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Fantasy Luxor Academy Rewritten -Open-


Hundun - Monster Hunting Professor
  • (Location: ??? )(Mood: Irritated)
    (Interactions: Lyssa, Rina, Ryo, Setsuna )
    (Mentions: ??? )

    Previously at Behemoth Headquarters, Hundun and the others were still mystified at the previous events that had taken place. One moment they were having a pleasant conversation between one another and then suddenly Lyssa arrived promptly ruining their family reunion before taking off in a flash with a 'singing' train and a sentient panda? Whatever the Hell had just happened it was enough to make Ryo relinquish any will to say or do just about anything except for standing in place, slightly shaking from the boiling rage that was swirling within his chest. A one-thousand yard stare glazed over Ryo's eyes as a questionable look shadowed his expression, confusion wrapped around his physique like a snug blanket while Hundun continued to look around back and forth between Setsuna and Rina as if he were trying to look for some sort of a resolution to the dilemma at hand but both of them couldn't help themselves but shrug. "Welp, i'm going back to bed" Setsuna let out a tiresome yawn, kissing Ryo on the cheek before squeezing Rina with a loving hug and departing from the conversation, leaving only Rina until she decided to split as well. "Uh, is my father going to be okay Paps?" Hundun's focus switched back to Rina whom at the time was trying to 'wake' up her father by creating a snapping gesture with her fingers in-front of his face only to go without success. Ruffling through his locks of unorganized hair with his bear-like hand, Hundun reassured Rina with a faint smirk that fleeted from his complexion after turning around to face the nearest exit. "He'll be fine, he just needs a moment that's all.. As for me? Well I guess it just means that I have to finish some work up at Luxor Academy, i'll be seeing you around." Hundun spoke as he walked away, only creating a short-distance away from both of them but was stopped in his tracks once his foot had made contact with the outside. He discovered that Rina's had wrapped her arms around his waist, a feeling of heartache washed over the young lady's face as he peered over his shoulder. "Don't go... You're always working! Can't we all just spend one day together, as a family?"

    Hundun's gut immediately wretched in pain, guilt tumbled around in his stomach like a washing machine as he helplessly watched Rina on the verge of tears, still clinging onto Hundun's waist as if it were a part of her. Unexpectedly she opened her eyes to see Hundun's rough thumb brushing away the visible tears in the corners of her eyes, his savage facade fading away as he spun around to face Rina, kneeling down to her level and staring back at her as he 'looked' inside himself, attempting to figure out what to say. "You shouldn't worry Rina, it's only one day! Besides i'll make sure that this weekend we'll all be spending some time together, as a family. But for now you're going to have to look after your father to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, okay?" His reassuring words let a sniffle out from Rina as she nodded, a soft innocent smile replacing her frown as she loosened her tightened grip around his waist before letting him go, Hundun's massive physique soon vanishing from her sight as she waved a heartfelt goodbye to her grandfather who disappeared within the blink of an eye, returning back to Luxor Academy but instead of being in his classroom he was now towering over Lyssa with a frustrated scowl twisting his face as he looked at the insufferable maniac. "Oh uh... Hiya Hooney Dooney! What cowinky dink seeing you here! No hard feelin's about earlier right? Heh.. heh." Her voice shrunk with each word, Lyssa felt completely powerless in the wake of Hundun's absolute wrath, it wouldn't of been too surprising if she were to be embraced by each of his knuckles for ruining what was suppose to be a family reunion until she showed up and messed everything up. "Ff-ine! I'm sorry! I just wanted to drop off Seo like a good girlfriend besides I was just gonna come back to tell the students to leave! Mr. Kitty Cat and Peppy la' pew pew were fighting some big ol' gorilla thingy that was trying to eat them!"

