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Fandom Magia Drive- A Power Rangers/Super Sentai RP

The news about the gems was rather troublesome with how easily they could be stolen or lost, though Robin was a bit relieved he was the only one wondering about their Zords. The way Mr. Reacher explained how his team didn't have made him think it was gonna be rather difficult to get them but he was proven wrong when Taro summoned a small car figure by thinking about she loved the most.

Robin wrecked his thoughts trying to think something he loved that could also be somewhat useful in battle, since he doubted a Zord in the shape of a piece of candy or recliner would be all that helpful or even cool looking. " Nah, having a Zord looking like either of those would just be stupid." he muttered to himself not caring that the other might hear him. "Maybe..yeah that could work."

In Robin's opinion it was a shame that their Zords didn't follow a central theme like dinosaurs but that wasn't too important. He thought back to his favorite toy back when he was younger and tried to recall as much about it as possible before reaching into his pocket to take a small yellow spaceship.

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He was going to get a zord? Cool he thought to himself. He didn't know what it was going to be but he knew what he wanted it to be. He thought back to when he still liked the power rangers. He had always had a liking of the color green and so that on any vehicle would be cool. He over heard robin but honestly didn't care. He sighed and faced Reacher. "Where can we find our Zords?" Jayden like any normal human being was curious. That wasn't good because him mother hammered it into his brain that curiosity killed the cat. He understood why she did it though. She wanted to make sure he would last out in the real world. He smiled making a mental note to visit her when he went home. He all of a sudden felt cold. He put his hands in his jacket pocket. "Is it just me or did it get really cold in here?"
Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Amy was amazed on how simple finding out what their zords is. In moments Amy managed to pull out a miniature pink cat toy from her pocket since she didn't need to think long about what she loved most. "OMG!!! It's so cute!!" She quickly starts petting the cat toy for a seconds until she realizes that the toy is not sentient and will not purr for her. She feels slightly disappointed about it not being a sentient miniature cat, but at least it's super cute and can turn giant when needed. She looks at Jayden for a moment confused on why he randomly is feeling cold when she hasn't felt any changes to the temperature. "I don't feel cold. So when do start our training tomorrow? I have a shift at the coffee shop tomorrow and I really don't want to be late for it." Amy feels a bit worried about how her ranger duties and her duties to her part-time job will conflict.

Captain Marvelous- Gokai Red

Marvelous finds the woman's hidden base interesting but not really his style considering his crew really didn't hide and flew around in a flying pirate ship that they often parked above cities. Marvelous follows the others inside and then sits down at an empty couch. Marvelous sits quietly and doesn't ask any questions while he thinks about what he should do next about this whole situation and where he could possibly find information about treasure without the bird (Navi) to lead him in the right direction.


Carson King - The Icy Magia

He knew immediately what he wanted his zord to be. The single prized possession that he spent weeks trying to get, the rarest thing he'd ever obtained in one of his games, the mechanical wolf that only he and a handful of other people own. It was the perfect candidate for his zord. And he gets to pilot it as a zord. He thought hard on that single thing, soon feeling a new weight settle itself in one of his pockets. Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out a miniature figure. It appeared! "Aha!" He placed it into his palm, hoping that he would see the tiny figure move.

Though he was thoroughly disappointed that he wouldn't be able to see the figure move. "At least I've got a neat little figure of it." He stashed it back into his pocket. He'll name it Kris.

Jayden thought for a moment. He reached int his back pocket and pulled out a small green motorcycle toy. He smiled thinking back to when his father was alive and he had given him this. He knew then what he would want his Zord to be. He had always wanted one but this might be even better. The cold metal felt heavier than usual. He was curious as to why. Then he watched as is rolled from his grip and onto a table. It circled around before using its springs to jump pack into His hand and fell back down lifeless. He looked at it. “Woah.” Thats all he could manage to say before taking a seat. Today was a really crazy day. He found himself happy that his dad got him that collectors item. He wondered if he didn’t have it what his Zord would be. He shrugged and looked at the others after placing the small motorcycle back into his pocket.

