing and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have touched such a personal topic. I apologize." He said. He looked up at her.

(Sorry for late response, I was in P.E.)
"No need to be sorry, we were having a conversation. It's my own fault." She looked down at him, getting caught in her gaze for a moment until she realized she probably looked dumb. She turned her attention to the computer. "How's the story coming along?"

(No worries, take your time lol.)

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