    A.. Gorilla? When did Luxor Academy's forest hold Gorillas? Lyssa must've been referring to some sort of abomination that looked like one, last time Hundun checked Gorillas weren't in this part of the region to begin with neither did they consume flesh or meat unless they were desperate, even for omnivores they still prefer to eat fruits and vegetables over most meats. Whatever that 'gorilla thingy' was, it must've been transported here by unorthodox means. "What do you mean, a Gorilla? Where did it even come from?" He asked, crossing his muscular arms onto of each other while interrogating Lyssa who kind of just slunk back against the trunk of a large oak tree. "Okay maybe it wasn't a gorilla, I don't know what it was! It came out of some giant swirling magic hole behind this little ol' tree here! I was kind of just using it to fish! But after hearing something go Raaooaaaaaarr! I kinda just skeddadled, that's when the mean monkey man showed up!" She truly did have a way with words, especially when it came to using them to waste his time. "Inter-dimensional portal on campus grounds? Only a few of us are capable of that magic, not even the students can do that." Hundun eagerly bumped pass Lyssa's shoulder as he made it behind the oak tree to examine the eerie vortex that had created these strange creatures. Shifting colors, sounds, and even barely audible words emerged from the depths of the portal giving off the impression that the other-side of the entrance was continuously changing its location which in itself needed a great deal of energy, one that couldn't of been created by anyone of this realm. "The Hell..?!" Hundun's voice shook as a pale-colored hand flung out from the vortex, digging its extensive fingernails deep within his forearm and tugging him within the confines of the mystical aperture before Lyssa could get a chance to pull him back, a sickening feminine laughter zipped from out of the portal before eventually closing in on itself and leaving Lyssa flabbergasted and slightly panicking.

    "Ah! Oh um, Hooney Dooney?! You can come out now! Er... Cicero!" Not knowing what to do Lyssa instinctively called for help, running in the direction of where Cicero was formerly doing battle before accidentally slamming into him and causing both of them to topple over one another until they lost momentum. "Oh no! Cicero are you alright?" Lyssa asked, swiftly shaking the dazed and confused Cicero whom at the moment was trying to regain any composure he had before Lyssa had showed up. "Ugh, yes I was until you charged into me! What's going on?" He asked, sitting upright beside Tarrare and rubbing his head. "Okay so i was just minding my own business with Boshie and we were playing a game of who could eat the bark off of trees the fastest but then we got bored and so we crashed a train into Ryo's house but he got really upset so we left and then we gave the student's pizzas an-" Not wanting to worsen his headache, Cicero 'wapped' Lyssa upside the head with his tail making the insane Goddess yelp and stumble backwards. "Get.. To.. The.. Point.." Cicero aggressively mewed, making Lyssa frantically crawl up to him and Tarrare. "Hundun got sucked into a portal!" Great just another thing for the cat to deal with! Not only did he have to get back to class but now he had to explain to Luxor that one of teachers winded up falling into a portal! Cicero couldn't believe that Hundun went back to work despite being told not to, stubborn bastard. "Seems like both of us gotta tell Luxor the bad news, since you've already took a few snags out of that one beast you ripped the arm off of, i'm sure we can wait a bit on lunch... Maybe we'll get sent to search for him and you'll get more things to take a bite out of." This might've just been the worse day ever, at this rate he'll never get in his well deserved cat-nap!

    YungJazz YungJazz , Marumatsu Marumatsu , Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
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Kagami Enoshima-Magic Class

Kagami moved quickly to the side as she felt air swoop down beside her. She looked over to the figures who fell from the portal. She flew over to the boy who apologised for almost crushing her. "That's alright darling," Kagami squeaked in her bat form. She started sparkle until a white cloud revealed her human form. "This is certianly a interesting way to enter class. Don't you agree?" Kagami said as she brushed her fingers through her black hair. The vampire glanced over to Katashi and Aiko to see if they were alright before sitting on the chair next to the newly broken one. Kagami picked up the wand that was provided on the desk and began to play with it.
Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
(Small post for Kagami. Now onto Christina)
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Cody and Akemi
Magic class

Cody picks up the wand and sighs. He sets it down and leans back. He wouldn't be caught dead using one. Surprisingly Akemi arrives earlier than expected and sits at the far back. She wouldn't use magic either. So she just stares at the wand. As they both think, Cody and Akemi, if they can use magic without the wand then they'd be happy to learn. But using the sticks to do something seemed childish to them. Neither like the idea of having to ready a wand to use magic. It's like a gun. You need to draw, aim and make sure you wanna use either of them on the target. If someone has a wad out already... It wouldn't end well for the student who needs to bring it up, out or whatever. All in all, Cody already knows fire magic, and Akemi would only go for illusion magic.

Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Crow after getting hit by the monkey in the head crow knew he had to have fun with all five of them he wiped the blood from his head and all the monkey's started to jumped in circle's moneky 1 that was still chained was being led around by crow and in a instant crow pulled him toward's him and punched it in the stomack making it scream in pain and then vomit " now now don't you like playing with me after all i am your food right right" then Monkey 2 came swinging at him from the left and monkey 3 came from the right. " tch tch think before you act mindless chimp's " crow took out a tonfa and summoned small dark purple ball's that flooted around him and he hit one with the tonfa sending it flying into one of the money's mouth monkey 3 to be exact and then it started to expand. He then released monkey 1 that fell to the ground moaning and suffering in pain because of how hard he got hit "see the thing is you five don't know that i am a monster much more fierce than you five and that big one that the cat is going to eat alive put together" Monkey 4 and 5 started to throw small bolder's towards Crow that he crushed with the flying spiked balls that started to grow bigger and bigger. Monkey 3 died from the expanding purple spiked ball that paired him from the inside and out disappeared. " hmm it vanished well if I can't drag your body's ill just capture one of you " said crow while his smirk grew wider and more sinister than before after Monkey 1 is in the ground unconscious and monkey 3 died in a horrible way monkey 4 2 and 5 started to attack while fearing death is right in front of them. " ohh this is very intresting I can see the fear in your eye's but you three don't know what it is intresting normaly even monster's know what Fear is I should capture at least one of you alive " Crow then instantly moved slowly making it look like he was defenles all three monkey's jump at him at the same time but crow stoped and Hit one of his Spike balls hitting monkey 5 pushing him to a tree and started to expand and killing it the other two monkey's hit crow but he blocked it with his tonfa then in an instant he lets go and starts to beat monkey 2 bashing his head in with his tonfas he then stared at monkey 4 he Fused al of the remaining spiked purple balls and it started to grow and grow " Now your the one that hit me in the head so I am going to give you your prize for that " then it started to destroy everything in its way " Good job on making me bleed monkey here is your reward" after it screamed for a minute. crow went to monke1 that was fainted in the ground and chained it up and started to drag it towards Ceciro and Tarrare seeing them talking and noticed something like nothing before " Hey Cicero is it me or did Hundun Disappear from this Dimension. and Lyssa shit " Crow can't handle a nut like her well because she love's his nightmare's like pets so it annoyed him " why are you here. and I got you a present for you Cicero what is this monkey is it from the forest. it never felt fear before. have you seen it before."
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
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It was interesting, seeing a sexy lady acting like a cowgirl and beating up spiders, along with a giant pink apron wearing spider beat up the mama spider, followed by having what smelled like pizza being deposited onto his head, and finally being whisked off into a portal to be deposited into another classroom. This all happened in the span of a minute, leaving Tobin completely disoriented as he looked around the room trying to get used to this sudden new environment.

For a moment, Tobin forgot about the pizza sitting on his head as he swiveled around. A bit too late, Tobin felt the pizza move off his head, and with a plunging feeling in his heart, Tobin watched, unable to act, as the pizza box fell off of his head, landing on the floor and spilling out, the sauce smearing into the floor and the toppings falling off. It was a great loss, as Tobin was really looking forward to filling the starving empty hole in his stomach

Tobin wanted to scream. Scream in horror, agony, and grief. But being the calm and collected person he was, Tobin couldn't do that. Instead, he quietly picked up his ruined pizza and with difficulty threw it into the trash. Without saying anything, Tobin grabbed his suitcase, turret, and modified gun, and found himself a seat and waited for further instructions.