"Alright then. One more thing before you go. Please don't tell anyone your identities. Last thing we need is a innocent civilian getting killed in this mess. Dismissed." Reacher said, unlocking the door so that his students can leave.
"Alright Teach. I won't tell a soul." Taro says grabbing her stuff and leaving. It was almost time for her shift anyway and she needed to get there quick. Luckily, she had a quick and smooth ride to do the job.
"Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8. Not my favorite car in the world but it's not a bad start." She rambles to herself as she approaches her car. However, her actions are impeded by a hooded girl suddenly stepping in front of her. Her face is cover so Taro can't identify who she is.
"What is it? I haven't got all da-"
"What are you hiding?" She asks
"Hiding? What are you talking about?" Taro responds, clearly confused on what she's referring to.
"I saw you. You're...a Ranger are you?"
Taro is shocked at her response. Did she actually figure out her identity, or is she bluffing? "Ranger? I'll ask again, What are you talking about? Are you on drugs?"
She shakes her head. "Here. Maybe this will clog your memory." She removes her hood, revealing her face. Taro is shocked to find the girl she had spotted earlier on the other side of the hoodie.
"Now do you remember?"
Taro contemplates whether she wants to hide the truth or not. On one hand, she didn't seem entirely human, potentially being benefical and she had already identified her, but on the other, would Mr. Reacher approve of this decision? What about her safety and would her collegues look down on her? In the end, she decided to take a risk. "So you found out, eh? What's your name, gorgeous?"
"Say that again and I'll bash your head in. My name is Saki Kurosaki, and I'm a part of a special group of humans called Full Bringers. I just happened to be passing by when I spotted a strange woman with a sword enter the park. That's when I found you and the rest of your team morph."
"Quite the feisty one, aren't you? I like you. Anyway, what are you planning to do with this new information?"
"Eww. Nothing. Unless... I join you team and help you guys train? I ain't no normal human, you know?"
Looks like the gamble paid off. She was willing to help, and maybe she could help with the situation at hand. "Sure, but give me your number first."
She gives Taro the eye. "Fine, but this better not be one of your pathetic attempts to flirt." She says, after giving Taro her number.
"It's not. It's just that we don't currently have a plan yet. I'll hit you up when we do...and maybe we can-"
"Piss off." She says to Taro before leaving. Taro stands there for a while before shrugging her shoulders before entering her car and turning it on, producing a pretty large noise. She sits there for a while, thinking about what just happened as the car took its time to heat up.


"No questions? Alright, before I let you guys loose..." She reaches into a cabinet and grabs several keys "Here are the keys to this place. You need them on you to automatically enter this place, okay?" She hands the keys to the other Rangers.
"Do whatever you want now." She says before going to her personal room. RJ takes a snooze, Chase sits there on his phone and Bridge makes some toast to eat before sitting on one of the recliner chairs.​
Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow."
Amy makes sure she has all her stuff and then walks home. When she gets home she notices that Jack is on his phone talking to some random woman that he would likely say is just his friend, but Amy is totally convinced that the jerk is cheating on her sister with one or more other women even though she has never meet any of them. She carefully sneaks into her room and manages to avoid his notice and get into her room safely. She watches some cat videos on YouTube while she reflects on the events earlier in the day and what she should do to help herself in the events that will follow. Eventually her sister comes home and the rest of the day plays out like normal for her. *insert ending theme and credits here since this is pretty much end of episode one if this was the show*
Taro drives away to her work and sets to work. The garage is slow today and their isn't much work to accomplish today, and Taro is bored by the lack of jobs today. She decides to tune up her own car as she waits for any orders. None come, so she remains bored until she has to go home.

Her apartment ain't anything special. It has a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a small table a TV and a few cabinets. It's all she needs to live because the majority of the time she lives alone, with Mako checking in on the occasional date every once and a while. Taro drops off her school supplies at the table and grabs the tickets she had bought earlier as she makes a midnight snack.
"The dance, let's see... Huh. It's next week. I hope this Ranger gig doesn't get in the way of... finally experiencing something normal for once." She mumbles to herself as she strips down to her under clothes. As a ex-gangster, she is noticably more well built than other girls and much tougher. That life had restricted her from being a normal girl, from having a normal life, having to leave it behind in order to look the toughest in her group. That was in the past now and despite her menacing appearance, she has softened significantly since then. She lays on the bed, blasting music through her headphones. She grabs a framed photo from her nightstand and looks at it. It is a picture of Herself and Mako, their first photo together, posing together, well, by posing, only Mako was posing, as Taro was just standing there akwardly, but it was special nevertheless.
She takes the time to take in what just happened today. It was and was going to be a bizarre adventure for the 5 now.
"Me? A ranger? That's...something the old me would never believe." she thinks out loud before falling asleep.


