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Fantasy Luxor Academy OOC

Remeber to post your cs in the character section.
Crow opens the door slamming it wide open with force to intentionally to break it. *hey you look nervous are you worried about the puny brats because if you are I can tell you who to look out for* he sits down while eating a fruite sunday with a small bird in his sholder* or even better I can traumatize them so I can feed some more* said Crow while he took a seat in luxor office*
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Woo! Luxor Academy is back in action! Also I believe it's time to bring back the Tumbleweed meme!
I think Luxor Academy had the Tumbleweed meme, if not we're having it anyway!
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Okay so i've got Semester 1 finished..

Semester 1 Classes:
1. Monster Hunting ~ Hundun (Assistant Teach: Cicero)
2. Magic Class ~ Reserved by Kisaki
3. Alchemy Class ~ Reserved by Coyote Hart
4. Combative Class ~ Reserved by Axel Hazaki
5. Traversing Class (Agility) ~ Reserved by Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

Semester 2 Classes: (still working on)
1. Survival Class - Reserved by Solemn Jester

Semester 3 Classes: (still working on)

Those who are teachers of Semester 1, just inform me in discord and i'll add you.

Here's a list of Luxor Academy important peeps.
Principal - Luxor.
Vice Principal - TBA
Head of Disciplinary Actions - TBA
Head of Security - Cicero
Librarian - Aiko
Head Chef - TBA
Construction Chief - TBA
Nurse/Doctor - TBA
(Still more to be added, non-taken roles will have temporary NPCs.)

Students may take on roles of lesser jobs. Let it be known that if a student wishes to become a teacher, they must go through Luxor first.
The scholar must have enough aptitude to take on the role.
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Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto

If anything I believe the Dorms should be made after Luxor gives off the introduction.
Probably welcoming all the students to Luxor Academy with a song and dance.
Topping it off with a spinning cane trick and a couple of fireworks.
I nominate swordplay class in third semester (by Zac Rossman) and Defensive Combat for second semester (Troy Sharp)
Okay the bus is here! Which also means all the new students have arrived! Time to get crack-a-lackin'
Feel free to introduce your characters to one another, i'm sure the near death experience will bond you all together
quite nicely. :)
THERE'S A DISCORD???!!! WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN NOTIFIED OF THIS? I DEMAND ENTRANCE IMMEDIATELY!!! Heheheheh, just joshing ya! Although I do intend on joining so look forward to rping.
Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs Salt Lord Salt Lord
Also uh, if you guys aren't busy feel free to join this if you're interested.
It maybe an Academy RP but it's purty fun.

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