As he waited, he became acutely aware of what class he was in. Was this... Magic class? No, it couldn't be. It had to be a mistake. Why the hell was he enrolled in the magic class? It had to be a mistake, right? How could he escape? Would pretending to faint work? It would bring him to the nurse's office, where he could just say that he was hungry or something, and then get a bite to eat as well as ditch class.

"Why am I here?" Tobin heard someone say loudly behind him. It was a scrawny but muscular boy with pitch black hair and a look of playfulness on his face, "Am I supposed to be here? I don't think I feel so goooo--" Suddenly the boy sways back and forth and dramatically collapses

"Dang it," Tobin muttered to himself. The boy had taken away his idea, right before he could use it. There was only one option left. He would sit around, and try to pretend that he had magical powers.
((I'm not tagging everyone))
Christina Blood- Magic Class
"I don't care for your excuses." The witch muttered. Christina stumbled a little with Samson's sudden appearance. "N-no problem Samson. The new arrivals haven't missed a thing."The blood witch twirled a lock of her hair with her right pinky. She damned that charming smile and that stupid wink of his." I don't need much help so you can carry on whatver you were doing before" Christina said, hoping he would leave. She always felt something odd around the white haired man when he was around her.

Christina moved infront of her desk so she could address the arrivals."Alright kits, I see some of you already started without me giving any instuctions." Christina looked at Delora before giving her attention back to the others. " I'll explain what you're going to do today. It's simple. You will learn these four spells and use them to defeat a certian opponent." The chalk that layed on the railing of the chalkboard floated up and began to write the instructions for each spell.

Levitation- Focus on the object of importance. Pretend the object is light as feather and slowly raise your wand upward. You could say Leviosa if you want to but it only adds to making the spell look cool.

(Casting fire) Fire balls- You will have to focus some energy into this one. Focus on a image of a ball of fire and say "ignis balosa." Remeber to focus on the size of the fireball. I don't want you frying the other students. Please refrain from pointing the fire projection at other students.

Barrier- Draw a circle with your wand in the air. Focus on a image of a shield. You will slowly see a blue light surrond you. Barriers take a lot of energy to hold but can be useful to block aerial attacks.

Duplication- I'll summon an apple for you to duplicate. Point your wand at the apple and say "Effingo Duplicatus!" Imagine you are a mirror and you are creating a reflection of the item infront of you.

Christina snapped her fingers, making shiny red apples appear on every desk. "You have 30 minutes to master each spell before you put them in to use. Remeber, participation makes up most of your grade. Now start!" Christina commanded, ignoring that all of her students just fell from the portal she created.
"Use the the dummies in back to practice the fire spell." At the back of the room, there was five metal dummies with painted targets on their tummies

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
Zenpai Zenpai
Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
RI.a RI.a
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Cody and akemi
Magic class

Cody stood up and walked to the back, he faced one of the dummies and held his hand out like a finger gun, his thumb went down and out came a fire ball, slamming dead center, melting the metal a bit and smiled. "Really I don't need to learn some of these spells, and the rest i probably won't use. So I'll just sit it out." Cody said and walked back to his seat. Akemi also sat out, not even attempting any of them. She thought using spell words were kinda, inconvenient. She's quick and meant to attack fast. Cody just doesn't want to learn more magic... Could also be because of what he is. His inner demon is trustworthy, but giving someone so evil, no matter how they act now... Power can corrupt the mind, and an evil beings mind, can be corrupted easier..
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Solemn Jester Solemn Jester
Zenpai Zenpai
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Mitchs98 Mitchs98
RI.a RI.a
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Aiko Kirishima


Aiko could already do those without the need of a wand but since the teacher instructed her to use the wand, she obeyed holding the wand but not really doing much with it. Kagami may notice her just moving her mouth quickly to use an incantation and the object provided began to float as if it was suspended in 0 gravity. She had also acquired a cloak and a hat. Where? Who knows? She began to wave her wand upwards just for show clearly. Next was fire balls. She stood up and took her wand. she simply used an incantation and fireballs started shooting out of the wand. This was however not the Magic Christina expected as the fire balls were green and the dummy she was using melted into molten metal a bright hot red glowing like visible.