Saki Kurosaki was an interesting girl. Not only because of her odd interests, but the power she has in her. Full Bring, a power exclusive to those who are worthy, and as the description suggests, she, alongside many others, was worthy. Full bring, however is for the sole purpose of protecting and is weaker than Spiritual Release, the ability the Hollows and Magia Knights have. After her successful interaction with Taro, it was time to the next stage. Having parked her bike in a secluded alleyway, she waits until eventually, a young man with gray hair and blue eyes steps right in front of her. Next to him is a guy with long red hair and a guy with long black hair. They appear to be allies.
"You called?"
"Yep. I have a report on the guys in Ventura Park. I just confirmed that they are indeed Power Rangers."
"Ah, new rangers?" He asks "Is it correct to assume they are rookies?"
"Yep. They also seem to need help. Their leader, Taro Harribel, told me after I confronted her." She informs the man. "What are you planning to do?"
The man thinks before responding. "This city need protecting. These new enemies are like nothing we've ever seen. It be best if we give these guys a few tips and leave the rest to them while we figure out the enemies motives. They seem to be the only ones with even a small chance at beating them. So, what do you plan to do?" He asks her.
"Well, obviously, Mrs. Harribel currently isn't fit to lead right now, so perhaps I'll enroll into their school and help her out a bit." She Starts. "Maybe I'll get to know what kind a person she is and see if she is fit to lead her team."
"Hmm... alright then. I think we're done for now. Let's head out. The plan initiates tomorrow. Be ready." He says to her before the 3 leave. Saki gets on her bike and drives away.


Hannah takes a nap, having nothing else to do. The 3 Rangers hang out until it goes dark, and they sleep on the sofas, leaving only one available.
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While Robin was slightly distracted with the spaceship he did see what Amy, Jayden and Carson ended summoning for their Zords and had to admit he had no idea how they were supposed to combine but could tell they would be pretty impressive full size. Before the meeting was over Mr. Reacher told them not to reveal their identities and had a good reason though Robin was kinda disappointed. While he agreed they shouldn't endanger others he had been hoping to impress some girls as a Ranger, still it was not the end of the world.As soon as the meeting was actually over he headed home, walking the whole way as always. It was only tow block but he really wished he had a car or something.


Carson King - The Ice Cold Magia

He seriously doubts anyone would even believe their claim to be a new team of Power Rangers. More attention would be annoying. He's already had enough of getting pestered at school. If only his looks were just as rotten as his personality... he has got to get more used to it. Carson grabbed his stuff then headed for the door. "See y'all around," he waves to the others before exiting the room.

In the King residence, Carson cooks a bowl of ramen for his dinner. As lazy as he usually is, he has come to appreciate cooking much more. Most days are lonely in his home, after all. This day is no exception. He plays music in the background as he cooks. As simple as the dish is, following recipes where they add stuff like meat and make it so much more better. He finishes his dinner in peace, accompanied by the calm music he put on.

Afterwards, it was time he got online for the day. He boots up his PC and gets into his favorite MMO. With this whole ranger gig he has now, he'll have to inform his clan mates that he won't be online as much. There are feelings of uncertainty in his heart, unsure of whether or not he deserves to be part of something so big. Though he's quickly distracted as he plays through the unyielding cold air of his room, wrapped up in the bundle of a crochet blanket he made himself, all towards the hours after midnight.

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While walking to the front of the school Jayden examined the motorcycle. He looked around and school had long needed meaning he would be late. He looked around and sat the motorcycle onto the stone floor. He backed away and waited. “Come on. I can’t be late to check in my mom.” Jayden sighed and walked over the small motorecycle shook. He assumed it was the vibration from his feet hitting the ground. He assumed wrong. He watched the motor cycle grow in front of him into normal size. He glanced around to make sure nobody was around. “Holy shit that was awesome.” He hopped into it feeling the the cold metal press against his back as he sat. He smirked and then panicked.

“How could I be so stupid. They’re no ke-.” As soon as he said that a set of identical golden keys appeared in his pockets. His fingers wrapped the keys and pulled them out. He slid them into the keyhole and they fit perfectly. He examined the small bead chain around it. He could wear it as a necklace. He smiled and turned the keys. He revel the motorcycle and put up the kick stand. He peeled off onto the road. He had a few slip ups because he hadn’t really rode that many motorcycles before. He reached his mothers home and got off the motorcycle. He watched it shrink back to normal size leaving his new key necklace and his Zord/Toy lying the floor. He put the necklace on. He bent back down and put his Zord into his pocket. He walked inside using his keys.

”Son, where have you been?” His Mother stood hands on her hips in the kitchen. “And who’s motorcycle was that. Scared me half to death.” He hugged his mom and responded to both question. “Sorry mom I had to stay after class. I got detention for beating Up a bully. And I think some guys were racing I don’t know.” His mother nodded. She believed his first answer but the way that he had said the last part was a bit suspicious. “You lying to me boy?” Jayden shook his head “No ma’am.” His mothers eyes slanted. “Mhm.” he invited her son into the kitchen. If she noticed his new mecklace she didn’t mention it. They ate watched a movie and Jayden headed back home. He reluctantly put his motor cycle away. If his mother heard it as he was leaving she would know. He walked back to his apartment and arrived pretty late. He plopped down on the bed. He relaxed for a bit and took a shower. After changing clothes he got into bed and fell asleep after sitting his necklace in the night stand Next to his bed.​
Dawn of the Next Day.
(I know not really creative but I don't really have time today.)
Since he didn't want any detention again Robin started on his homework the moment he entered his room, after making sure he had his new gem within reach just in case. Luckily nothing unusual happened and after tasking a break for dinner he finished his work. He spent of the evening surfing the web, reading webcomics as well as looking up info on masks that made people stronger but didn't find anything he thought applied to Skyfall.

After a few hours he got ready for to go to sleep bed but couldn't fall asleep because he kept thinking about what happened in the cave. Things could have easily gone totally wrong if it wasn't for Mr. Reacher, but on the other hand without him they wouldn't have in any danger. At least they were going to get training from more experienced Rangers but he doubted it would that easy. Eventually though he did fall asleep
The alarm rang. It was a ear piercing sound and the dreadful noise to start the next day.

Well, normally, that would be the case, but today was much different. It was the time to hear the plan Mr. Reacher promised to come up with yesterday. Taro gets up bright and early, doing her normal daily routine, making a small breakfast and heading out the door. She heads to her car and drives not to her school, but someone else's house. It wasn't a relative's, nor was it a friend's house. That house was the one her significant other, Mako lived in. She went to another school and didn't like taking the bus, so Taro did it for her. Just like usual, she was waiting there for her to pick her up.
She lowered her window. "Hey. Hop in." Mako got in wordlessly. Taro didn't say a word, waiting for the right time to surprise her about the dance. The drive only took a few minutes, and at the final few seconds, she brought something up. "Soo...you doing something on Friday next week?"
She thinks for a few seconds before answering. "No...Why'd you ask?"
Taro parks the car in the parking lot. "Well..."
She pulls out the tickets. "I, uhh, kinda wanted to ask you to the Dance next week."
Mako's eyes glow with excitement. "Really, you are?! Your not joking?"
"Now why would I lie about something like this?"
"So your not gonna hide it from your school anymore?"
"No. It's my final year there so might as well show them who I really am. Go out with a 'bang!' you know?"
"So you go-"
"Of course I'm going! I'm not gonna miss out on something so important for my husbando!"
"Husbando". Yeah. Taro was considered to be the more masculine side of the relationship and despite not being married, she still called her that anyway, not like Taro minded in any way.
"Then I'll pick you up on Friday. Wear something nice."
"I will." They both kiss each other. There was no need to hide it, as the area was kinda secluded. "Does that mean you'll wear a dress too?"
"Fuck no. I'll never wear a dress even if the world depended on it. I'll wear a suit tho. Bye. Don't be late!"
"I won't!" She says, opening the door and running away to class. Taro watches from a distance, smiling. "That's my Waifu..." She says to herself before turning on her car and driving to her actual school.