Kisaki Kisaki

Cicero ~ Monster Hunting Assistant
  • (Location: Luxor Forest, Luxor Academy )(Mood: Concerned)
    (Interactions: Tarrare and Crow )
    (Mentions: Hundun )

    So far it was only Cicero, Tarrare, and Lyssa that knew of Hundun's disappearance, as for Luxor himself? It'd be best not to inform him, not that Cicero would wish to be disobedient to his master but it would most likely conclude in a full-on lockdown which in itself would product panic from student and possibly teachers! Someone as powerful as Hundun being potentially kidnapped by an otherworldly force would just create a demoralizing effect, one that'd only hold negative outcomes for the future. "This isn't good." For a moment Cicero entangled himself in possible schemes while strutting around against the underbrush, leaves parted between the pads of his toes as his temples pulsed. Almost every idea that popped up in the troubled cat's mind was immediately tossed into the far reaches of his mind, at this point grasping at straws felt like it'd be an easier solution although it'd just end up failing like the previous plans that he had in mind, perhaps they could've questioned that hulking gorilla creature if it weren't for the fact that it's now attached to Tarrare's back in a state of utter trauma out after losing an appendage to the Luxor Academy's finest cook. He never could wrap his head around that individual, every sentiment produced by that 'person' only gave birth to a certain sickly atmosphere that shrouded everyone around Tarrare with a sense of unease but that could've just been his sharkish smile that was always present or his remorseless way of execution where he was said to devour whatever unlucky creature got in the way of his large appetite. Cicero wasn't exactly focused too much on questioning Tarrare about his methods, after-all he was never a saint himself when it came to these sorts of things and it would be hypocritical to simply judge someone for such brutality when all those awful sins are crawling up your spine, digging deeper with each reminder of the past.
    "Hm.. Oh, Crow?" Thankfully for Cicero's sake, Crow was there to interrupt his deliberation of the past with his lackadaisical stroll from the corner of his eye as he trawled in one of the abominations that he was fighting against earlier, fortunately this one gave the impression of being alive from the lack of abrasions or lacerations not being present on its body. Must've been intuition that led him to the idea of Hundun's disappearance, not surprising as it was one of the many gifts that Crow was blessed with! Like always, Lyssa was thrilled to see what she felt to be a living bird-man because of her unfortunate representation of his name. "BIRD!" She squealed, clapping her hands together like a ridiculous cymbal monkey before attempting to leap off towards Crow only to have her motivation dropped by Cicero after using his agile tail as an obstacle to trip-up the woman, making Lyssa dramatically plummet head-first into the soft ground beneath her feet which enveloped her head from the neck up... Why couldn't she have just been an Ostrich instead? She was far better at it, far less annoying too. "And they say Cats need leashes, hmph." Now that nuisance known as Lyssa was temporarily 'disabled' it was soon discovered that the motionless creature Crow was dragging behind was now barely conscious as it begun twitching its limbs from side to side, wondering where it was at before letting out a frantic array of unintelligible barbaric noises through it's slobbery may. "Eh?" Marginally coming as a surprise to him, he could actually understand half of what he was saying! Must've been one of the perks of being a supernatural irradiated cat... thing. Knowing that it's savage dialogue can be translated to some degree, Cicero planted himself down in the tall-grass only a few meters away from the beast before vigorously engaging himself in a conversation with the creature which only lasted a good minute or two before the ape-like monster let out a manical laughter, almost mocking Cicero until being rendered comatose by a swift headbutt from the vexed feline.