A few minutes later, Taro arrives to her Ridgewood High. She parks her ride and hurries to her locker, opening it in a hurry and throwing her stuff inside. When she closes it, she is met with an unexpected "Hello."
"Ah, you almost scared me. What are you doing here and what do you want?"
"Don't worry. I'm only here temporary and second of all, you know damn well why I'm here."
"No, we haven't thought about a plan yet. I told you I'll ring you up when we have one. Now, if you excuse me, I have a class to go to."
"Okay, okay. I'll see you then, I guess." She says as Taro leaves to her first class. Math. Mind numbingly boring yet also her best subject, somehow. She sits in her usual seat and waits for class to start in a minute. However, very coincidentally, Saki also enters the room.
"Oh you got to be kidding me." She mumbles to herself as Saki waves at her. She takes her spot, conveniently placed right next to Taro and relaxes.
"What are you doing?" She whispers
"Pretending to be normal. What's wrong with that?" She whispers back.
Taro yoinks Saki's schedule card from her hands and scans it. Upon seeing all of it, she seems visually annoyed. "By taking all the same classes in the same order as me?!"
"Huh, what a coinci-"
"Don't give me that bull crap, I could-"
A few more students walk in as class starts, forcing Taro to end her sentence abruptly there.


Carson King - The Ice Cold Magia

Running on two hours of sleep makes everything feel numb. His mind feels like a piece of meat left in the middle of the desert, left to rot under the hot sun. Carson feels everything and nothing at once. Thankfully he has a thermos full of instant coffee to keep him awake and functional. He managed to wear a light outfit this time as opposed to the thick clothes he usually wore. His luscious locks are still as pristine and silky as ever but now tied with a little ponytail at the end. He feels the stares of quite a few people, occasionally hearing a whisper about his new look.

If he could trade his popularity away for anything, he would easily do so in a heartbeat.

In class he does his best to politely end any conversations as quickly as possible. Invitations to a dance happening soon? He couldn't care less about that. A party? Unless they're talking about a party filled with adventurous dungeon crawling, he isn't attending any. The popular kids consider him one of them and he hates it all with a passion. Though he does take advantage of that. It was good to always have a somewhere to belong to sort of belong during lunch. As much as he wants to eat his lunch quietly, he is tolerant of most of them.

Carson takes a large sip of his coffee and prepares himself for the rest of the school day. The first class of the day was starting soon, after all.

Amy Rodgers - Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Amy's day started like most normal days and she got dressed in a pink shirt with an image of a cat, blue jeans, and her best shoes for running. She packs coffee shop uniform into her backpack before putting it on her back. Her sister Susan was able to drive her to school today which meant that Amy wasn't going to get in trouble for being late to class again. She didn't have to interact with Jack which is always a good thing in Amy's book. The only annoying thing was listening to Susan's teasing her about if she had a boyfriend or a girlfriend that she will going to the dance with. How her sister knew about the dance is a mystery to Amy since she never talked about it to her. Amy responded with a vague answer of having plans on the day of the dance and that she can't go even though she doesn't have any actual plans for that day at the moment.

At school she hears about a new girl in school in her year that was starting today which means that Amy no longer has the title of "new girl" at school since someone else has taken over the title. Amy is pretty happy about it since being called new girl got pretty annoying quickly and she felt that people were just being too lazy to learn her name. She eventually spots the new girl during one of her classes. The new girl's unique hairstyle makes her very easy to spot. Amy is not sure what to think about the new girl since she hasn't spoken to her yet, but she finds her kind of cute. During most of the classes Amy is focusing what she will be doing later that day on learning how to use her new ranger powers and how is going to make sure she gets to the coffee shop in time for work.
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Mr. Reacher was nearly late for work, but managed to get there on time. When he got the job, he had to teach Science, one of the subjects he was best at to his classes. While he liked the job, that wasn't what he was currently interested in now. What he was interested in was the game plan he had in mind for his predecessors. He had already rang up RJ and told him to fix things up in a secluded location for the training he had in mind. After successfully teaching 2 class periods, it was time for lunch, the time to initiate his game plan.


Much to the annoyance of Taro, Saki didn't leave Taro's side unless she wanted to use the bathroom, which was once. In both her classes, she sat right next to her regardless of what people said and attempted to initiate small talk with her, only to be shut down immediately by Taro. Now it was lunch, A time that Taro typically took to eat alone in peace and quiet. Was she gonna get that?

Of course not. Upon taking her seat and going in for the first bite, she is immediately greeted by Saki plopping in right next to her. Taro was very angry and had no more patience left.
"Can you please leave me alone?!" She nearly shouts, but narrowly manages to control herself.
"What? We're working together, so I thought we could be friends."
"We are not friends!"
"Nu uh, we aren't friends YET."
"What do you mean 'yet?'"
"Just please try and cooperate with me here. Do you want our help?"
"Of course I want your help. It just, the way you've been acting makes us look like a couple you know. I ain't a lesbian and I certainly don't want others to think that to." She lies at the last part.
"Ah, okay. I guess. Anyway, I have some guys I want you to meet. They are like me. After school. Don't be late."
"Alright. I can do that, new girl."
"New gi-?"
"You'll get it, eventually." Taro says, ending the conversation. The 2 continue to eat together in silence.


"Ahh... Waiting is super boring..." A red headed guy complains inside of a car. "Who are we even waiting for anyway?"
"Saki reported that the New Red Ranger goes here in Ridgewood High. Grant said that if we play our cards right, we can defend this city from the catastrophe that is waiting to happen." The other black haired guy says.
"And? Didn't they say that he was a rookie ranger? How does that help us in any way? It just sounds like a burden to me."
"We full bringers aren't strong enough to destroy these guys ourselves, so maybe if we teach these guys a few tricks, they can do it for us. Jeez, you should stop complaining Ray."
"Ah, okay." Ray says, ending the conversation as the 2 continue to wait for Saki's call.


"Alright, people, all hands on deck please." RJ says, entering the safehouse with lots of things from training mats, punching bags and targets to use for training. Chase and Bridge follow behind him with more stuff. "We got the call. He's ready. All we need now is a place to train."
"And what better place than here? Secluded from the normal world and those hollows, it's perfect!"
"I'm just gonna say, I did not agree to this." Bridge declares as he places his stuff down and sits at the table.
"Huh." Hannah thinks for a second. "You guys bring up good points. Let's do it then."
"Alright!" RJ says, pushing the couches to the sides of the condo and moving on to place the items they bought into suitable locations. The others follow shortly.


Dinka Sugoi is sitting at his desk, doing his normal daily routine of checking all of his lab and engineering equipment when all of a sudden, a notification appears on his computer. It is an alert of movement of one of the hollow safehouse he created.
"Hmm. There could only be one culprit. Looks like I found you..."

"Hannah Stacy, The Hollow Traitor."
Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Amy noticed during class that the new girl seemed very close to Taro causing Amy wonder if they are friends or possibly girlfriends. Noticing them sitting together during lunch Amy decides to join them at their table, even though Amy has never sat with Taro for lunch before, but she decides that maybe since they are now rangers together they can become friends and sit together during lunch. "Hey Taro, can I join you and your friend for lunch?" She asks while holding her lunch in her hands. She looks over towards the new girl. "Good luck being the new girl at school, I was the new girl before you decided to come here. I like your hair it's really unique. Oh right I almost forgot, my name is Amy and you are?" Amy just waits for Taro's answer if she can join them for lunch or if she has to eat at a different table.
"Sure you can!" Taro replies, hoping that Amy can help with her situation. She motions her arms to a seat.
"Uh, thanks...I guess. Saki. Saki Kurosaki. Pleasure to meet you." The girl responds to the other. "I'm a transfer student from Japan, but as part American, I can speak English too." She says. "It's been really difficult for me since I moved here, but so far, it's been really nice. This is my first year going to an American school, and I can't wait to see what the experience is like." She ends. Everything she just said was a lie, an explanation she uses under her alias to keep her power secret, but it's not like the others would know.
"Any way, I was just hanging out with the hot tough and gorgeous Taro so she could show me around." She says, teasing. It nearly causes Taro to choke on her food on how random and out of the blue the statement was, but she quickly regains her composure. Saki's teasing goes even further by wrapping her hand around Taro's and laying on her shoulder. Taro is bright red. "Sorry..." She moves a bit, making Saki lose her balance and fall. "I'm already taken. Also I'm not a lesbian." She ends by lying and shaking off Saki's hand, covering her face in the process. A few other students turn around to see what happened. The bizarre event that just happened leaves Taro very embarrassed.
"Well, I am." Saki says, getting up. She turns her head to Amy. "Soo... What about you? What brought you to this place?"
Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