    A hard-sounding 'crunch' echoed in the trees as the monster collapsed onto the twigs, snapping them as it drifted away into a deep sleep and leaving Cicero fuming with barely controllable rage. "Such an unsavory being.. I was able to only get a name from the beast before it managed to get on my last nerve." Adding insult to injury, Cicero cautiously leapt up onto the sleeping creature's head and used his hind paws to bury its head further into the ground before placing his bottom-end on the back of its head. Giving himself a moment to catch his own breathe, Cicero casted his sights back onto Tarrare and Crow before clearing his throat and informing them of the situation at hand. "It's clear that this wasn't an accident, Hundun was targeted. As soon as he gotten close to the portal he was tugged in, these monkeys were just a distraction, they wanted us preoccupied." What a fool... He should've known that they were being set-up from the start! "Christina Blood must know how to reach Hundun, whether it be contacting him or sending one of us to get him, she's the only person who understands these portals better than anyone." Damn, why did it have to be that stubborn wench? Out of all the magical entities at our school it could've been someone who was a bit more tolerant. A cold-sweat was already working itself up Cicero as he imagined having to make some kind of compromise with her like finding a giant's toe or something ridiculous like that! Overall it was going to be a pain in the ass, at least she was easy on the eyes even if she was being intolerable! Oh well, even if it didn't have to do with Hundun's disappearance Cicero would've done it for free anyway, it wasn't too hidden that he had a crush on that damned enchantress.

    - Transition to Hundun's perspective -

    What was this? This, this definitely wasn't Luxor Academy or anything like it! Clanging of sickening instruments followed by the banging of war-drums flooded Hundun's ears as he awoke, a spine-chilling note of a devilish violin sent rapid feelings of nausea throughout his veins, spreading throughout his body like a venomous bite as blurred sights invaded his mind along with the silhouette of a woman fading in and out in-front of him like an Euclid dream. "This had to have been an illusion, a dream?" Clenching his canine teeth together, Hundun felt a warm sensation being ripped out of his body as if his energy itself was being drained from his very soul. Such agonizing pain nearly brought him to scream out in terror but as he did, his lungs only tightened as if it were restrained in a vice, each word fell on deaf ears as the vile-looking woman approached him, caressing his face with her long fingernails with a soft chuckle. "You're awake, good." Despite the disorienting feeling overcoming him, Hundun could still make out the inky-haired witch massaging his cheek. Those blood-soaked eyes spiraling in darkness mixed with that ashy skin, could it of been a demon? Whatever it was, it couldn't of been, it was too vile for even a title such as that.

    This disgusting thing was beginning to get on his last nerves, berating him with this false feeling of love only made him angrier as he tried to stumble onto his feet only to nearly collapse before using as nearby pillar as a way to support himself. "Ooooh? Resilient aren't we?" Every fiber in his body thirsted for this woman's death as she laughed at him struggling to reach for his hefty weapon strapped to his backside. Cracking of bones riddled through his arm as he tried pulling the massive weapon out from its sheathe, a yelp of pain soared out from his mouth as he crashed back down onto the ground making him recoil in agony as he viciously glared at the maniacal lady before him. "What did you do to me?!" He couldn't believe that his strength was almost nil, what had she done? What was this Hell?! Never did he felt so feeble in his entire life, it was almost like being compared to a human with how much power he had left in his body.

    "Now now, is that anyway to greet the merciful Queen Dabria? I guess it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that your powers have been zapped to oblivion, widdled away like a starving child." Dabria replied, her voice soon growing colder as she made her way back to the guarded throne while dangling a straw-made doll in the palm of her hand, waving it proudly around for Hundun before creeping a pin into the doll's hand causing his wails of pain to tremble as she scarred an insignia into the doll's wrist. "Hehe, for someone so tough you scream quite a bit.. It's kind of cute." She whispered, twirling the bloodied pin in-between her fingers in delight. "Y'know, i'd be a bit more grateful if I were you! You get to be my little pawn even though I wasn't aiming to kidnap you in the first place! Luxor was my original target, such beautiful wings he has... But I guess you'll have to suffice as a play-thing for now.." Queen Dabria? Hundun had no idea who this woman was but the way she looked at him made his skin crawl in displeasure.
    Solemn Jester Solemn Jester , kenchin kenchin
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Delora Melanthe and Faraday Barrow
Location: Magic Class
Interactions: open

Delora looked up from her book and glanced at the target dummies the teacher had indicated. She had already proved capable of summoning flames, so she just looked back down at her book and continued reading.