Amy smiles and then quickly takes a sit and places down her food on the table. She listens to the new girl while she slowly begins to eat her food. Amy is surprised to hear that the new girl moved here from Japan and quickly begins to think a bunch of questions to ask her about what it's like in Japan but decides against asking them. Saki's flirting with Taro causes Amy to begin blushing a little. Amy is a little confused on why Taro is making this terrible attempt at hiding her sexuality. Seeing a bunch of the other students and Saki shifting her attention towards her after admitting being a lesbian causes Amy to blush even harder and drop the food she was holding in her hand.

"Hmm I'm bisexual." She covers her face after saying that feeling extremely embarrassed from admitting her sexuality in front of a group of people and possibly the entire school. "Well I came here because my older sister has a place here and there is a college near by with a great veterinary program that I plan to go after I graduate from here. My goal is one day become a veterinarian so I can help cats and other animals in need." She slowly uncovered her face as she was saying that. She still feels extremely embarrassed, but talking her dream job helped her calm down a little.
"I see. You look like a cat person." She says, directly her eyes to Amy's shirt. "Well, I've always wanted to race on bikes. It's a kinda weird interest for a girl like me, but I can tell you first hand that the adrenaline you get is like no other." Saki says with excitement in her voice. That interest was not a lie. She genuinely loved motorbikes and everything to do with them, but she still needed much more experience before she could even consider getting into the real thing. "However, I still have a long winding path until I'm ready to even hop into one of those things. I might have previously been the leader of a motorcycle gang, but I still have a lot to learn." She says, ending her sentence.
"Bikes? I don't know. I've always been more of a car person." Taro starts, removing her hand from her face. "Ever since my gramps showed me the basics, most of my life has been Gang life and cars."
"Gang life?"
"It was a phase. I don't like talking about it. I...still have the car my Gramps left behind for me. I drive it to school and back every day to remember." She plopped her car keys on the table, the Mitsubishi symbol engraved on the key. "I regret all those times I've spent gangbanging and in Juve, that time I could have used becoming the person I really wanted to be." She ends, mildly depressed.
Amy Rodgers- Magia Drive Pink Ranger

"I've never rode on a motorcycle and I don't like I have ever owned or rode a bike either."
Amy wonders what she would do if her ranger team is going be one of those teams that uses motorcycles since she has no idea how to drive one of them. "I was never part of any gangs, I've always been the nice girl that doesn't start any problems and watches way too many cat videos on the internet. I have a driver's license, but I don't have a car and my sister and her boyfriend both refuse to let me drive theirs. It gets pretty annoying sometimes since I always have to walk places whenever my sister is busy with her job and can't take me somewhere." Amy chooses not to talk about why Jack doesn't take her places and doesn't know what else to say at the moment since she can't talk about ranger stuff in school and in front of Saki so continues to finish her lunch and hopes this awkward talk about gangs ends soon.
"Ah. Your almost like the perfect daughter or the perfect child." Taro replies "Sorry if that sounds rude, it's just that I know someone like that." Taro says. She was referring to Mako, but she couldn't say that out loud. "She's a really good friend of mine and I wouldn't give her up." She lies. "I would like to help you if I could, but sadly I can't." She ends. She genuinely would, but she already had to take Mako in the morning and would rather not be seen with Amy, as if Mako found out it would be difficult to explain.
"I think I could help." Saki starts. "It's a bit of a stretch, but I could take you on my Bike if you want. If not, I also have my car." She offers to the girl "It's not like I have a busy schedule right now. I could take you straight home and to school and work." She says honestly, though it's kinda hard to tell. "I might be a lesbian, but I swear I won't do anything else to you." She declares to Amy. "Unless... You want to? Ah, just kidding. So you in? I have a spare helmet."
A young man with a hoodie enters the school, attempting to be as discreet as possible. He takes a look around the surrounding area, seemingly looking for something until he finds what he's looking for. He enters the room Eric is in and sits down. Eric turns around, confused, thinking that he is another new student. "Uhh, who are you?" He asks.
"Ah, Don't mind me, just looking around. That alright, teach?"
"You need a slip in order to enter a room during lunch time. So... where's your slip?"
"Don't worry about it, I was just leaving." He says, walking out. He makes his way to the cafeteria, looking for something...or someone. The Cafeteria is still full of students wrapping up their lunches and the man takes a look around. He sets his eyes on one table in particular, the one with the Black haired and Brown haired girl next to a girl with a unique blond hairstyle. He sensed something... different between those 3, the Brown and Black haired girls in particular, and starts to approach them. The blond girl looks up ands sees the guy, menacingly approaching the table with an unsettling aura. This is enough to raise a few red flags in her mind, however, there was nothing she could do in public, so she said nothing. The man reaches for something in his pocket and starts to pull it out.

That's enough to send her over the edge.
"Risk it for the Biscuit..." She starts chanting. Her face looked serious.
"Huh? What...are you saying?" The Black haired girl asks, confused on why she's acting weird. Eric arrived shortly after, but it was already too late.
"Risk it for the Biscuit, Ana no Esu!" The two pull out their weapons and approach each other.
"Shit. Get everyone out of there, now!" Reacher exclaims to the staff near him. They oblige and ask the students to evacuate.
"I see... you're... A Full Bringer, aren't you?"
"Yes I am. My name is...Saki Kurosaki... And you ain't getting out of here alive."
"Interesting...however I didn't come here to hunt you." Someone approaches from behind, but he is too slow and the blue haired enemy easily defeats him with a single swing.
"So these are the guys that have Sky Fall trouble?" He says, picking at the corpse. He picks up something of interest.

The Yellow Magia Stone.

"How Pathetic."

Carson King - The Ice Cold Magia

Blessed is the time of lunch. Carson forgot to eat breakfast as he was short on time, only managing a pot of coffee. So he is absolutely delighted to eat something. The reserved seats for the popular kids made for some fine shielding. He thought about maybe joining the other rangers at lunch, but him spending time with them would attract unwanted attention. An arm suddenly wrapping itself around his shoulders disturbs him. "Yo, Carson! How's it going, man?" Ah, here comes the most annoying of them all. "...Was doing fine until you came along, Lucy." The local pretty- not that he himself isn't one - and perfect boy is here. "That's mean, Carson. And don't call me that! I'm Lucius, L-U-C-I-U-S!" Oh boy.

He breathes an irritated sigh. "I know, I know. You don't gotta yell at me. I just like teasing you is all... Lucy," he says, conjuring up a smile. "Hey!" Smack. "Hey, hey..! I'm joking, alright?" He hasn't been able to get rid of Lucius no matter how hard he tries. He does make for good teasing though with how dense he can be. Carson removes the hand which smacked his back from his shoulder. "Anyways... you shouldn't break the heart of every girl that asks you out to the dance, you know." Ah, that. "Not my fault they keep doing it. I've got a reputation for that after all," he bites into his sandwich. "Still..."

Lunch goes as it usually does. He teases the other boy, the other boy gets mad, he apologizes, they talk about meaningless stuff. Repeat. This is just another normal day. If only he could speed up time. Then he could get straight to that power ranger training and he'd get rid of this annoying little man.

He notices the students getting ushered out of the cafeteria. "Something's happened..." Looking closer, he notices a pair of familiar heads. "Oh... Let's get going, Carson. I wonder what this is about..." Lucius says to him. He, however, puts two and two together. This was a villain attack, for sure. "Nah, you get out of here." "But-" "I'll be fine. Go and keep yourself safe, capisce?" He pats the head of the other boy before heading out to check the scene out himself. He looks back to see the other boy looking worried but gestures that it would be okay.

Making his way through the crowd of students, he quickly finds his way to Taro and Amy. "Hey, you two. What's going o-"

What meets his eyes is a blue haired man standing over a corpse. The blonde hair is enough to tell him who it is. "That's... that's Robin, right?" The sight reminds him that this is not all fun and games. Lives are on the line and they've already lost one of their own. "Damn it, why didn't you just wait for us? Shit..." he mutters to himself. The fear is clear but he knows he has to keep himself cool. Like ice. Panicking won't do anything good. He eyes the other girl facing off with the man, but the weapon in her hands tells him that she probably has herself covered. Them on the other hand...


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