Faraday, in his desperate attempt to avoid further awkward conversation, stumbled through his next spell. "Effingo Duplicatus!" He said, following the teacher's instructions. He wasn't entirely sure he had done it right until another apply appeared. He let out a small sigh of relief, seeing he accomplished his task.
He now had hope that he might do well in this class. Passing didn't seem like that much of a distant goal. He wasn't really born for magic, as his powers were just like another part of him that he'd always had. He didn't know if he'd do that well in magic, but he didn't think he'd fail as much anymore.
He slowly paced over to the dummies the professor had provided. He raised the wand in his hand, pointing it at the dummy. "ignis balosa." He said under his breath. nothing happened. He tried again, louder this time. The wand shuddered in his hand before releasing a small fireball that flew towards the dummy. It hit the target and died against it, leaving a dark scorch mark on it. Faraday didn't expect the dummy to burst into flames, and was happy he was able to get the spell to work in the first place.
He went back to the place where he had sat previously and prepared for the next spell. He spun his wand in a circle and focused on the image of a shield, as was instructed. As the teacher had said, the blue light slowly began to appear, surrounding him. He didn't hold on that long, as the professor had told them it would consume a lot of energy, and he didn't want to risk causing trouble for himself by draining the school's electronics.
He sat back down in his chair, deciding to just wait for the end of the class.
Kagami Enoshima-Magic Class

Kagami moved quickly to the side as she felt air swoop down beside her. She looked over to the figures who fell from the portal. She flew over to the boy who apologised for almost crushing her. "That's alright darling," Kagami squeaked in her bat form. She started sparkle until a white cloud revealed her human form. "This is certianly a interesting way to enter class. Don't you agree?" Kagami said as she brushed her fingers through her black hair. The vampire glanced over to Katashi and Aiko to see if they were alright before sitting on the chair next to the newly broken one. Kagami picked up the wand that was provided on the desk and began to play with it.
Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
(Small post for Kagami. Now onto Christina)
Location: Luxor/Magic Class
Ciel was relieved that Kagami wasn't angry with him, or that she hadn't tried to attack him, and well above all that he hadn't crushed her in his bat form. He nodded in agreement however as he spoke, "Mmmm...I guess that's one way to put it." He replied with a heavy sigh. He leaned against the desk, considering her was now without a chair. Lu couldn't help but grin and giggle at the whole ordeal, earning a glare from Ciel which she in turn poked her tongue out at him. Nonetheless they both would focus their attention on the teacher and subsequently the wands presented to them. Lu stared at the stick curiously, tilting her head at it. She had absolutely no idea why this was a thing, thinking the magic class would of focused on them honing their current abilities....but hey it couldn't hurt to get more powerful right? Though she technically didn't need to learn the fireball spell...she would anyways since it was for class.

"Welp, let's do this I guess." She spoke, mostly to herself, finishing her pizza and taking up the wand. Needless to say...neither were really all that great at well, any of it really. It was harder than it looked, though luckily they eventually got the hang of it. Lu would go first in their demonstration with the fireballs, followed by Ciel. Ciel was of course the better marksman with them, seeing as well; that was sort of his thing to begin with. All in all it'd come down to what the teacher thought of what they'd done really, so after they were finished they sat back and waited. Ciel soon noticed Aiko's, well...work? Disintegration of the dummy? Clearly putting way to much power into it? Regardless of what happened...Ciel backed away a bit from the female, not sure if she could fully control her magic and thus not wanting to end up like the training dummy.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto @everyoneelse​

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